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FSS Upgrade to Track Anomalous Signals

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Full spectrum system (FSS) scanners are being updated with the aim of discovering the nature of the interstellar anomalies.

Cynthia Sideris, chairperson of Universal Cartographics, gave this statement to the press:

“The scientific community remains fascinated by the phenomena that we have classified as ‘rogue signal sources’. At present we can calculate their approximate direction and velocity, but otherwise they remain a mystery. We have therefore worked with several corporations to enhance the ability of ships to analyse the signals.”

“Engineers from Auger Vision, Jick Nackson Enterprises, Long Embedded Systems, LURP Ship Systems and other specialist companies collaborated to improve the long-range detection capabilities of FSS scanners. Their collaborative efforts produced a firmware upgrade that is designed to isolate these unique electromagnetic emissions.”

“By agreement with every ship manufacturer, Universal Cartographics has rolled out this free update to all FSS scanners. Our hope is that with more pilots targeting the rogue signal sources, we can triangulate their positions more accurately and, perhaps, determine their composition.”

The objects continue to travel at faster-than-light speeds between distant systems, defying all attempts to intercept them. Their appearance does not match any naturally occurring stellar bodies known to science.

Unexplained ‘Flare’ Detected in Deep Space

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Reports from independent explorers indicate that an unusual visual phenomenon has appeared in deep space.

A distant point of light, described as a reddish-orange flare with faint radial patterns, has been observed close to the Barnard's Loop nebula. It is thought to have appeared only recently. Universal Cartographics has confirmed that the location of this ‘flare’ does not match any previously catalogued stellar body or star.

Early attempts to verify these reports have noted a strange response when the same region of space is observed through a full spectrum system scanner (FSS). No definitive target can be isolated, but claims of a faint background noise generated by FSS audio converters have been asserted.

Commander Eva Llewellyn, speaking to Vox Galactica, remarked:

“I’m used to the FSS making all sorts of strange noises, but listening to this thing – comet, solar flare, whatever it is – gives me goosebumps. Something feels off, all right. The scanner tells me there’s nothing there, nothing to focus on. Can’t say I agree. Still, smarter people than me will figure out the truth of it all, I guess.”

At present, it is unknown if this is a naturally occurring stellar event. Pilots are attempting to gather more data, but as yet no authority or scientific body has provided any official analysis of the phenomenon.

Remarkable ‘Lost Planet’ Rediscovered

The location of the first green gas giant ever recorded was a mystery for years, but it has now been found by a community of explorers.

Commander Kelly Eldridge initially made the discovery on the 23rd of May 3301, noting that it was “the strangest gas giant I've seen so far”. The vivid green bands in the planet’s atmosphere made it unique to explorers at the time, and these types of gas giant are still extremely rare. The unusual colouration is believed to be caused by free-floating radioplankton that absorb planetary radiation.

Unfortunately, astrographic data of the system was not retained by Eldridge, so its precise location was lost. But in early 3308, Commander Richard Fluiraniz M began gathering enthusiasts for the ‘At The Eldritch Gate’ expedition, to collectively search for the missing planet.

The mission involved analysing constellation patterns and interstellar gas clouds in the only available image taken by Eldridge. Pilots also retraced her path by tracking neutron stars with her discovery tag, which involved multiple ships sweeping across an enormous area within the Perseus Crags region.

A match for the green gas giant was eventually made on the 16th of August by Commander Orange!, who identified it as the seventh planet in the Shaulai DL-P d5-274 system. With the system name supplied, Universal Cartographics then verified that it was indeed the original submitted by Eldridge.

Cynthia Sideris, chairperson of Universal Cartographics, gave a public tribute to the expedition:

“For over seven years, astronomers have been unable to officially catalogue the very first green gas giant. Through hard work and perseverance it has finally been found, and the full story of Shaulai DL-P d5-274 7 can be recorded for posterity. We are indebted to the Independent Explorers Association and everyone who took part in this historic achievement.”

Azimuth: A Historical Perspective (Part One)

Beginning a multi-part overview of historical events surrounding Azimuth Biochemicals and its connection to the mysterious Salvation.

On the 29th of October 3306, an abandoned megaship named the Adamastor arrived in the Chukchan system, after travelling at sublight speeds for nearly 200 years. At the time, no one could have foreseen the wide-ranging consequences that would arise from unlocking the secrets of this ghost ship.

Investigations revealed that it had been owned by a little-known and long-defunct corporation called Azimuth Biochemicals. The derelict’s journey was traced to the previously unexplored Coalsack Nebula, where the Adamastor had collected the survivors of a planetary survey team from the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system.

Back in 3111, these geologists had encountered something terrifying and completely unknown: the first recorded instance of contact with the Thargoids. According to team leader Professor Carver, whose final log was discovered on HIP 69200 1 B, a recovered alien artefact caused equipment malfunctions and delusions among the crew. The damaged Adamastor was abandoned, to finally return home on autopilot two centuries later.

Further exploration of the Coalsack Nebula uncovered nothing more, but did lead to the detection of new barnacle sites. The Alliance wasted no time in harvesting these for meta alloys, followed by a Sirius Corporation project to terraform ammonia worlds. A resurgence of attacks from Thargoid vessels followed, suggesting that the alien species was as territorial as ever.

In April 3307, the Adamastor began receiving a long-range encrypted signal. A decryption key for this was provided by an anonymous source who identified himself only as ‘Salvation’. Tracking the signal led to the wreck of the Hesperus, the Adamastor’s sister ship. This had disappeared in 3113 and was now drifting in the Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system.

