30APR08 - Like Father Like SonDate: Saturday, April 30th, 3308 0530 hrs Ship: ASP Explorer - Explorer Boi - EM-04A Current System: Bleia Eohn VY-G B30-5 - Planet 4 I got to share a cool experience today with someone dear to me. My father, Chris Manus, has always been extremely...
29APR08 - No Rest for the WickedDate: Friday, April 29, 3308 0645 hrs Ship: ASP Explorer - Explorer Boi - EM-04A Current System: Hajangai - Lee Orbital Having spent a few days in a station I am already itching to get back out into the peaceful solitude of the vast reaches of...
20APR08 - The Final StretchDate: Wednesday, April 21, 3308 0115 hrs Ship: ASP Explorer - EV-04A Current System: Swoiwns DB-R B52-1 Almost home. Well, almost is always based on perspective. I'm still 50 hyperspace jumps away from my destination, but compared to the 300+...
17APR08 - A long way from home...Ship: ASP Explorer - EV-04A Current System: Nyeajaae AJ-C C15-11 After awaking from my cryosleep I can no longer remember how long it's been since I've last flown. I've heard there have been major changes to the universe since I've last awoken,...