Entry 0 - Why does this feel like failureThis journal was supposed to be about my experiences, my thoughts and feelings. Its just numbers. Shipping reports, cold exploration data. Where did I lose my way? When did we move away from a mission of cooperation. The squadron moves towards...
Flyer - IMGI Trade Bonuses AvailableMostly Good Vibes Co-Op Multiplatform Gaming - IMGI Looking for credits, guidance, companionship? Mostly Good Vibes Co-op is looking for pilots to assist in its ongoing efforts to improve trade and mutual respect in the territories under its...
First Entry - The BeginningAs I sat in the Apex shuttle's passenger seat, watching the stars slip past, I thought back on the trouble I'd been through this week. From the slew of pirates in Cubeo, to the dock master who refused to let me return the excess cargo onto the pad. ...