Community goals

Kokoller Limited Mineral Acquisition

Deliver mined(!) Bertrandite, Coltan and Praseodymium

Tier 1/4
297,860/1,250,000 (23.83%)
06 Jul 2023, 6:58am

A campaign to attract deep space mining pilots has been launched by the Federal corporation Kokoller Limited.

With the Federation diverting considerable resources toward sustaining its anti-xeno countermeasures, some systems are looking to alternative options for sustaining stocks of raw materials. Kokoller Limited is seeking to take advantage of a strong position in its home system, by running a campaign to procure additional resources for the local economy.

Spokesperson Paul Dyson had the following to say:

"I believe that continued support of the Federal Navy's efforts to protect us is an obligation of all stellar factions. It would be in poor taste to complain or seek sympathy for the impact on our business operations while our brave military personnel risk their lives to keep us safe."

"That said, while the galactic economy continues to function, it falls on us to maintain high incomes to fund the war via taxes and charitable contributions. One could say that maximising profits is our moral duty. Therefore, raw materials are requested to keep our refineries churning out resources."

Kokoller Limited has invited all asteroid miners to bring shipments of bertrandite, coltan and praseodymium to Utley Hub in the Kokoller system.

The campaign begins on the 29th of June and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Aegis Appeal for Titan Tissue Samples

Tier 1/3
59,981/500,000 (12.00%)
22 Jun 2023, 7:08am

Requests for tissue samples obtained from the Thargoid Titans has been made by Aegis.

Leon Banerjee, science correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported on the rival initiatives:

"The Titans offer a tremendous opportunity for xenological research, but carry equally significant risks. These involve passing through the Maelstroms' caustic clouds and energy barriers, avoiding Thargoid patrols, and escaping with tissue samples intact. Only the most determined pilots would undertake such missions, and the two leading anti-xeno organisations seek to attract these individuals with considerable payouts."

"There are numerous unique materials identified so far. In this campaign, Aegis is looking to acquire a large stock of tissue samples. These are recovered using research limpets at various points on the Titan's architecture, acquired from minor flaws in the Titan's highly protective outer layers."

"Ships outfitted with a pulse wave xeno scanner and research limpet controller – or a suitable multi-limpet controller - can collect these materials. Aegis has developed its caustic sink launcher and Thargoid pulse neutraliser to pass through the Maelstrom, and will look to use further xenological resources in additional advancements."

Pilots signed up to the Aegis initiative can deliver any Titan tissue samples to Wiberg Station in the Kioskurber system.

If Tier 1 of the campaign is reached, the top 75% of contributors will receive the following paint jobs:

- Alliance Crusader Aegis Garrison
- Federal Gunship Aegis Garrison
- Imperial Clipper Aegis Garrison

The campaign begins on the 15th of June and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Azimuth Requests Titan Tissue Samples

Tier 1/3
38,718/500,000 (7.74%)
22 Jun 2023, 7:08am

Requests for tissue samples obtained from the Thargoid Titans have been made by Azimuth Biotech.

Leon Banerjee, science correspondent for Vox Galactica, reported on the rival initiatives:

"The Titans offer a tremendous opportunity for xenological research, but carry equally significant risks. These involve passing through the Maelstroms' caustic clouds and energy barriers, avoiding Thargoid patrols, and escaping with tissue samples intact. Only the most determined pilots would undertake such missions, and the two leading anti-xeno organisations seek to attract these individuals with considerable payouts."

"There are numerous unique materials identified so far. In this campaign, Azimuth Biotech is looking to acquire a large stock of tissue samples. These are recovered using research limpets at various points on the Titan's architecture, acquired from minor flaws in the Titan's highly protective outer layers."

"Ships outfitted with a pulse wave xeno scanner and research limpet controller – or a suitable multi-limpet controller - can collect these materials. Azimuth Biotech has vowed to use samples to develop 'cutting-edge military countermeasures to Thargoid aggression'."

Pilots signed up to the Azimuth initiative can deliver any Titan tissue samples to Stebler City in the Djeriman system.

If Tier 1 of the campaign is reached, the top 75% of contributors will receive the following paint jobs:

- Eagle Azimuth Callous
- Fer-de-Lance Azimuth Callous
- Krait Mk II Azimuth Callous

The campaign begins on the 15th of June and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Protect Deliveries to Muller Terminal

Hand in Bounty vouchers​

Tier 4/5
93,202,274,474/250,000,000,000 (37.28%)
01 Jun 2023, 7:00am

Deliveries to the Rabh system will help mass-produce a pulse wave xeno scanner which can analyse Thargoid Titans.

Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Allied scientific liaison to Aegis, outlined the initiative:

"The Thargoid capital ships, now designated as Titans, are the top priority for both military and scientific study. Reaching these gargantuan objects is hazardous since it involves travelling through the Maelstroms' corrosive environment, avoiding hostile Thargoid vessels along the way. But even at close range, ship sensors have been unable to obtain meaningful data on their composition."

"In response, Aegis has fast-tracked a project to modify the xeno scanner originally developed by Professor Ishmael Palin. This adaption utilises the electromagnetic technology found in pulse wave analysers, casting the scanner's range over a much broader area."

Aegis will reward pilots who protect trade ships bringing vital commodities to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.

The top 25% of contributors will receive a free Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner, which will be placed in storage at Muller Terminal.

The campaign begins on the 25th May 3309 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Establish New Aegis Scanner Production


Tier 1/3
19,872,479/57,000,000 (34.86%)
01 Jun 2023, 7:00am

Deliveries to the Rabh system will help mass-produce a pulse wave xeno scanner which can analyse Thargoid Titans.

Dr Maximo Fonseca, the Allied scientific liaison to Aegis, outlined the initiative:

"The Thargoid capital ships, now designated as Titans, are the top priority for both military and scientific study. Reaching these gargantuan objects is hazardous since it involves travelling through the Maelstroms' corrosive environment, avoiding hostile Thargoid vessels along the way. But even at close range, ship sensors have been unable to obtain meaningful data on their composition."

"In response, Aegis has fast-tracked a project to modify the xeno scanner originally developed by Professor Ishmael Palin. This adaption utilises the electromagnetic technology found in pulse wave analysers, casting the scanner's range over a much broader area."

"Simulated tests show that the pulse wave xeno scanner should be able to identify points of interest on a Titan's hull. But the research effort requires as many pilots as possible to verify our findings out in the field. We are therefore gathering the supplies needed to manufacture the module in large quantities."

Aegis will reward pilots who transport shipments of ceramic composites, polymers, gallium and indium to Muller Terminal in the Rabh system.

If Tier 1 of the campaign is reached, the Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner will be made available at all rescue megaships.

The top 25% of contributors will receive a free Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner, which will be placed in storage at Muller Terminal.

The campaign begins on the 25th May 3309 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
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