Personal log, 10.04.3308CMDR Erasariel, personal log, April 10, 3308. Recorded April 11, 3308, 05:57. It is just about a month since I returned to active duty among the ranks of commanders aligned with Princess Aisling. For most of this time I have shuttled around the Princess'...
Personal log, 29.03.3308CMDR Erasariel, personal log, March 29, 3308. Recorded at March 30, 3308, 06:55. Despite the Princess's agents' best efforts, the corporate faction won out against the Earls of Xibalba in LTT 9796. I had earned a good amount of credits fighting for...
Personal log, 26.03.3308CMDR Erasariel, personal log, March 26, 3308. Recorded at March 27, 3308, 10:28. Today was a very full day of work for the Princess. I spent a good part of the day wrapping up some final requests in the Wasenateno area, salvaging important items and...
Personal log, 25.03.3308CMDR Erasariel, personal log, March 25, 3308. Recorded March 26, 3308, 06:58. I'm beat. For the past two days, I have been helping out with the outbreak situation in Wasenateno. There was a misunderstanding shortly after I first came into the system...
Personal log, 23.03.3308CMDR Erasariel, personal log, March 23, 3308. Recorded March 24, 3308, 05:52. Me and my trusty Wailord have redeployed to Wasenateno to help out with the outbreak going on in that system. I've also arranged for transportation of my Adder and Dolphin...
Personal log, 22.03.3308CMDR Erasariel, personal log, March 22, 3308. Recorded March 23, 3308, 05:55. As part of a continuing effort to support factions that best complement Princess Aisling's efforts, I spent a second day doing commercial work in Wangai to further bolster...