Space Isolation (Test 1)Test 1-Subject 1 (aged 25) Subject explains that he is extremely social and talkative, time duration-24 hours Hour One. the mental effects of Subject 1 has not changed just yet, but is growing desperate for social interaction of human beings. Hour...
INCIDENT LOG 1A4BINCIDENT LOG 1A4B.... SIGNING IN AS TECHNICIAN __________( SURVIVOR OF THE STARPORT INCIDENT ).... PLAYING VOICELOG " So the boss called me to inform me that the integrity of the shield and hull is low so I grabbed Bill and Sam and headed down to...
Voicelog ZACKERY HUDSON Part IIIMultiple VOICELOGS corrupted.... Searching noncorrupted/partially corrupted DATA... Searching... Found 8 VOICELOGS, playing earliest VOICELOG. "Today at 5:2_, 2-_3-33_0. We finally built the Particle launcher now called "Particle Accelerator...
Voicelog ZACKERY HUDSON Part IILogging in as ZACKERY HUDSON. Playing second earliest VOICELOG.... LOGDATE 6-18-3299 "Today the boss wants me to stop researching the "Jet Cone Absorber" and work on some new weapon that can shoot multiple small particles at medium to large...
Voicelog ZACKERY HUDSONPowering up... Logging in as ZACKERY HUDSON... playing earliest voicelog.... Logdate 5-13-3299, "So the new company that im working for requires that I record everything that might be important onto this", "which I guess I don't oppose...