TRAVEL LOG: DAY 4“WARNING! HEAT TEMPERATURE CRITICAL” comes over the ship’s speaker system. A small cloud of smoke billows from my control panel as I try to will the thrusters to accelerate. My efforts came at no avail, and amy ship sputters to a slow glide. The internal...
TRAVEL LOG: DAY 3Ideally I would have arrived in Cubeo 47 hours ago, but I took some major damage to my FSD a few days back. An ex Shadow Falcon turned salty ambushed me on a courier run for the feds, the mechanics did the best they could, but the damage is taking its...
TRAVEL LOG: DAY 2Now 24 hours into my trip, my vessel catapults itself through the black towards Cubeo, my destination, but the reason I’ve been summoned still eludes me, I question the meaning of this voyage as my mind overflows with wonder. What could I have done to...
Travel log: Day 1“Why me?” I thought to myself while running my hand over interior finish of my newly acquired federal gunship. I just picked it up, and it kills me that I have to leave her behind so soon, but this trip to Cubeo is gonna require something with a little...