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Kamitra Cigars

Providing the biggest cigars in the galaxy, hand-rolled and ready to smoke right out of the box. Specially treated to allow safe smoking even in the cockpit without overloading your life support module. The best way to end your days.

This rare good is legal in all systems except for Prison Colony, Theocracy and Corporate systems and Federal Democracy systems.

Please note that if a system's controlling faction changes, some formerly legal rare goods may become illegal in that system. If this happens, the rare goods in question will no longer be available for sale or purchase.

Legal Drugs
Produced by
A rare commodity sold at Hammel Terminal | Kamitra
Consumed by

Avg sell price
0 Cr
Max sell price
9,887 Cr
Avg buy price
0 Cr
Min buy price
0 Cr

Where to buy Kamitra Cigars for best price

LocationPadSt distDistanceSupplyPriceUpdated
Hammel Terminal |
L82 Ls194.28 Ly︎
6,218 Cr51 minutes ago
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Where to sell Kamitra Cigars for best price

LocationPadSt distDistanceDemandPriceUpdated
Hammel Terminal |
L82 Ls194.28 Ly︎?06,218 Cr51 minutes ago
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Trade routes

Nothing profitable enough found.
Min. profit: 7,500 Cr
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