Galnet archive

Pirates Targeting Medical Supply Ships

According to officials at Hart Station, medical supply ships transporting the Cerberus Plague antidote from the starport are being targeted by pirates. Naturally, these attacks are substantially undermining attempts to eliminate the disease, which continues to affect a number of systems. One official said:

“It’s just despicable. I wouldn’t expect compassion from pirates, of course. But don’t they understand that this affects them, too? If the Cerberus Plague isn’t eliminated, it could spread to every corner of the galaxy. Everyone will suffer, even the pirates. Do they think they’re immune or something?”

In an effort to combat the threat posed by the pirates, the Union of Bast Liberals has started offering rewards to those who eliminate any of the pirate vessels. With luck, this will allow the medical ships to deliver the cure to those who so desperately need it.

05 Aug 3301

Fight Against Cerberus Plague Continues

The drive to deliver quantities of Ceremonial Heike Tea to Hart Station in the Bast System continues, as the starport’s medical teams work around the clock to create as much of the Cerberus Plague antidote as they can. According to Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock, the rare tea is the only substance that can counter the virulent effects of the disease.

Independent pilots who are in a position to help with the effort are reminded that the Union Of Bast Liberals is offering incentives to pilots who deliver Ceremonial Heike Tea, which can only be purchased in Brunel City Station in Heike, to Hart Station.

Cerberus Plague Breakthrough

Medical personnel at Hart Station were unanimous in their praise for the many Commanders who delivered medicines to the Bast System as part of an ongoing effort to help those afflicted with the Cerberus Plague. A spokesperson at Hart Station released the following statement:

“We are immensely grateful to the 765 independent pilots who delivered medicine to the primary care facility here at Hart Station. Through their charitable efforts, we were able to bring relief to thousands of patients, and also to devote time we would not otherwise have had to our ongoing search for a cure. What’s more, we think we may have made a breakthrough in that area. So to all those who contributed, we just want to say a heartfelt thank you.”

Apparently, patients at Hart Station who were offered Ceremonial Heike Tea showed some improvement in their health. When other patients experienced similar recoveries, the local team ran tests and sent samples to Carl Simmons, Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock in BD-02 4304, who is leading research into a cure. He offered the following brief statement:

“Patients were offered the tea simply to lift their spirits, but it apparently contains ingredients that can actually cure those afflicted with the pathogen. The tea is quite rare, however, and is only found in Heike, so I suspect it will be quite a challenge to gather the quantities that we need.”

We can only hope this news signals a turning point in the fight against the Cerberus Plague.

Cerberus Plague Outbreaks in the Bast, Una and Santjalan Systems

Reports that the Cerberus Plague has reached Hart Station in the Bast system, Hoard Orbital in the Una system and Cantor Terminal in the Santjalan system is causing fear amongst the population. So far a cure hasn’t been found for this disease despite the continuing work of Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock, and medical teams in the surrounding systems. In a statement he reiterated that people should remain at home.

Hospitals and care facilities in these systems are already overloaded as the number of infected people rapidly rises. Volunteers and local security personnel are aiding the health services in managing the crisis as well as trying to maintain the rule of law.

Any pilots in the region are being called upon to help deliver medical aid to the affected starports.

23 Jul 3301

Cerberus Plague Spreads to the Bastes, Maheou Ti and Ochoeng Systems

News of fresh cases of the Cerberus Plague has caused mass panic among the populations of Shepherd Hub in the Bastes System, Yegorov Station in the Maheou Ti system and Roddenberry Gateway in the Ochoeng system. Even though the number of cases reported so far is relatively low, the medical services and hospitals have been overwhelmed by citizens desperate for treatment, despite not being infected.

Station authorities have appealed for calm and restricted movement to only the most essential travel. States of emergency have been declared and open contracts for urgent medical and aid supplies are being issued for these systems.

23 Jul 3301

Cerberus Plague Shuts Down Station Services

Due to the ongoing crisis caused the Cerberus Plague, key station services at the following starports are not currently available. The following starports are affected:

In the Dajoar system:

Thiel Port

Crown Terminal

Patrick Terminal

Macquorn Rankine Port

Ejeta Enterprise

In the Eleu system:

Finney Dock

Bao Orbital

Elder Station

Tem Station

Pierce Gateway

Bradshaw Station

In the 20 Ophiuchi system:

Chargaff Port

Artsebarsky Gateway

The following station services are unavailable:



Bulletin Board




Black Market

The authorities on these starports report that services will remain offline until the Cerberus Plague has been contained and resources can be spared to work on these facilities.

22 Jul 3301

Security Support Needed For Cerberus Plague Intervention

With increasing reports concerning the so-called ‘Cerberus Plague’, officials from Dajoar, Eleu and 20 Ophiuchi have all declared states of emergency. They are calling on bounty hunters and combat-capable pilots in the region help protect the relief efforts.

The issue arises at the same time that some medics in the systems have stated that the vaccines are not proving as effective against these cases, leading to speculation that the organism has mutated. Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock and leading the medical team combating this infection, commented:

“While there are some indications that the organism has changed, we are still analysing the data and it is too early to draw any conclusions.”

Further muddying the waters, a representative for one of the pirate gangs claimed that they were helping the right people. In an anonymous statement, they declared:

“As usual it is the rich and well-connected that benefit from official channels. We are simply making sure that these supplies reach the people who need them the most.”

16 Jul 3301

Reports of the Cerberus Plague beyond BD-02 4304

The heroic efforts of the local authorities at Newton Dock in BD-02 4304, combined with independent pilots from far and wide, have slowed the outbreak affecting the local population.

Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock, responded to reports of further infections in the nearby systems: Dajoar, Eleu and 20 Ophiuchi.

“We can confirm that there have been isolated incidents which we believe are the same infectious agent that we have seen here on Newton Dock. The populations in those systems should not be alarmed and three operations have been initiated to isolate the sick and prevent further outbreak.”

When asked how the disease had spread to those systems, he replied:

“We can’t confirm the vector as yet. Our current belief is that these cases are simply people from here who managed to travel before restrictions were in place. However, as with any outbreak of this magnitude, we are not taking anything for granted.”

He concluded his statement with:

“Once again we are calling on the resources of the independent pilots in the region to help ensure that these cases do not develop into a full-blown outbreak as seen here on Newton Dock.”

While he denied that the team were calling the new disease the Cerberus Plague, one technician did confirm that the name was being used unofficially and came from an unusual three-pronged structure at the ‘head’ of the phage-like organism.