Celestes Journey to Colonia (3)CMDR Celesteial System: Nyeajaae AR-D b44-0 Stardate: 17-04-3307 Heya logbook... thingie, did not get to do much today as i was spending the majority of the day messing around in my ships code, turns out you can customize the UI of these bad girls! ...
Celestes Journey to Colonia (2)CMDR Celesteial System: NYEAJAAE YH-E B30-4 Stardate: 16-04-3307 'Ello again, had quite the journey today! a hundred jumps! only ~13k LY to go! CORVAS is getting on my nerves, yes i get it, the ASP explorer has heat issues when fuel scooping!!...
Celestes Journey to ColoniaCMDR Celesteial System: BLAE DRYE UK-V D3-1 Date: 15-04-3307 Well, hello i guess? I'm currently undertaking the long journey over to Colonia, and its getting rather lonely in here. just me, the ship, and the repeated lines of dear Victor (and...