Power Failure and Pirate Combats24 mar 3304 Wilder Enterprise - Chond I spent the whole day increasing my reputation with all three Alliance factions in system. I signed a bunch of data delivery contracts - and got even a few more during the trips -, one pirate hunt mission and...
A new sunrise21 mar 3304 Tshang City - Furuhjelm-III 674 I've returned home after a long time. It's been, what, 4 months since I moved to Fuelum? Maybe more. When I got back here, I hoped to pick up things where I once left them, but to my unpleasant surprise,...
Quotidian13 mar 3304 Wollheim Vision - Fuelum 12:44 It's been a slow day so far. I'm sitting down at my pad's observation building, watching the movement and trying to decide whether or not I should start capturing some video footage of my journeys. I still...
The Rat in a ViperI know it's a little late to start recording myself in this, but at least I'm doing it now. I was gifted with this little personal audio recorder on the new year by my fellow friend Jimbo, and as such, I thought I'd better give it some good purpose. ...