Community goals

Colonia Bridge Phase Four - Week One - Colonia

Tier 2/3
2,196,221/100,000,000 (2.20%)
17 Feb 2022, 6:59am

Deliveries have been requested in the Alcor and Colonia systems to implement services to the Colonia Bridge starports.

A press release from Brewer Corporation provided the details:

"The fourth and final phase of our Colonia Bridge project will take place over the next four weeks. Our goal is to finish constructing the starports that were recently added to the route between the Colonia and Alcor systems."

"For the first week, we require deliveries of Coffee, Emergency Power Cells, Geological Equipment and Liquid Oxygen to Jaques Station in the Colonia system. If we receive sufficient commodities, we can add Universal Cartographics and Vista Genomics to the starport closest to the Colonia region."

"Everyone at Brewer Corporation was impressed by the galactic community's dedication to improving the travel corridor to the Colonia region. For this week's initiative, contributing pilots have the opportunity to be rewarded with a generous number of credits. In subsequent weeks, we will be offering a variety of additional rewards."

"Following feedback from our shareholders, we also plan to install beacons to recognise the major contributors to all phases of the Colonia Bridge project. The top ten contributors of every past and upcoming Colonia Bridge initiative will be listed on these beacons to immortalise the names of these pilots."

The Colonia Bridge starports currently offer rearm, refuel and repair services as well as basic commodity trading. The second, third and fourth weeks of this phase will focus on adding further services.

Each tier reached will enable Brewer Corporation to establish a further service to the first starport out from Colonia, as follows:

Tier 1: Universal Cartographics
Tier 2: Vista Genomics

Part one of the four-week campaign begins on the 10th of February 3308 and will run for one week.

Defend Sirius Corporation in Reorte

Hand in Combat bonds

Tier 2/6
15,071,592,561/80,000,000,000 (18.84%)
29 Jan 2022, 9:50pm

The Reorte Mining Coalition has declared its intent to remove the Sirius Corporation presence from its home system.

The megaship Chariot of Rhea arrived in Reorte as part of Sirius Corporation's new role as the Alliance's strategic defence partner. But the system's controlling faction ordered it to withdraw. The megaship's non-compliance has resulted in skirmishes targeting Sirius forces.

Captain Delfina Dominguez of the Sirius Navy, who commands the Chariot of Rhea released a statement:

"Our presence is authorised by the military contract between Sirius Corporation and the Alliance Defence Force. If local forces continue to attack, we will have no option but to defend our assets."

The fighting is not believed to have reached surface level and is expected to remain a ship-based conflict.

To rally support from independent pilots, the Sirius Corporation will authorise a permit to the Sirius system for the top 75% of supporters.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has ordered the Reorte Mining Coalition to cease hostilities immediately. However, Councillor Ainsley Niven – who represents Reorte in the Assembly and is a political supporter of Nakato Kaine – claims that the faction has the right to protect its territory, since it was not invited to ratify the defence pact.

The two factions have set out seven-day combat operations, which will begin on the 27th January 3308.

Fight For Reorte Mining Coalition

Hand in Combat bonds

Tier 6/6
80,085,928,160/80,000,000,000 (100.00%)
29 Jan 2022, 9:50pm

The Reorte Mining Coalition has declared its intent to remove the Sirius Corporation presence from its home system.

The megaship Chariot of Rhea arrived in Reorte as part of Sirius Corporation's new role as the Alliance's strategic defence partner. But the system's controlling faction ordered it to withdraw. The megaship's non-compliance has resulted in skirmishes targeting Sirius forces.

Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition, announced:

"We fully support Councillor Kaine's position that Sirius Corporation is operating illegally under Alliance law. Therefore we will defend our territory from this aggressive foreign entity."

The fighting is not believed to have reached surface level and is expected to remain a ship-based conflict.

To rally support from independent pilots, Reorte Mining Coalition will sponsor distribution of an Alioth system permit to the top 75% of supporters.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has ordered the Reorte Mining Coalition to cease hostilities immediately. However, Councillor Ainsley Niven – who represents Reorte in the Assembly and is a political supporter of Nakato Kaine – claims that the faction has the right to protect its territory, since it was not invited to ratify the defence pact.

The two factions have set out seven-day combat operations, which will begin on the 27th January 3308.

Caine Massey Mining Initiative

Tier 2/5
485,271/1,600,000 (30.33%)
20 Jan 2022, 7:00am

Caine Massey and Torval Mining Ltd are running rival campaigns to deliver mined commodities to the Dulos system.

For the past decade, the megacorp Caine Massey has supplied ore and other raw materials to several subsidiaries in the region. But with the contract up for renewal, Torval Mining Ltd is making a bid for the lucrative business.

Caine Massey published a request from its vice president, Johann Fleischer:

"The citizens within this region deserve a high standard of service, and we aim to continue meeting their needs. The Green Party of Dulos, acting on our behalf, shall offer generous rewards for shipments of mined bromellite, samarium and gallite delivered to Smith Port in the Dulos system."

The corporate distributors within the region have agreed that whichever candidate is able to provide the greatest amount of materials will be awarded the contract for the next decade.

Should Caine Massey be successful, an initial 10% price reduction will be applied to all mining modules offered at Smith Port. A further 5% reduction will be applied per tier reached. This discount will be available for two weeks.

The two factions have set out seven day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday 20th January 3308. If one faction meets its objectives earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.

Torval Mining Initiative

Tier 1/5
205,186/1,600,000 (12.82%)
20 Jan 2022, 6:54am

Caine Massey and Torval Mining Ltd are running rival campaigns to deliver mined commodities to the Dulos system.

For the past decade, the megacorp Caine Massey has supplied ore and other raw materials to several subsidiaries in the region. But with the contract up for renewal, Torval Mining Ltd is making a bid for the lucrative business.

Constantia Torval, operations director for the Empire-based company, outlined the initiative:

"We are calling upon pilots to provide the following mined materials: bromellite, samarium and gallite. These should be delivered to the Pride of Bitterwood in the Dulos system. Your assistance will directly support our proposal to win this contract and expand our entire enterprise."

The corporate distributors within the region have agreed that whichever candidate is able to provide the greatest amount of materials will be awarded the contract for the next decade.

Should Torval Mining Ltd be successful, an initial 10% price reduction will be applied to all mining modules offered at the Pride of Bitterwood megaship. A further 5% reduction will be applied per tier reached. This discount will be available for two weeks.

The two factions have set out seven day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday 20th January 3308. If one faction meets its objectives earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.
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