We tried to deliver, but you were out.... [Day 4]Lockdown wasn't lifted, so , tonight was all about doing an Amazon Delivery Strategy at CB-10 (knock on the airlock, drop the mugs, and run away with a 'when you were out' note), down the line to CB-13, and CB-13 needs the same leave it on the step to...
Knock Knock, Who's There? [Day 3]And with that I come to a big problem. The system with mega ship CB-10 is in lockdown, and the market is closed. So, shall I wait it out until the lockdown clears? Given I have some work to do IRL, that feels like a good idea. Stream Link For The Mug...
Settling In [Day 2]Now the excitement of starting the trip is over, let's just, well, get used to a month of this. I'm starting to get a feel of *where* a landing pad is on a mega ship, which saves a lot of time. It's also the first Phase 3 Ocellus Starwort on the trip...
Go Go Go [Day 1]And with that, we're off. The first load of Mugs and Gin are loaded into the Sidewinder at Hutton Orbital, and I head down to Alcor and MacDonald Station to start the trip with a donation to the Brewer Corp Colonia Bridge Museum. It's a double load of...
Final preparations for the "For The Mug" Colonia Bridge Delivery Run {Prologue]For the mug! Preparing to depart for Colonia with a metric tonne (err near 200 tonnes) of mugs and gin to drop off along the way. Getting everything in position to depart, the final loading of the carrier, and a test of the long-range Sidewinder await....
Who Gets To Jump Further?A final little push to make sure I passed the mark in the recent CG, and the new shiny super-duper-long-range FSD drives are sitting in Alcor, waiting to be fitted to my ships. It would be an easy decision to put the 6A in the Exploraconda and head back...
Called back to The BubbleI was going to stay out exploring The Formidine Rift and reach the one year anniversary of leaving The Bubble, but my CMDR in arms called me back - how did I fancy a ten percent boost to my FSD? All I had to do wwas shift enough cargo for Brewer Corps'...
A Shakedown Flight To HellAt some point I'm going off into the black, and I don't expect to get back to The Bubble for months. And that's fine, my alt/sister is going to stay around and keep an eye on things. But me? I'm going exploring. But nobody is crazy enough to just...