Colorful HUDs hurtwhen adjusting the UI colors, remember that the best intentions lead to the worst outcomes the amount of colors i had on my hud looked like i murdered a clown and yellow night vision is NOT a good idea
Takakura Outpost [PA] (FC)Takakura Outpost, the Privateer's Alliance's newest Fleet Carrier, is now online! Refuel, Repair, and Re-arm at the finest of banana yellow installations!
Space PhotographyI have decided to take my appreciation of the different stations in a new direction; Photograph the different types and their quirks! I've started to post some of the photos i have already taken, so i hope everyone enjoys them!
Bug Killer's StalkerI decided to fly out to find the crash site of the Anaconda "Bug Killer" The site was littered with debris, which is good, i was running low on antimony. But as i was collecting in my SRV, the site was paid a visit by the culprit behind...
newborns in SPAAACEwhere to buy a space suit for a tiny co-pilot? are they just large bubbles? Baby egg for deep space travel, with a mount beside the pilot seat for easy cooing and feeding?
useful!found a better Painite route to sell to, and had the instant gratification of seeing EDMC update the miner's tool program within seconds. Gotta love integration