2.11.3310New Era. Felicia Winters has been sworn in as President, Horatius was in the parade over Mars while the FNC Sofia stayed in Rhea. Someone better with words could find a metaphor for both ships being in the new capitals of the Federation. She held to...
24.10.3310Departing Dulos. I wish we could have gotten more accomplished here but its out of my hands. We'll be heading to dry dock in Rhea for a few days before moving to a long term posting.
11.10.3310Battle for LHS 184. There was no time for updates, word came in from Federal Republican Command. Every ship with a hardpoint within 100ly was to get to LHS 184 as fast as possible. Senator Torval ordered a massive fleet to descend on the system in...
8.10.3310Departing Dulos. Received the location of the new posting for FNC Titan, we're departing Dulos in 14 days. We're getting pulled back to Federation space, which makes me think the rumors of Winters' coming inauguration are true and they want to make...
3.10.3310Simak Captured. We moved over to Dulos 3 to secure the airspace over Simak Town while fed troops seized the settlement. The fall of the town pushed the imperials to sue for an armistice. Our time in Dulos may be coming to an end soon, hearing rumors...
29.9.3310War in Dulos. The Party received the official announcement from the First Fleet. Titan stationed at Dulos 1 to guard against reinforcements jumping in. Multiple engagements in the skies of that tiny rock.
18.9.3310TDSE Returns. On 29.5.3308 the FNS Titan departed Nanomam, today it finally returns home. Fears of an unstable exchange of power caused the cessation of the Titan Deep Space Expedition, Maikori wants everyone at arms reach. After some minor repairs...