Chapter Three - Reflection The industrial might of New Rossyth could not be understated. The vast landscape was covered in valley's of factories and hangers. Kilometers after kilometer, the shipbuilding powerhouse of the Alliance churned its gears in full motion. I studied...
Chapter Two - Return Moisture streaked across the sides of the Taipan’s canopy as the craft soared past the rising smokestacks fuming from the burning city. Three thousand meters and climbing Commander. Arctano’s voice boomed in the tiny enclosed cockpit. I...
Chapter One - New Beginnings It was half past four in the afternoon, local time. Thick raindrops pelted off the shattered bulletproof glass, broken window panels lay strewn across the building’s floor, high above the smog and ruin down beneath. Drones and hovercraft zipped...
Character DescriptionCommander Vitu’i Ma’s history is shrouded in mystery and deciet. It's never known who he is or what he’s hiding, but whatever it is, it’s sealed tighter than an airlocked jar of pickled Khepri Oceanfruit, and everytime someone asks, his story changes....