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Zemina Torval and Florence Lavigny Join Patreus’ Campaign

Senator Patreus has seen a resurgence of support since his declaration of war against the group responsible for Emperor Hengist Duval’s murder. Reports from the campaign have indicated that Emperor’s Dawn is now claiming responsibility for the regicide, although this hasn’t been independently confirmed as yet.

In a Senate session, Senator Zemina Torval declared her support for the operation and instructed her loyal followers to join the campaign.

Analysts have been keenly watching the political landscape shift in the weeks since the Emperor’s death. Many had written off Patreus as his influence waned with the dishonour of his association with the Emperor’s assassin, Brendan Paul Darius. However, his decisive action against Emperor’s Dawn has raised his profile. Some believe that it is a cynical ploy by Patreus, but none can argue that he has gained the support of the Senate heavyweights.

Even Florence Lavigny has spoken out for unity and support for Patreus:

“When I was much younger, and my first husband dear Aristide was sadly eaten by a Ling Lang in his own menagerie, there were conspiracy theories, none of which were true. The simple truth was he was foolish to keep so many dangerous animals as pets. I’ve known Denton for years, and I know he wasn’t involved in the Emperor’s murder. Hengist had many enemies, but Denton Patreus was not one of them.”

Civil Aid Crisis as Millions of Mourners Fill Capitol

The civic authorities on Capitol have reported needing to use strategic reserves of food, medical supplies and shelters as millions of mourners now fill the streets, waiting for their chance to see Emperor Hengist Duval’s body before the funeral next week.

In all of history there has never been as many people on the home planet of the Empire as there are today. This strain has pushed all of the emergency services way beyond capacity, so extra troops have been drafted in for increased security and to assist with distributing the aid. Imperial Navy personnel are also providing medical and rescue services, with temporary command areas deployed throughout the city.

The problem is exacerbated by the mourners remaining in the city after paying their respects. People are being urged to leave the Capitol if they have already visited the Hall of Martyrs, but many are choosing to stay to witness the funeral.

Emperor’s Killer Not Working Alone?

While Chancellor Anders Blaine has provided almost daily updates on the investigation of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination there has been little progress of note until today. The breakthrough is reported to have originated from an investigation into the killing of Brendan Paul Darius’ family.

The local investigator, Inspector Reeve, discovered encrypted data files hidden within the toys of the six year old girl killed in the attack. These files have revealed the existence of a secret group – calling themselves Emperor’s Dawn. They are an ultra-traditionalist movement fearing the erosion of imperial values.

The exact reason why the Emperor was targeted is as yet unknown, but it was discovered that Princess Aisling has also been targeted by the group. In response to this threat her security has been increased.

Chancellor Blaine concluded his update by saying:

“This unexpected development has revealed a hideous cancer within our society. One that will be hunted down and eradicated with the utmost urgency.”

Claims of Federal Involvement

With the long history of conflict between the superpowers, it is not unexpected that some of the more paranoid members of the Imperial population have directed their suspicions concerning the Emperor’s assassination at the Federation. While no-one in authority within the Empire takes these claims seriously, some of the citizens and lower members of Imperial society wonder that if the claims aren’t true, then why don’t those in charge simply say so?

Some believe that these unanswered, if unreasonable, questions lay at the heart of some of the trouble reported in the queue of mourners on Capitol.

To many of us, the thought that the Federation would risk all-out war by killing the leader of the only other superpower capable of battling them on equal terms is far out there. But it’s not the craziest theory by a long mark.

Conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio claims that the Emperor is not dead, instead it is just his human host that has been transformed and the being we knew as Emperor Hengist Duval has returned to his homeworld in the Andromeda galaxy.

Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire's Future

The group known as 'Children of Liberty' released another public statement today, this time addressing what it sees as the "crossroads" the Empire finds itself at in the wake of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination.

"Everyone can see that the Empire is at a crossroads, but it is not just a question of who will lead the Empire - it is a question of whether that leader will be answerable to the people. The Empire was founded on the principle of a representative democracy, one in which senators – duly elected by the people – carry out the peoples' will. Marlin Duval would be ashamed of how her noble vision has been twisted and corrupted by her brother and his progeny."

The statement went on to lament that none of the current claimants seem qualified to "restore liberty and honour" to the Empire, although the statement did say that "ironically enough, Aisling Duval embraces the most democratic methods, and goals, of all the claimants. Perhaps if she embraced the aim of returning the Empire to its democratic roots, the lovers of freedom in this galaxy would have someone they could actually support."

Commander Virgil Kyle

Gun Battle Ends Darius Family Murder Investigation

The hunt for the killers of the Darius family came to a dramatic conclusion today in a firefight with local security forces on Eotienses.

The Darius family was brutally murdered four days ago in what is believed to be revenge for Brendan Paul Darius’s assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. All of the suspects – who are understood to have been local vigilantes seeking revenge for the Emperor’s murder – were killed in the operation. In a statement, Inspector Reeve, who led the investigation, said:

“Considering the savagery with which the suspects butchered the Darius family, we couldn’t take any chances while attempting to arrest them. They were heavily armed and opened fire as our officers entered the building.”

He refused to answer questions about why the family wasn’t in protective custody, or how the protection team were able to be subdued so easily. One local witness of the operation claimed that no attempt was made to arrest the suspects, an accusation Inspector Reeve vigorously denied.

Imperial Citizenry Pays Tribute to Late Emperor

Far from the Hall of Martyrs, Imperial citizens across the Empire have been paying tribute to the late Emperor. Many local system authorities have renamed landmarks and buildings in his honour, and a few have commissioned architects and artists to create new memorials in local capitals. The grandest of these designs has been commissioned by the Facece Empire Party on Topaz, featuring a modernist interpretation of the late Emperor sat atop a triumphal arch in the capital's main square. A statement released by the Facece Empire Party reads: "This minimalist sculpture will represent the spirit of the late Emperor, and all those who went before him, as a caretaker watching over the people".

Pilots’ bars have become more akin to literary salons of late, as commanders attempt to unravel the mystery behind Brendan Paul Darius' motives, and determine the existence of a possible mastermind behind the shocking assassination.

Perhaps the greatest tributes have come from the ordinary Imperial citizenry. In the days since the Emperor's death, the Office of Imperial Statistics has reported a 16% upsurge in newborn males being named "Hengist", reflecting the populace's great affection for their late head of state.

Commander Stateira "Starcloak" Eleshenar

Florence Lavigny Calls for Calm

In her first public appearance since the death of her fiancé Emperor Hengist Duval on their wedding day, Florence Lavigny made a short statement in the Imperial Palace press hall and answered a few questions. Her comments come amongst rising tensions on Capitol.

“We must remember proper decorum in this sad time. Our beloved Emperor would not want his death to be used as an excuse for some of the unpleasantness seen in our city. We should mark his passing with proper quiet reflection and respect for our fellow citizens.”

Although clearly devastated by the loss of her long-time friend, she maintained an air of regal dignity, providing a glimpse of what she might have been as Empress Regent. As well as calling for calm, she recalled earlier times with the Emperor in his youth, even some events while her first husband Prince Aristide Lavigny was still alive. These anecdotes forced smiles from even the most sombre reporters gathered there.