THARGOID TITANS DESROYEDThese are the Thargoid Titans I helped to destroy in chronological order: 1. Hadad @ HIP 30377 on 24 MAY 3310 2. Thor @ Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5 on 15 AUG 3310 3. Raijin @ Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-3 on 24 OCT 3310
BLACK HOLESThese are the black holes that I have discovered during my exploration travels in chronological order: 1. HYPIO PROO LM-W F1-174 A (October 7, 3309) 2. PHROEA FLYA AF-A F594 A (October 12, 3309)
CRYSTALINE SHARDSThese are the bodies with Crystaline Shards that I have discovered during my exploration travels in chronological order: 1. Engoks QT-H c26-0 B 11 b (November 25, 3308) 2. Engoks QT-H c26-0 B 11 d (November 25, 3308)
WATER WORLDSThese are the Water Worlds that I have discovered and mapped during my exploration travels in chronological order: 1. HEGOEA CY-G B38-2 (July 31, 3307) System Map *** In this system you can find all the materials for FSD Injections *** 2. DRYOEA...
AMMONIA WORLDS These are the Ammonia Worlds that I have discovered and mapped during my exploration travels in chronological order: 1. WEQU FU-Y C14-19 AB 5 (September 22, 3307) System Map 2. DRYI AEC UN-B C13-0 4 (February 3, 3308) System Map 3. ENGOFS...
EARTH-LIKE WORLDSThese are the Earth-Like Worlds that I have discovered and mapped during my exploration travels in chronological order: 1. WEQU FU-Y C14-19 AB 3 (September 22, 3307) System Map 2. SCHEE FLYI IQ-Z C15-1366 AB 4 (September 29, 3307) *** This ELW...
BIGGEST SYSTEM DISCOVERED SO FAR!SPONGUAE BB-O D6-4 95 bodies Discovered on July 3, 3308 *** In this system you can find all the materials for FSD Injections ***
NEUTRON STARSThese are the Neutron Stars that I have discovered during my exploration travels in chronological order: 1. PHOI AEC QK-V D3-1 (February 13, 3308) System Map 2. PHOI AEC VQ-T D4-1 (February 13, 3308) System Map 3. ENGOKS GY-G D11-1 A (November...
WHITE DWARVESThese are the White Dwarves that I have discovered during my exploration travels in chronological order: 1. PHOI AEC ZW-R D5-0 (February 13, 3308) 2. PHOI AEC VQ-T D4-0 (February 13, 3308) 3. HYPIO PROO EV-G D10-78 A (October 7, 3309)