Community goals

Supply Salvation's Anti-Xeno Superweapon in Delphi

Tier 1/1
500,045/500,000 (100.00%)
11 Dec 2021, 8:55pm

Salvation requires vital materials to deploy an anti-xeno superweapon in the Delphi system.

A message was transmitted from the Musashi megaship by its new commanding officer, Commodore Morag Halloran:

"The Thargoids have invaded three key systems, as Salvation anticipated. Preparations have been made to halt their advance in Maia, Merope and Delphi, but there is an urgent requirement to collect classified experimental equipment from the Heart of Taurus in the Qaratos system."

"Pilots must then deliver these shipments to the megaship Musashi in the Delphi system in preparation of the superweapon's activation."

"It is crucial that all deliveries are made by early on Tuesday the 14th of December. Without these components, Salvation's superweapon will be not be able to affect enough Thargoid vessels to turn the tide."

As a reward for this support, the top 75% of contributors will receive a pre-engineered Class 1 burst fire Gauss Cannon with increased reserve ammo and reduced falloff range. These will be placed in storage at the Musashi by the 18th of December 3307.

The initiative begins on the 9th of December 3307 and will run until the 14th of December.

Deliver Rare Goods for Newborn Duval Celebration

Tier 4/5
1,207,083/2,000,000 (60.35%)
09 Dec 2021, 7:00am

Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval, wife of Hadrian Duval, has delivered a baby boy at an undisclosed secure location while under senatorial protection.

The child has been named Hector Mordanticus Duval. Despite Hadrian not being an official member of the Imperial Family, many citizens are jubilant at the arrival of a new Duval.

Nova Paresa has organised an initiative to gather rare commodities for its former leader to celebrate the historic occasion. Pilots are asked to deliver Chateau De Aegaeon, HR 7221 Wheat, Indi Bourbon and Yaso Kondi Leaf to Dyson City in the Paresa system.

To reward contributing pilots, Gutamaya has agreed to an initial 10% price reduction to all Imperial ships, including the Gu-97 fighter and fighter bays. A further 5% reduction will be applied per tier reached.
This price reduction will be available in the Paresa, Cemiess and Cubeo systems only, and will last for two weeks starting on the 10th of December 3307. Imperial Navy ranks requirements still apply.

In addition, ship rewards will be provided according to the following:
The top 10 contributors will receive an Imperial Clipper.
The top 25% of total contributors will receive an Imperial Courier.
The top 75% of total contributors will receive an Imperial Eagle.

The ship rewards are rank-free and cumulative. Ships will be placed in storage at Dyson City in the Paresa system for the 11th of December 3307.

The campaign begins on the 2nd of December 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Fight for the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid

Hand in Combat bonds

Tier 4/6
75,546,464,873/160,000,000,000 (47.22%)
30 Nov 2021, 5:29pm

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group have declared war in the Mudhrid system.

The Steel Majesty megaship is serving as the base of the Neo-Marlinist forces. These include many surviving NMLA terrorist cells that gathered to overtake the vessel from the Marlinist Colonies.

Also in the system is the Far God cult megaship Sacrosanct, where the NMLA's de facto leader Theta Seven and the remnants of Theta Group have been in hiding for months. Margrave Corentin Delacroix, ruler of the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, broadcast a call to arms:

"All those who seek to topple the Duval dictators must fight alongside us here and now. Neo-Marlinism has no future unless its believers defend it."

In an effort to draw support from independent pilots, the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid is offering a uniquely augmented unmodifiable Class 2 Rating B enzyme missile rack with increased caustic damage and capacity. The module will be delivered to the top 25% of contributors providing Tier 1 is reached.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 2nd of December 3307.

Fight for the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group

Hand in Combat bonds

Tier 6/6
160,002,677,389/160,000,000,000 (100.00%)
30 Nov 2021, 12:25pm

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group have declared war in the Mudhrid system.

The Steel Majesty megaship is serving as the base of the Neo-Marlinist forces. These include many surviving NMLA terrorist cells that gathered to overtake the vessel from the Marlinist Colonies.

Also in the system is the Far God cult megaship Sacrosanct, where the NMLA's de facto leader Theta Seven and the remnants of Theta Group have been in hiding for months. They recently took control of the vessel and are holding thousands of cultists hostage.

The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group is orchestrating its campaign from Payne-Scott City starport. Senator Denton Patreus has requested that Imperial auxiliaries provide the faction with combat support.

ACT's co-leader Captain Saskia Landau stated:

"The NMLA clearly places huge value on Theta Seven's ability to produce caustic enzyme weapons, and has risked concentrating in large numbers to defend him. If he can transfer to the Steel Majesty and escape, the threat of further atrocities like the Nine Martyrs bombings will remain high."

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end when the top tier is reached by either faction or early on Thursday the 2nd of December 3307.

Support the Scriveners Dredger Update Initiative

Tier 0/5
14,090,680/32,000,000 (44.03%)
25 Nov 2021, 7:00am

The HIP 43670 system is hosting two competing delivery initiatives, each of which aims to benefit the Scriveners Clan.

Supporters of the Scriveners Clan are being asked to gather emergency power cells, power converters and power transfer buses and deliver them to the Alliance of HIP 42371 at Oramus Terminal. A spokesperson told the media:

"These supplies are needed to perform vital repairs to the dredger. Furthermore, if the power systems are sufficiently updated, they can bypass the ancient components affected by Orion University's override codes and continue travelling independently."

Although there remains no response from the Scriveners Clan, the dredger is now actively monitoring all local and interstellar transmissions. This is a new development for the isolated community, and suggests they are aware of these campaigns.

The first campaign to reach its maximum tier will successfully make its case. If neither campaign reaches the maximum tier, then the one with the highest proportional tier completion will be considered victorious.

The dual initiatives begin on the 18th of November 3307 and will run for one week. Should the campaign to support the Scriveners Clan reach the maximum tier it will end immediately.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

You can also discuss goals on Frontier forum.