Eagle's LandingIt was a good trip from Gagarin to Eagle's Landing today. I will try to hit Sothis tomorrow. Interesting things in the Eagle Nebula. What is that Star Cluster? Must investigate.
Just left Skaudai CH-B d14-34 Sacaqawea Space PortSacaqawea Space Port is nice with the planet off in the distance. Got 5,000ly to Eagles Sector.
Gagarin GateIt was beautiful, the red nebula really was intimidating in colour at Gagarin. I was able to turn in my exploration data. My hunt for black holes is going well. It seems the Blua sector had quite a cluster and I will have to investigate it further upon...
Headed to Gagarin GateOn my way back from Colonia, headed to Gagarin Gate for repairs and to check out these colonized areas of deep space.
ColoniaFInally got there, did some repairs turned in the data. Headed back now, it sure is a helluva long trip. Amazing Sky was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I've decided on The Hurt Highway for the trip back, to search for Black Holes.