Community goals

Feeding the Galactic Summit

Deliver Animal Meat, Coffee, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables, and Wine

Tier 4/8
106,285,435/192,000,000 (55.36%)
11 Mar 2021, 6:59am

The Empire is aiding Sirius Corporation by offering bounty hunting and trade opportunities to support the Galactic Summit.

The diplomatic conference is now entering its second week, with superpower and independent leaders gathered at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system.

Sirius Corporation's CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

"For the coming week, we are working with the Empire to maintain the security operation by offering bounties on all wanted ships. The Empire will also pay generously for extra supplies of animal meat, coffee, fish, fruit and vegetables, and wine that are delivered to the Spirit of Laelaps."

If Tier 1 is reached, the top 75% of participants will receive a permanent Sirius system permit and the Cobra Mk III Acceleration White paint job. The top 25% will additionally receive the Cobra Mk III Acceleration Gold paint job. These should be processed and accessible by the 13th of March 3307.

Thanks to the generosity of the Empire, the top 10 participants will receive an Imperial Clipper. The ship will be delivered and stored at Ashby City starport in the Luyten's Star system by the 13th of March 3307.

The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Alliance to provide for the needs and security of the conference.

If the final target is met earlier than planned, this phase will end immediately.

Defence of the Galactic Summit - Federation

Hand in Bounty Vouchers for Sirius Corporation at Spirit of Laelaps megaship.

Tier 7/8
725,194,270,691/1,280,000,000,000 (56.66%)
04 Mar 2021, 7:00am

The Federation is working with Sirius Corporation to offer bounty hunting opportunities to protect the diplomatic conference.

The first Galactic Summit has officially opened at Patterson Enterprise station in the Sirius system. Temporary permits have been issued to all arriving delegates and Commanders for the three weeks of its term, although these do not apply to fleet carriers.

Sirius Corporation's CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

"The data supplied to us in January revealed several unanticipated threats, putting additional strain on our navy and security forces. Working with the generous support of the Federation, we have placed bounties on all wanted ships to ensure delegates' safety. Pilots defending the Sirius system will be rewarded for handing in bounty vouchers at the Spirit of Laelaps."

If Tier 1 is reached, the top 75% of participants will receive a permanent Sirius system permit and the Viper Mk III Acceleration White paint job. The top 25% will additionally receive the Viper Mk III Acceleration Gold paint job. These should be processed and accessible by the 6th of March 3307.

Thanks to the generosity of the Federation, the top 10 participants will receive a Federal Assault Ship. The ship will be delivered and stored at Ashby City starport in the Luyten's Star system by the 6th of March 3307.

The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Empire to provide for the needs and security of the conference.

If the final target is met earlier than planned, this phase will end immediately.

Rare Goods Required for Galactic Summit

Tier 5/5
5,000,001/5,000,000 (100.00%)
21 Feb 2021, 3:56pm

Sirius Corporation has requested deliveries of consumables to Luyten's Star for the forthcoming diplomatic conference.

Sirius Corporation has placed orders for these rare commodities: Eden Apples Of Aerial, Ethgreze Tea Buds, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Giant Irukama Snails, Goman Yaupon Coffee, Karsuki Locusts and Lavian Brandy.

All shipments are to be delivered to Ashby City in the Luyten's Star system. They will then be ferried to Sirius before the conference begins.

If the initiative is successful, Sirius Corporation will make the fully engineered long range fast boot class 5 Frame Shift Drive available for purchase at all human technology brokers.

Each tier reached will further reduce the resources required for acquiring the module in the first two weeks of availability, starting on the 26th of February 3307.

Datamined Wake Exceptions base requirements 18, reduced by two for each tier above Tier 1.
Tellurium base requirements 26, reduced by four for each tier above Tier 1.
Electrochemical Arrays base requirements 26, reduced by four for each tier above Tier 1.
Chemical Processors base requirements 28, reduced by four for each tier above Tier 1.

