It Begins Again"They're testing me." The man in the black suit looked at me and then back to Coral, who continued to stare off into space. "They were civilians." "What do you mean they're testing you?" He looked at me then back to Coral,...
Excision and EgressThe man in the black suit shrugged his shoulders. Coral looked at me before quickly lowering her eyes and pursing her lips. News on GALNET just broke about the Imperial Senate's fact-finding mission to the Marlinist colonies and the opening of formal...
A Black Hole?"Where'd you go, Cadence?" The man in the black suit looked relatively disinterested. The explorers stopping through Achenar mentioned some planetary collision in KOI 413, so I went to check it out. "I was following up on a lead."...
If I Could Brush Her Hair With Just The Right MagnetThe message subject line read: "PSSSSSSSSSST" It contained only a single photo It was followed up with another message, with the subject line "I look totally great in this light" It also contained only a single photo ...
Best Way To Start A Hike Is The First StepMe, Coral, and the man in the black suit didn't do much but sit around for a day, following the Imperial diplomat excusing us from the need to pursue the findings with any support from the Imperial family or the Empire. Every so often the man in the black...
Ingrates, Every One Of ThemI looked away, immediately, without breaking from attention. I could feel the goose pimples on my arms and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Two seconds into the conversation, and I was fighting off the tickle in my stomach and the slight curl...
We're Not Exactly Impatient, As Much As Extremely CuriousThe suits were frantic when Coral and I left the man in the black suit's side. We'd been given little information beyond what the man in the black suit had already spoken to us about when we'd finally arrived at Mackenzie Relay: 1. Our ships were all...
Rumors Of My Death Have Been Statistically Regressing"Did we get into a fight last night?" Coral still looked groggy as she wiped her eyes and squinted back at me. She'd always been a heavy sleeper and after I woke up I grabbed her by the foot and dragged her out of Ovid and into one of her Keystones....
Wheels within wheels"Twist off the ends of the wires and screw the panel on. You should be good to go." Coral was sweating and her eyes looked unfocused. I'd been alternating between driving in circles and napping in my SRV for a few days before she finally sent...
Well... hmmmSo... hmmm... I was doing some independent exploration in the ETA Carina nebula when I got a holofac request from the man in the black suit marked "Urgent." I sent a comms message over, letting him know I was on vacation and received an immediate...