Starting a new dayNoragnir sighed as he made his way into the cockpit of The Huginn the deck of the Python class ship far larger than his usual ship The Muninn. "Well if I didn't spend so much time in the other I would likely be used to it by now. He said softly as...
Wolfsttag log #3It's been a while since I did one of these logs didn't think about it while I was out in the black. The trip was short for most, but for a first trip outside of the bubble proper, it was interesting indeed. I had some hell when I returned through a number...
Wolfsttag's Log #2Well well, imagine my surprise when I am turning in regular old exploration data and got pinged to be the first to map a planet. I am very much surprised indeed I was in the bubble after all I just decided to make my way to a more distant planet. I suppose...
Wolfsttag's Log #1I can finally start my log back up now that I have settled on a station that I have grown rather fond of after jumping around constantly for the last few years. The place doesn't have the best selection of things I suppose, but the view of that earth=like,...