What lies aheadWhole cow this is gonna be a long ride. So, on the Colonia bridge, seven stations out, about 350 to 400 ly between each. My ship can jump 19 ly max, soo long trip. But, not without wonder, I did my first dwarf star jump at 73 ly, that was cool as hell,...
What lies aheadFinished outfitting the Rad Star, and am heading towards the core. Starting my journey down the Colonia Bridge. Figure I will check out Colonia on my way. Hoping to get far enough in to start surfing neutron stars. The grand plan is to go through the...
What lies aheadToday as I sit and stare at the vastness of space from my vessel, and look at the galaxy map, a thought comes to mind. How many have reached the core of our galaxy, and what wonders, treasures, and dangers could be found along the way. My vessel, the...