If the initiative is successful, Sirius Corporation will gift the module and a permanent Sirius system permit to the top 75% of pilots. The module will be placed in storage at the Ashby City starport in the Luyten's Star system by the 26th of February 3307.

Fight for the Jupiter Division

Hand in Combat Bonds after fighting for Jupiter Division in Conflict Zones​

Tier 1/5
41,936,999,902/600,000,000,000 (6.99%)
17 Feb 2021, 7:00am

Jupiter Division ships have engaged in battle with rival Federal vessels in the HIP 54530 system.

Loyalists to former Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester have built their own breakaway faction in HIP 54530. The FIA suspects that Jupiter Division agents first infiltrated the HIP 54530 Gold Universal Group years ago, and permit locked the system to conceal their efforts to overtake it from within.

The self-appointed Supreme Executive Rochester declared:

"The Federation is choking to death on its outdated bureaucracy – only corporate rule can save it! But first the galactic community must protect my followers, so I can establish a permanent base of operations."

Jupiter Division has offered generous rewards to any pilots willing to help secure its presence in the HIP 54530 system by handing in Combat Bonds at the megaship Victory's Forge.

The Pilots Federation has agreed to supply all ships participating in this conflict with temporary permits to access HIP 54530. These will expire early on Thursday the 18th of February. However, neither permanent nor temporary system permits apply to fleet carriers, since they are capable of ferrying vessels which could evade detection and authorisation.

If victorious, each tier beyond Tier 1 will provide a 5% reduction to outfitting at Northrop Enterprise in HIP 54530 to those with access to the system, lasting for one month starting on Friday the 19th of February 3307.
The top 75% of contributors will be allocated a permanent system permit for HIP 54530 by Friday the 19th of February 3307.

Early on Thursday the 18th of February 3307, the Jupiter Division megaship Victory's Forge will move to HIP 55014. If victorious, it will be authorised to issue permanent system permits to those who meet their requirements.

The two factions have set out six-day campaigns, which will end early on Wednesday the 17th of February 3307.

Fight for the Silver Legal Group

Hand in Combat Bonds after fighting for Silver Legal Group in Conflict Zones​

Tier 2/5
139,328,705,339/600,000,000,000 (23.22%)
17 Feb 2021, 7:00am

Jupiter Division ships have engaged in battle with rival Federal vessels in the HIP 54530 system.

Loyalists to former Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester have built their own breakaway faction in HIP 54530. The FIA suspects that Jupiter Division agents first infiltrated the HIP 54530 Gold Universal Group years ago, and permit locked the system to conceal their efforts to overtake it from within.

Director Theodore Sullivan of the Silver Legal Group announced:

"We will not tolerate these criminals illegally controlling this system. Once victory is won, the Federation will be able to bring Rochester to justice."

The Silver Legal Group has asked Federal auxiliaries to support its efforts to degrade Jupiter Division's military force by handing in Combat Bonds at the Iron Wings of Justice megaship in the HIP 54530 system.

The Pilots Federation has agreed to supply all ships participating in this conflict with temporary permits to access HIP 54530. These will expire early on Thursday the 18th of February. However, neither permanent nor temporary system permits apply to fleet carriers, since they are capable of ferrying vessels which could evade detection and authorisation.

If victorious, each tier beyond Tier 1 will provide a 5% reduction to outfitting at Northrop Enterprise in HIP 54530 to those with access to the system, lasting for one month starting on Friday the 19th of February 3307.

The top 75% of contributors will be allocated a permanent system permit for HIP 54530 by Friday the 19th of February 3307.

Early on Thursday the 18th of February 3307, the Iron Wings of Justice megaship controlled by the Silver Legal Group will move to the Ts'ao Tach system. If victorious, it will be authorised to issue permanent system permits to those who meet their requirements.

The two factions have set out six-day campaigns, which will end early on Wednesday the 17th of February 3307.
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