Community goals

Oppose the Sirius-Alliance Defense Pact

Tier 2/5
14,553,754/79,000,000 (18.42%)
23 Jun 2022, 7:00am

The Di Jian system is hosting competing campaigns as the Alliance Assembly votes on the strategic defence pact.

The Assembly is evenly split over formalising military ties with Sirius Corporation to enhance defensive options against the Thargoids, with a decision expected at the end of June. In advance of the vote, both pro-pact and anti-Sirius councillors are attempting to sway colleagues to their cause by securing a sizeable resource package for the Alliance Defence Force.

The anti-Sirius lobby has requested deliveries asking for shipments of computer components, reinforced mounting plates and synthetic reagents to Preuss Terminal in the Di Jian system. The system's controlling faction, Sol's Salutis Aeternum, is overseeing contributions. Engineers Uma Laszlo and Bill Turner have both expressed a hope that the anti-xeno pact with Sirius is denied.

To encourage support from pilots, Sol's Salutis Aeternum is offering a stock Alliance Chieftain to the top 25 Preuss Terminal campaign contributors only. Other rewards are available for contributors outside this number.

Top 75%: Alioth Permit
Top 50%: Access to Bill Turner's Workshop
Access to Uma Laszlo Workshop
Top 25 CMDRs: Alliance Chieftain

The campaign will run until the 23rd June 3308. If the final target is met earlier than planned, or the opposing campaign is completed first, the campaign will end immediately.

Palin's Thargoid Research Project Enters Phase 2

Tier 5/6
600,813/8,000,000 (7.51%)
16 Jun 2022, 7:03am

Professor Ishmael Palin has requested deliveries of Thargoid artefacts to the Arque system for scientific study.

The first phase of the project took place last month and focused on meta-alloys. In a public announcement, Professor Palin outlined the second phase:

"My ongoing analysis of the Thargoids' biomechanical technology has reached a point where fresh material is needed. Specifically, I require large supplies of Thargoid probes, resin and sensors."

"I appreciate that there are risks involved in transporting such dangerous alien artefacts. Hopefully, the corrosion resistant cargo racks that were provided following this project's initial phase will prove useful."

"As well as payment in credits, I am pleased to offer Grade 5 Engineered Heavy Duty Hull Reinforcement Packages as an additional reward."

Rewards will be distributed as follows:

Top 75%: 4D Heavy Duty Hull Reinforcement Package
Top 25%: 5D Heavy Duty Hull Reinforcement Package
Top 10%: Additional 5D Heavy Duty Hull Reinforcement Package

Pilots are asked to deliver Thargoid probes, Thargoid resin and Thargoid sensors to Baird Gateway in the Arque system.

The campaign begins on the 9th June 3308 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Protect the Golconda

Hand in Bounty vouchers​

Tier 3/5
78,444,161,654/250,000,000,000 (31.38%)
09 Jun 2022, 6:59am

Combat pilots are required in the Upaniklis system to assist the Golconda in resuming its voyage.

The ancient generation ship, which originated from Earth in the 22nd century, has been retrofitted by the Artificers Clan into a functional modern vessel. The majority of its former population have decided to leave the outpost Forester's Choice and return to their traditional nomadic lifestyle.

Captain Jonathon Forester, leader of the Golconda Union, announced:

"In 3305 the galactic community provided us with the chance to end our original journey, so it will be fitting if they can help us start a new chapter among the stars."

Local security forces warned that pirates may attempt to hijack incoming shipments or take control of the Golconda itself. As a defensive measure, Upaniklis Vision Incorporated has offered bounties on all wanted ships in the system. Pilots are asked to deliver bounty vouchers to Fozard Port.

According to the Federal Diplomatic Corp, these events do not violate the legislation that protects isolated societies from cultural contamination. It added: "Partnership status with the Federation has been extended to the Golconda and continues to apply to Forester's Choice outpost."

The campaign begins on the 2nd of June 3308 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Help resupply the Golconda for its journey

Tier 5/5
79,000,640/79,000,000 (100.00%)
05 Jun 2022, 3:34pm

Traders are required in the Upaniklis system to assist the Golconda in resuming its voyage.

The ancient generation ship, which originated from Earth in the 22nd century, has been retrofitted by the Artificers Clan into a functional modern vessel. The majority of its former population have decided to leave the outpost Forester's Choice and return to their traditional nomadic lifestyle.

Captain Jonathon Forester, leader of the Golconda Union, announced:

"In 3305 the galactic community provided us with the chance to end our original journey, so it will be fitting if they can help us start a new chapter among the stars. The Golconda now has a frame shift drive that requires tritium fuel, and shipments of medical diagnostic equipment and power generators are also needed."

Upaniklis Vision Incorporated has agreed to organise the initiative. Pilots are asked to deliver all commodities to Fozard Port, from where they will be transferred aboard the Golconda.

According to the Federal Diplomatic Corp, these events do not violate the legislation that protects isolated societies from cultural contamination. It added: "Partnership status with the Federation has been extended to the Golconda and continues to apply to Forester's Choice outpost."

The campaign begins on the 2nd of June 3308 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Take revenge upon the Trask Death Corsairs

Hand in Combat bonds

Tier 2/6
57,830,699,115/450,000,000,000 (12.85%)
26 May 2022, 6:59am

The Kumo Crew syndicate has engaged in open warfare on the pirate insurrectionists gathered in the HIP 10792 system.

A recent coup attempt led by Arch-Corsair Vidar Trask, formerly one of the senior members of the Kumo Council, has failed. His forces were unable to eliminate Delaine and take control of the criminal organisation.

The rebels' vessels have concentrated in HIP 10792. Trask is commanding a coalition of loyalists, independent pirate gangs and as-yet unidentified mercenaries, collectively calling themselves the Trask Death Corsairs.

Despite suffering from some visible wounds as a result of the assassination attempt, Archon Delaine broadcast this message:

"Trask has betrayed all of us, and for that I want him crushed! I will pay well to wipe out every single traitor who fights in his name."

The Kumo Council faction will reward all independent pilots supporting its operation against the Trask Death Corsairs in the HIP 10792 system, which is being orchestrated from Crimson Exchange.

Should the initiative reach Tier 1, the following paint jobs will be made available to qualifying contributors:

Top 75% - Viper Mk III Pirate Faction Orange
Top 50% - Vulture Pirate Faction Purple
Top 25% - Fer-de-Lance Pirate Faction Red

These rewards are cumulative, and higher contributor bands will receive the paint jobs from lower bands.

The faction has set out a week-long operation to take control of the system, which will begin on the 19th of May 3308.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

You can also discuss goals on Frontier forum.