The Dinner-Plates Are Shifting"Cadence..." The pitch of his voice raised slightly at the end and he overly accentuated the A-sound. I could see the brief flashes of hurried movement entering and exiting the holo's sensor-range and what sounded like an engineer's tool...
Thinking back, he'd never left me with such a cold look in his eyes"Is that really why?" "mmhmmm" The man in the black suit stood on the platform looking at me. His eyes were squinting and his eyebrows were pushed together and slightly raised in the middle of his forehead and his mouth was slightly...
CMDR Half-Lock of NAIN, IncorporatedShe froze, her eyes wide with fear, and her breath caught in her throat for a moment. She spoke in an unemotional and paced manner. "I'm sorry. Would you repeat that." I stifled a chuckle while watching her trying to compose herself. ...
Vengeance BeginsAfter Mr. Jerkpants' little hissy fit, for which he apologized but only to yell at me for another 15 minutes about some nonsense about the organization's political neutrality and the need to abide by the orders coming from he and the other suits who have...
Inspired Leadership, I guessHe came aboard the Ovid almost as soon as I docked in Cemiess. He had that big dumb smile on his face and was in the black suit again rather than his dumpy flight suit. "Congratulations, Cadence, on your Pilots Federation promotion to the...
200+A couple hundred or so Vequess Brotherhood anarchists and an Imperial Navy Strike contract since the last time I'd spoken to him, and I got another call from the man in the black suit to congratulate me for my promotion to Earl of the Imperial Navy. I...
Its the weirdest thingI'm plodding around Cemiess and the close systems right now, working the odd job here and there. The man in the black suit sent me another holo saying something was up and that The Empress dropped off their radars for a short period of time before...
I am less than comfortable with where I am at the momentSo they assigned me to Cemiess. I'm not exactly happy about this decision. I'm dead in the middle of The Emperor's territory after being frozen out of the ranks for six weeks when, all things considered, I was progressing pretty smoothly. Whatever...
If you kick a space rock and there's no gravity to bring it back to earth, will anyone care?I could smell the onionhead before I stepped into the outfitter's depot. I finally got back from my trip and the first thing in my inbox was another letter from the man in the black suit that basically said, and I'm paraphrasing, "[Go kick rocks...
Taking some time for myself at Dav's HopeThe GALNET entry from the 17th of March started with these lines: The Alliance, Empire and Federation have created a centralised agency dedicated to investigating and eliminating the NMLA paramilitary group. The new Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit...