Community goals

Deliver Xenological Samples Required by Colonia Scientists


Tier 4/5
317,023/500,000 (63.40%)
14 Jan 2021, 6:48am

The Holloway Bioscience Institute in Colonia is offering high payouts for delivering samples from space-dwelling lifeforms. Jaques Station, which is also in the Colonia system, has agreed to serve as the delivery point for this initiative.

Chief researcher Dr Roy Casimir outlined the requirements:

"There is still a huge amount to learn about the fascinating structures that grow within the vacuum of space. As our stock of specimens is running low, we require fresh tissue samples from living organisms to continue our experimentation programme."

Pilots are requested to deliver Pod Core Tissue, Pod Dead Tissue, Pod Mesoglea, Pod Outer Tissue, Pod Surface Tissue, Pod Shell Tissue or Pod Tissue to Jaques Station in the Colonia system.

If successful, decals will be rewarded to the top 75% of participants by the 15th of January 3307.

Each successful tier will provide the Holloway Bioscience Institute with enough material and data to establish one experimental habitat for space-dwelling lifeforms in a nearby system, enabling it to further its studies.

The initiative begins on the 7th of January 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Deliver goods to support Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies

Tier 4/5
39,585,427/40,000,000 (98.96%)
17 Dec 2020, 7:00am

Commodities are requested to create new settlements for Marlinist refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation.

Sirius Corporation has offered to resolve the current standoff between superpowers by establishing colonies where the refugees can live independently.

Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, summarised his proposal:

"It is clear that the Marlinists cannot return to the Empire, and are a destabilising presence within the Federation. We offer an alternative by constructing permanent habitats for their population. These will be self-governed and may freely trade with the galactic community."

"Sirius cannot stand by while the risk of interstellar war increases. I sincerely hope this leads to a more stable and profitable period for us all."

Traders are asked to deliver Atmospheric Processors, Auto-Fabricators, Structural Regulators and Water Purifiers to Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system. From there, the Omega Merchant Command will distribute resources for the colonisation of up to ten uninhabited systems which will be ready in early 3307.

Each completed tier will provide the resources to populate two systems, listed in order of priority:

HIP 22550 and Hyades Sector RO-P b6-6.
LP 659-31 and Hyades Sector LX-T c3-30.
Hyades Sector SU-C a14-1 and Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2.
Hyades Sector VP-N b7-4 and Hyades Sector AB-M b8-2.
Hyades Sector YA-M b8-1 and Hyades Sector TJ-P b6-6.

The initiative begins on the 10th of December 3306 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Protect the Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies

Hand in Bounty Vouchers​

Tier 5/5
160,001,960,496/160,000,000,000 (100.00%)
16 Dec 2020, 4:10am

Sirius Corporation has offered to resolve the current standoff between superpowers by establishing colonies where the refugees can live independently.

Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, summarised his proposal:

"It is clear that the Marlinists cannot return to the Empire, and are a destabilising presence within the Federation. We offer an alternative by constructing permanent habitats for their population. These will be self-governed and may freely trade with the galactic community."

"Sirius cannot stand by while the risk of interstellar war increases. I sincerely hope this leads to a more stable and profitable period for us all."

After intense debate, both Congress and the Senate accepted the proposal, with the proviso that any refugees identified as NMLA members will be returned to the Empire.

Dr Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader, also offered her approval:

"We were forced to abandon our entire lives because of our political beliefs. This at least gives us a chance to have homes again."

Sirius Corporation has requested the support of independent pilots to counter any piracy or other acts that may interfere with the supply of commodities, and will handsomely reward such efforts.
Hand in your bounties to the Omega Merchant Command at Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system.

The initiative begins on the 10th of December 3306 and will run for one week. If the final target is met, the campaign will end immediately.

Ammonia worlds data collection

Deliver Ammonia World exploration data

Tier 4/5
904,519/1,000,000 (90.45%)
10 Dec 2020, 6:59am

Sirius Atmospherics has requested help from independent pilots to provide data on ammonia worlds for terraforming purposes.

The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is working in partnership with the Alliance to establish colonies within the Coalsack Nebula, and to identify sites of commercial and scientific interest.

Dr Maximilian North, Sirius Atmospherics's project director, outlined the requirements:

"We have developed revolutionary new terraforming procedures for terrestrial planets with ammonia-based atmospheres. Our collaboration with the Alliance is the perfect opportunity to try and put these to practical use, with the goal of transforming the region into a more human-friendly place."

"Sirius Atmospherics offers rewards for explorers who can provide us with exploration data. We are particularly interested in detailed scans focusing on the composition of ammonia worlds, not just in the Coalsack Nebula but elsewhere. Gathering wide-ranging data will enable us to determine the most suitable targets for environmental conversion."

Pilots are requested to deliver their exploration data to the Sirius Atmospherics research facility at Betancourt Base in the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system.

Although the company is paying handsomely for all exploration data, it is the data from ammonia worlds that will really progress the research, with data from mapped ammonia worlds being three times as useful.

Depending on the tier reached, Sirius Atmospherics will offer higher prices for exploration data starting on the 11th of December 3306.
Tier 1: Standard payout for exploration.
Tier 2: One week at double the standard payout.
Tier 3: One week at three times the payout.
Tier 4: Two weeks at three times the payout.
Tier 5: Two weeks at four times the payout.

If successful, the top 75% of contributors will receive a fully engineered Detailed Surface Scanner with twice the normal probe coverage.

Supply Empire Capital Ship Production

Tier 4/5
32,667,366/40,000,000 (81.67%)
03 Dec 2020, 7:07am

The Imperial Navy has requested commodities for the construction of new capital ships in Mandh.

The Imperial Senate has approved funding for the construction of a new wave of Majestic-class Interdictors. Senator Denton Patreus announced:

"We face adversaries on all sides and from within, eager to corrupt and destroy our proud Empire. This is a time to bolster our strength and our resolve."

A request has been made by Artemis Corporation for shipments of Building Fabricators, Microbial Furnaces and Energy Grid Assemblies to Miyasaka Orbital in the Mandh system.

Should the initiative be successful, each tier will provide enough commodities to complete a new capital ship. Alongside this, Miyasaka Orbital will be improving stock and providing a two-week discount on a range of modules starting on the 4th of December.

Tier 1 is 5% off Laser weapons
Tier 2 increase to 10% and adds Defensive modules such as ECMs
Tier 3 increase to 15% and adds Shields, Armour and Hull reinforcement
Tier 4 increase to 20% and adds Projectile weapons
Tier 5 Increase to 30% and adds Missiles and other explosives

If successful, decals will be rewarded to the top 75% of participants by the 5th of December 3306.
Inara tracks overall progress, your contributions and estimates tier boundaries. Journal data (used to track progress) can be submitted via various third party tools or by direct journal imports on Inara.

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