The distress call had been triggered by a dredger occupied by the nomadic Scriveners Clan, who had salvaged the Hesperus’s data drives. Messages leaked from the dredger revealed how the Hesperus had been taken over by sleeper agents from Pharmasapien, the corporate rivals of Azimuth Biochemicals. This resulted in the deaths of all except a scientific team, who had escaped aboard a secondary craft.

Two months later, the enigmatic Salvation asked pilots to track down the Hesperus’s signal beacons to find those missing Azimuth crew members. The secondary craft, named Proteus, was subsequently discovered on a moon in the Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2 system. Its crew had transformed it into a research facility, to study relics from a nearby ancient battleground between the Guardian and Thargoid races.

The security officer’s log told of Azimuth’s real purpose: locate non-human technology and weaponise it for the military market. The scientists had conducted dangerous experiments on Guardian crystals, accidentally triggering a radiation surge which wiped them all out.

It seemed that Azimuth’s story ended there, nearly 200 years ago. But the fate of the Proteus would have enormous repercussions for the future of the galaxy.

Yong-Rui: ‘History Will Judge Sirius’

The CEO of Sirius Corporation has addressed public concerns regarding its anti-xeno defence pact with the Alliance.

Li Yong-Rui’s comments were made during an in-depth interview with The Alliance Tribune:

“The best way to predict the future is to study the past. This is as true of interstellar organisations as it is of individuals – our former actions indicate the probability of behaviour. So I invite you to study the role that Sirius Corporation has previously played on the political stage.”

“Ever since the Battle of Achenar and the widespread conflicts of the 2300s, our neutrality has allowed us to mediate between the Empire and the Federation on many occasions. More recently, we defused inter-power tensions by establishing the Marlinist Colonies, which provided permanent homes for millions of refugees.”

“It should also not be overlooked that the Galactic Summit was hosted in the Sirius system, where we encouraged humanity’s leaders to peacefully debate their differences. Furthermore, our development of the frame shift drive has revolutionised exploration and allowed many independent societies to flourish.”

“Some continue to cast aspersions on our strategic partnership with the Alliance, and I fully understand their caution. The fear that corporations can only act self-servingly is born from a millennium of notable examples. But it is history that will judge Sirius Corporation’s efforts to defend and preserve civilisation. I truly hope the Alliance will play a significant role in those efforts.”

Support Required for New Marlinist Starports

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A delivery campaign in the HIP 22550 system will help build additional starports for the Marlinist Colonies.

First Minister Octavia Volkov delivered this public address:

“The Marlinist Colonies were born out of desperation, but we have evolved into a fully fledged society. Emperor Arissa has formally accepted our status as an autonomous democracy, albeit one that retains cultural and historical ties with the Empire.”

“To celebrate and consolidate our independence, we have launched an initiative to construct up to six new orbital stations. For all those who wish to take part, we require shipments of aluminium, computer components, power generators and titanium to be transported to Stillman Hub starport.”

“I am also delighted to announce that Universal Cartographics has approved our petition to rename the original eight systems of the Marlinist Colonies. These are expected to officially change in the near future.”

The Free Marlinists of Carinae faction has confirmed that it will offer rewards to pilots who deliver the necessary materials to Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system.

Colonia Bridge Reaches Completion

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Brewer Corporation’s project to improve travel between the core systems and Colonia region has successfully concluded.

The final batch of service installations wraps up construction work on the six starports. The following services will be available at Canonn Complex, Helgrind Gateway, Venatores Hub, Vladmir McDoogle's Triumph and Zerreiss Station:

Universal Cartographics \ Vista Genomics

Pioneer Supplies \ Bartender

Crew Lounge \ Search and Rescue

Material Trader \ Human Tech Broker

Outfitting \ Shipyard

The following services will be available at Promium Relay:

Universal Cartographics \ Vista Genomics

Pioneer Supplies \ Bartender

Material Trader \ Human Tech Broker

Outfitting \ Shipyard

Material traders of all types will be represented across the starports.

Newsfeeds were expecting one final press release from Brewer Corporation, but instead received a rare personal message from the company’s CEO Madelyn Teague:

“It gives me enormous pleasure to announce a triumphant end for this historic undertaking. I want to thank every single person whose hard work made this dream of mine a reality. The names of those pilots most dedicated to the project will soon be recorded on commemorative beacons in the Alcor and Colonia systems.”

“All of us at Brewer Corporation feel a real sense of pride in the Colonia Bridge. For decades to come, these six starports and 56 megaships will boost trade, support exploration and serve as way-stations for travellers. They represent what can be achieved when so many of us share the same vision and work together in harmony.”

Pilots who delivered materials can now collect payment from Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system. The top 75% of contributors for the past week can also collect their pre-engineered overcharged power plant modules on the 11th of March.

Final Week for Colonia Bridge Project

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Delivery campaigns in the Alcor and Colonia systems will complete the six starports along the Colonia Bridge.

Months of work on developing the transportation infrastructure between the core systems and the Colonia region are now coming to an end. Brewer Corporation’s latest press release specified the requirements:

“For this final week, we are asking pilots to deliver auto-fabricators, micro controllers and resonating separators to Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system. These will allow us to install outfitting, shipyard and tech broker services, as we bring the starports to full operational status. There is also another opportunity to install Pioneer Supplies at Promium Relay, the bridge starport nearest to Colonia.”

“Brewer Corporation is grateful to independent pilots for their dedication to constructing the Colonia Bridge. We are therefore pleased to offer various classes of pre-engineered, overcharged power plants as well as exploration decals to the top 75% of contributors to this concluding stage.”

“Finally, this is the last chance for pilots to obtain a Brewer Corporation decal, which will be awarded to every contributor to any of the Colonia Bridge initiatives as a token of gratitude.”

The top ten contributors for each of the Colonia Bridge initiatives will have the opportunity to be named in tourist beacons that will commemorate the project’s conclusion.