Galnet archive

Admiral Vincent Declares a Blockade of Kappa Fornacis

Federal Admiral Vincent has declared a blockade of the Kappa Fornacis system to prevent the spread of the narcotic onionhead.

Speaking after a meeting at the Admiralty in Quenisset on Mars he answered questions from waiting journalists.

"The local government is failing to prevent the spread of this vile narcotic through the galaxy, so we must do so on behalf of the Federation. Any ship carrying this narcotic will be destroyed by our forces."

The Farmer's leader, Georgio Algeria has put out a plea for help.

"Please help us. This is our livelihood. If the Federation doesn't like it then it must be cool. And you'll be cool if you help us. Come and back us against the oppressors." 

Farmer's Leader Accuses President of Victimisation

Georgio Algeria, the spokesman for the Farmer's Union in the Kappa Fornacis system, has spoken out at the Federal President's declaration that Onionhead, the main export from the Kappa Fornacis system, be illegal.

At a press conference on Panem he said:

"Onionhead is great, cool. Loved across the galaxy. We make it, you eat it. Don't eat it if you don't want it. Call yourself President! We will keep making it and you will keep eating it. It's what we do. It's all we do."

Algeria would not be drawn on it in public, but it is clear the President's controversial actions have spread publicity for Onionhead far and wide and demand is higher than ever on the black market.

Federal President Declares Plant an Illegal Narcotic

The Federal President Jasmina Halsey has declared the newly discovered rare narcotic 'Onionhead' illegal throughout Federal space. Onionhead is the fruit of an alien plant, only grown on Panem in the independent Kappa Fornacis system.

Halsey has said she is concerned by the effect it is having on Federal youth in that part of the galaxy.

"We must be strong and protect our youth from vile substances that are rotting their minds. This is why I have taken this difficult step."

The Chancellor Speaks Out

The Imperial Palace has issued a statement saying that while the Emperor is unwell, it is not as serious as many commentators are suggesting. Nevertheless speculation is rife. The Chancellor, Senator Anders Blaine, has tried to quell the speculation.

"The great Emperor Hengist has not involved himself in the detail of politics for a long time. It is a terrible loss for us all that he is unwell, but even if the worst does come and our beloved Emperor passes away, we will have a coronation, we will have a spectacular ceremony and some great parties, but nothing will really change. The Senate and I will continue to run the Empire."

It is said that actions speak louder than words, and it has been noted that many shipyards throughout Imperial space appear to be concentrating on bringing numerous Imperial Interdictors run by key Senators to battle readiness with full squadrons of fighters. This is highlighted by the reduced number of new ships they are completing on the open market.

All five of the slaver Senator Torval's 'enforcers' – giant battle-hardened Interdictors – have left port, and her luxuriously equipped Majestic Class yacht "Xanadu", which still packs a punch, is ready to travel at a moment's notice. Senator Patreus's fleet is also mobilised, though this is not so unusual, but we expect some fireworks in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile in the Federation, another vote in Congress has gone against besieged President Halsey. She has been forced to remove her block on the Navy's latest budget. Shadow President Hudson declared this a major victory.

"Finally our once great Navy can operate again. Belatedly our heroes can return to full pay, and we can start to bring our fleet out of mothballs. Our Frontier States can once again see the justification for their taxes, and the powerful support we can bring to them."

We couldn't get a comment from the Alliance leadership, but we did manage to speak to a junior aide who wanted to remain unnamed.

"It's depressing they're at it again. I thought Halsey was better than that. Doubtless millions will die, and there's not much the Alliance can do except broker the odd meaningless set of peace talks after they've had at each other."

The Rise of Crimson State

There have been some interesting goings on in the Lugh system, which was a peaceful, Federally controlled system until last week.

Then CMDR orfeboy started acting as agent provocateur for the Crimson State Group.

"Over the centuries those who could moved to the Lugh system to be closer to their point of attention and an underground following has grown over the centuries into now what is a sizable minority faction in this system. 

Always persecuted and hunted in the past they have established themselves now as a force within the system where each and every right they posses had to be fought and worked for. But they will accept repression no more. 

Now we want what is rightfully ours! The worship of the great God Lugh will no longer be oppressed and we will have dominance in this sector and eject the oppressive Federation out of this system declaring an independent Lugh! 

We call on all ships for support. 

Come to Lugh. Only do missions for the 'Crimson State Group'. 

We need guns and weapons to gather forces for our uprising. 

Our numbers are few but our resolve steadfast! 

We will not fail. We cannot fail. We must not fail!"

With the help of many others, his campaign has seen Crimson State’s influence rise in the system from being a minor faction to such an extent that at the time of writing the system is on the brink of civil war.

The Emperor is a Sick Man

Arguably the most powerful person in the galaxy, Emperor Hengist Duval, is sick.

He has ruled the Empire now for 67 years since his coronation in 3233 following the death of his father, Hesketh Duval.

Emperor Hengist is only 118, born only a week before the death of his grandfather, Hender Saik Duval. Some say Hender's spirit had already transferred to Hengist at that time.

The Duval Imperial line has been unbroken for almost a thousand years.  There have been power struggles in the past, but the usurpers have been successfully dealt with behind closed doors.

This time is different.

Hengist has been not involved himself in politics for a long time, relying on his Chancellor, Senator Blaine and has taken a laissez faire attitude towards a handful of increasingly powerful and ambitious Senators whilst Harold, the current heir, quickly made a name for himself as a feckless playboy.

The warlike Senator Denton Patreus, last seen trying to destabilise the Eranin system during the conflict surrounding its 30th Anniversary of Independence from the Federation, continues his manipulative power-broking in the galaxy at large.

The preposterously rich Senator Zemina Torval is using her slaver corporation supporters and personal fleet of Majestic-class Interdictors to suppress revolts and to further her ambitions.

Commentators expect others to show their hand, too.

Much like in Imperial Rome on ancient Earth, Senators determine the tax rates of their supporters and both Patreus and Torval have become hugely popular back home as they have each used their huge wealth to lower taxation to zero.

There is a real prospect of the next Emperor not being a Duval.  And the bitter fight for succession is about to spill out into the open.

Meanwhile, the Federation and Alliance of Independent Systems are watching with keen interest.

New FSD Interdictors Renew Legal Debate

Achilles Aerospace's recently unveiled FSD interdictor product line has prompted Federation-wide renewed calls for frame shift interdiction to be classified as a crime - a proposal strongly rejected by several independent systems in this sector.

A spokesperson for the Achilles division, which specialises in ship modifications, refused to comment on what is becoming a political issue, other than to reveal that sales of the FSD interdictor module are performing beyond expectations.

Security analysts recommend that whilst interdiction remains legal, super cruising pilots should pay attention to vessels approaching from behind, as this is the device's required position to tether the two craft together and begin the process of interdiction.

New Technology Powers Exploration

The Pilot's Federation has made the Universal Cartographics Discovery Module a standard component in all Sidewinder loadouts.

The Discovery Module is activated via a fire group, and works at both standard and supercruise speeds.

Once charged, it emits radiation bursts and analyzes reflections and reactions to build an overview of local unknown bodies.

Pilots can perform close-range scans of stars, planets and moons using standard targeting procedures. After a short delay, the on-board navigation computer will be updated with details of the body.

Exploration data can be traded with Universal Cartographics in starports, and growing demand has seen upgraded discovery modules and detailed surface scanners made available.