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it's been a long road... Geralt DeWitt
My first Federal Corvette Sarah Andromedae
champs d'astéroîdes Elithmi
Beagle Point BeanerWeaner
Piece of sh1t gankers suck Stupid Girl
Finally reached Sagittarius A* for the first time Oryay
Awesome Benebuns
Voyager 2 LillaNixie
Shuttle to my ship Carrac
SAG A!!! Elbratetv
Beagle Point Berrygun
2GCR Exobiology Payday Jess Zidle
Big cactus PENNY NOON
Made it to Semotus Beacon & Salomé's Reach nZGL
Exploration Trifecta Zlarg
Kinda far tbh WizardKing
Orbital Walk Tooper Wolf
Elite Exobiologist TrabucJL
Beagle Point Imm0dium
Xmas at Beagle Point Unifex
Sagittarius A* Toadspeed
rivera Riveradecadi
Amundsen's Star NYZCHF