Traveling to Graea Hypue to assist with mapping for IGAU3:13 PM 8/17/2021 I just sold about 22.6 M of exploration data at Eagle Sector Secure Facility, Eagle Sector IR-W d1-105. I will now continue making my way to Graea Hypue. I will be surveying and mapping on the way but I could travel faster if I am needed. ...
Bleia Dryiae Glowing Green GiantThis is pretty cool. A glowing green hydrogen-helium gas giant. Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1
Cerberus Pyramio GO-K c24-8Visiting the landable moon (Pyramio GO-K c24-8 ABC 1A) in orbit of the earth-like planet. It has a great view of the nearby nebula. I have not seen the Cat's Paw Nebula. I think I'll head over there...
Collecting Some materials...Phantom's Wanderings - Stopped at SYSTEM: Greae Dryoae PX-X b32-1; BODY: Greae Dryoae PX-X b32-1 1 to stock up on some mats in case I need them for repairs along the way. Now off again to Cerberus Pyramio GO-K c24-8. I'm guessing about 2K LY.
Phantom's Wanderings 2nd stop, Ice Giant at Pyroifoea CP-X c2-4Phantom's Wanderings 2nd stop, Ice Giant at Pyroifoea CP-X c2-4
Phantom's Wanderings First stop on my solo expedition Red PlanetFirst stop Flyeia Hypai FH-X c17-16 V Red Planet
Apollo 15 Anniversary Expedition CompletedThe Apollo 15 Anniversary Expedition is completed. I met a lot of great people and learned a lot. I am going to do some more exploring and site seeing on my own. Synchronized Landing CMZRf9RqM6s Mass Jump rxfntxMZsH0 I was the last one out, but...
Krait Phantom build finished ready to head outI have spent the past few months banking credits and preparing to do some exploring. I bought a Krait Phantom and spent a lot of time connecting with engineers, collecting materials and engineering it. DESCRIPTION: MASS: MAX 364.9; FUEL 32; CARGO...
Switching from rescue to medical supply delivery.I have transported over 8,000 refugees from the damaged starport Li Qing Jao in the Sol System to Rescue Ship - Li Qing Jao. Safeguard Interstellar has informed me it requires deliveries of medicines to treat casualties from the NMLA's recent terrorist...