Community goals

Support Prime Minister Edmund Mahon's Expansion Policy

Tier 3/5
32,470,513/96,000,000 (33.82%)
27 May 2021, 7:04am

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine have launched rival delivery initiatives in Alliance space.

The two leading candidates for Alliance prime minister are attempting to gather public support, although the actual election will be determined by votes within the Assembly on the 27th of May.

Every opinion poll suggests that Mahon's victory is all but confirmed, which will grant him a second six-year term. However, the outcomes of these community drives will directly affect the successful candidate's policies once in office.

Prime Minister Mahon is focusing on increasing industrial materials to aid expansion. He has requested that shipments of ceramic composites, polymers and superconductors are delivered to Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system.

Should Prime Minister Mahon be the most successful, there will follow a tritium mining initiative to support Alliance expansion. This will lead to the construction of new Alliance starports.

This week-long initiative will continue until the top target is reached or time has run out.

Support Councillor Nakato Kaine's Trade Policy


Tier 0/5
5,686,596/96,000,000 (5.92%)
27 May 2021, 6:00am

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Councillor Nakato Kaine have launched rival delivery initiatives in Alliance space.

The two leading candidates for Alliance prime minister are attempting to gather public support, although the actual election will be determined by votes within the Assembly on the 27th of May.

Every opinion poll suggests that Mahon's victory is all but confirmed, which will grant him a second six-year term. However, the outcomes of these community drives will directly affect the successful candidate's policies once in office.

Councillor Kaine aims to support local manufacturers in order to boost trade. She has asked for supplies of copper, micro-controllers and polymers to be delivered to Brett High in the Tionisla system.

Should Councillor Kaine be the most successful, there will follow a void opal mining initiative to help stimulate trade. This will increase the availability of rare goods in Alliance-controlled systems.

This week-long initiative will continue until the top target is reached or time has run out.

Fight for the Nova Imperium

Hand in Combat Bonds after fighting for Nova Imperium in Conflict Zones

Tier 1/5
82,183,730,952/300,000,000,000 (27.39%)
13 May 2021, 6:58am

Open warfare has begun in the Paresa system between Nova Imperium and the League of Mandu, a Federal faction.

Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has been accused of masterminding the NMLA starport bombings, according to evidence provided to ACT.

Admiral Natalia Lee, commanding the Harmony's Shield megaship, declared:

"The Empire refuses to arrest a Duval, even when he and his organisation are brutal terrorists. In the name of the hundreds of thousands of Federal citizens they murdered, we will enact justice."

Hadrian Duval made an announcement from Dyson City, the home station of Nova Imperium:

"This invasion of Imperial space is based on false information. The Federation does not have the right to act as our judge, jury and executioner. I call upon the Empire to come to our defence, as stipulated in the Treaty of Paresa."

Nova Imperium is an isolationist group that believes in retaining Imperial traditions and severing all ties with other superpowers. Hadrian Duval is the illegitimate grandson of Emperor Hengist, whose heritage was officially acknowledged last November.

ACT is currently working to verify claims that the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid aided the NMLA on Imperator Duval's instructions.

The Nova Imperium has asked pilots to support its efforts by handing in Combat Bonds at Dyson City in the Paresa system.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 13th of May 3307.

Fight for the Federation with the League of Mandu

Hand in Combat Bonds after fighting for League of Mandu in Conflict Zones

Tier 0/5
46,474,325,528/300,000,000,000 (15.49%)
13 May 2021, 6:00am

Open warfare has begun in the Paresa system between Nova Imperium and the League of Mandu, a Federal faction.

Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has been accused of masterminding the NMLA starport bombings, according to evidence provided to ACT.

Admiral Natalia Lee, commanding the Harmony's Shield megaship, declared:

"The Empire refuses to arrest a Duval, even when he and his organisation are brutal terrorists. In the name of the hundreds of thousands of Federal citizens they murdered, we will enact justice."

Hadrian Duval made an announcement from Dyson City, the home station of Nova Imperium:

"This invasion of Imperial space is based on false information. The Federation does not have the right to act as our judge, jury and executioner. I call upon the Empire to come to our defence, as stipulated in the Treaty of Paresa."

Nova Imperium is an isolationist group that believes in retaining Imperial traditions and severing all ties with other superpowers. Hadrian Duval is the illegitimate grandson of Emperor Hengist, whose heritage was officially acknowledged last November.

ACT is currently working to verify claims that the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid aided the NMLA on Imperator Duval's instructions.

The League of Mandu has asked Federal auxiliaries to support its efforts by handing in Combat Bonds at the Harmony's Shield megaship in the Paresa system.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 13th of May 3307.

Support Shadow President Winters Against Federal Surveillance

Deliver Unusual Encrypted Files, Specialised Legacy Firmware, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data and Anomalous Bulk Scan Data (All are grade 1)

Tier 6/8
42,471,972/160,000,000 (26.54%)
04 May 2021, 12:20pm

Data deliveries are required by competing initiatives to increase or decrease civilian surveillance in the Federation.

President Zachary Hudson has asked the public to contribute to making the Proactive Detection Bureau more effective:

"The PDB requires access to lesser-known comms channels where terrorists and criminals lurk. Supplying it with data from multiple sources will allow us to root out more potential threats."

To counter this campaign, Shadow President Felicia Winters aims to protect personal communications from being intercepted:

"My duty is to help citizens preserve their constitutional right to privacy. If enough data can be gathered for baseline testing, we will distribute legal technology and techniques to secure against government intrusion."

Both campaigns require deliveries of the following data types: unusual encrypted files, specialised legacy firmware, exceptional scrambled emission data and anomalous bulk scan data.

To support Shadow President Winters, pilots should deliver data to Ito Orbital in the Rhea system.

Should the initiative gain more data than President Hudson's campaign, Shadow President Winters's policy will deliver a 50% increase in stability to the systems she controls or exploits. Hudson's failure is predicted to have negative consequences in systems he controls or exploits, where system security will be decreased by 25%. These effects are expected to last for at least one month before settling back toward existing values.

Additionally, the top 75% of contributors will receive a fully engineered A-rated Electronic Countermeasure with lightweight and shielded modifications. This will be placed in storage at Ito Orbital by the 8th of May 3307.

The initiatives begin on the 29th of April 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaigns will end immediately.
Should both initiatives be completed to the same tier, the one with the highest contribution will be designated the victor.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

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