Sensor not?Sensor not? No, there were sensors, a much better way of finding them I decided I would jump out to a known crash site to get the sensors. HIP 17403 was not that far from the Witch Head sector and in a quick carrier jump an I was there. Moved the...
Not much SensorNot much Sensor Back in the Witch Head I finally found the 3E Multi-Cannons I was looking for and went scouting for Sensor Fragments. Did not find many but on the way between Wellington and Haki the hyperspace conduit became unstable and I was interdicted....
Threat level 5Threat level 5 After reaching Wellington in the Witch Head Sector I decided to use my FSS to search for some threat level 5 areas in the hope of finding multiple scouts to take out. Once I found a group, I quickly realised two things. Firstly, Lyra...
Time to jumpTime to Jump Completed the jobs I had to get done in my quarters. Have asked my Deck Officer Diya Richard to schedule the jumps out to the Witch Head Sector. Will be kitting out the Corvette on route so I am ready to hit the system all cannons blazing. Wish...
Jobs in the Commanders quartersJobs in the Commanders quarters Looking forward to getting out and finding those Sensor Fragments I need, but the boring jobs I have been putting off need to be done first. I keep tinkering with the fleet carriers communications system and should really...
What nextJumped back to Messerschmid but is getting late so no time to go hunting for the Sensor Fragments. Carrier communications and admin work kept me busy. Hopefully have some time tomorrow to kit out the Corvette and go find some Thargoid Scouts. Signing...
Fleet Carrier computer overhaulBeen giving the Fleet Carrier computer an overhaul to improve communications. Time to jump in a ship and do some proper work!
Passing timeRunning low on Sensor Fragments and Professor Palin wants 25 of them before he will speak to me. Left my AX gear at Jameson Memorial so having it shipped to to the FC Sanctuary which is going to take some time. Using the time to sell some of this Cobalt...