Community goals

Support President Hudson to Increase Federal Surveillance

Deliver Unusual Encrypted Files, Specialised Legacy Firmware, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data and Anomalous Bulk Scan Data (All are grade 1)

Tier 8/8
160,000,274/160,000,000 (100.00%)
04 May 2021, 12:37am

Data deliveries are required by competing initiatives to increase or decrease civilian surveillance in the Federation.

President Zachary Hudson has asked the public to contribute to making the Proactive Detection Bureau more effective:

"The PDB requires access to lesser-known comms channels where terrorists and criminals lurk. Supplying it with data from multiple sources will allow us to root out more potential threats."

To counter this campaign, Shadow President Felicia Winters aims to protect personal communications from being intercepted:

"My duty is to help citizens preserve their constitutional right to privacy. If enough data can be gathered for baseline testing, we will distribute legal technology and techniques to secure against government intrusion."

Both campaigns require deliveries of the following data types: unusual encrypted files, specialised legacy firmware, exceptional scrambled emission data and anomalous bulk scan data.

To support President Hudson, pilots should deliver data to Gresley Dock in the Nanomam system.

Should the initiative gain more data than Shadow President Winters's campaign, President Hudson will put in place measures to increase security for systems he controls or exploits, boosting their security by 25%. Winters's failure is predicted to have negative consequences in systems she controls or exploits, with a decrease of 50% in system stability. These effects are expected to last for at least one month before settling back toward existing values.

Additionally, the top 75% of contributors will receive a fully engineered A-rated Kill Warrant Scanner with fast scan and long range modifications. This will be placed in storage at Gresley Dock by the 8th of May 3307.

The initiatives begin on the 29th of April 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaigns will end immediately.
Should both initiatives be completed to the same tier, the one with the highest contribution will be designated the victor.

Aegis Appeal for Guardian Artefacts

Tier 5/5
400,007/400,000 (100.00%)
27 Apr 2021, 9:11pm

Ancient objects left behind by the Guardians have been requested by Aegis for a new anti-xeno research programme.

The Guardians were an intelligent humanoid species whose civilisation collapsed over a million years ago, and who were engaged in hostilities with the Thargoid race.

Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis Research, gave this statement:

"At the Galactic Summit, Aegis agreed to undertake a fresh analysis of Guardian technology. The hope is that this will lead to the development of more effective defences against the Thargoids. We therefore require new samples to compare with Ram Tah's groundbreaking work on this mysterious species."

"Guardian artefacts including those previously identified as caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns are needed. These can be unearthed from the ancient ruins scattered across dozens of worlds."

Pilots are asked to deliver their shipments to Aegis Research at the Alexandria megaship in the Delphi system.

If Tier 1 is reached, the top 75% of contributors will have Guardian Gauss Cannons unlocked and a fixed Class 2 Rating B Guardian Gauss Cannon placed into storage at the Alexandria megaship in the Delphi system by the 30th of April 3307.
For the duration of this initiative, Aegis has organised for a Guardian technology broker to be present on the Alexandria. For each tier above Tier 2 that is reached, the technology broker will remain present on the Alexandria for one additional week.

The initiative begins on the 22nd of April 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Protect Archon Delaine's Campaign to Build New Starports

Hand in Bounty Vouchers for The Razor Whips​

Tier 5/8
224,750,739,386/1,280,000,000,000 (17.56%)
22 Apr 2021, 7:00am

The Kumo Crew syndicate has launched an initiative to construct up to five starports.

Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd, an independent construction company, has been privately contracted by the Kumo Council to build fully operational Orbis stations. These will be located in uninhabited systems close to key trading regions and areas of commercial interest.

The Pegasi Sentinel newsfeed featured this statement from Archon Delaine:

"As sovereign ruler of the Kumo nation, it's my responsibility to increase prosperity for the systems under my protection. My new starports will extend our reach and boost trading of all kinds… legitimate and otherwise."

"I have also placed bounties on the heads of anyone who dares to interfere with my plans. The one thing we never trade in is mercy."

To support this initiative, hand in your bounties to The Razor Whips at Gabriel Enterprise in the Harma system.

The initiative begins on the 15th of April 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met, the campaign will end immediately.

Deliver Goods for Archon Delaine's Campaign to Build New Starports

Tier 5/5
15,000,249/15,000,000 (100.00%)
17 Apr 2021, 8:10pm

The Kumo Crew syndicate has launched an initiative to construct up to five starports.

Kavanagh Spaceframes Ltd, an independent construction company, has been privately contracted by the Kumo Council to build fully operational Orbis stations. These will be located in uninhabited systems close to key trading regions and areas of commercial interest.

The Pegasi Sentinel newsfeed featured this statement from Archon Delaine:

"As sovereign ruler of the Kumo nation, it's my responsibility to increase prosperity for the systems under my protection. My new starports will extend our reach and boost trading of all kinds… legitimate and otherwise."

"I have also placed bounties on the heads of anyone who dares to interfere with my plans. The one thing we never trade in is mercy."

The Razor Whips, one of Delaine's loyal factions, is organising the campaign. It will reimburse pilots who deliver ceramic composites, semiconductors, polymers and water purifiers to Gabriel Enterprise in the Harma system.

Each completed tier will ensure the installation of an Orbis station by the 29th of April 3307. The starports will be located in the following systems, listed in order of priority:

Pegasi sector PN-T C3-14, near the Harma system
HIP 18390, near the California Nebula
HIP 10792, near the Sothis system
HIP 62154, in the Coalsack Nebula
Eol Prou PC-K c9-91, in the Colonia region

The initiative begins on the 15th of April 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Fight for the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group against the Neo-Marlinists

Hand in Combat Bonds after fighting for Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group in Conflict Zones​

Tier 2/5
171,993,452,388/300,000,000,000 (57.33%)
08 Apr 2021, 7:00am

Conflict has erupted between the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group and the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid.

An investigation by ACT in the Mudhrid system confirmed that the Order of Mudhrid provided logistical support for the NMLA's starport attacks. Their agents infiltrated other local factions to transport enzyme bombs to their targets.

The faction has now renamed itself the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. Landgrave Arastin Delacroix, its leader, has declared a revolution against the Imperial Family. From his flagship, the Steel Majesty, he announced:

"The corrupt Duvals will never give up their power, so we must take it from them. All those who seek to change the established order – join us!"

The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group responded by engaging their forces in battle. Senator Denton Patreus has ordered them to "take revenge for the 'Nine Martyrs' atrocities." He added that pilots who support their just cause by handing in Combat Bonds at Payne-Scott City in the Mudhrid system will be well rewarded.

If Tier 1 is reached, the top 10% of participants will receive a fully engineered class 2 rating B long range and high capacity railgun with feedback cascade.
Should the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group be victorious the top 75% of participants will receive the module.
The module will be placed in storage at Payne-Scott City in the Mudhrid system by Friday the 9th of April 3307.

The two factions have set out seven-day campaigns, which will end early on Thursday the 8th of April 3307. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the initiatives will end immediately.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

You can also discuss goals on Frontier forum.