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Docked Ship Thief Identified

The individual responsible for stealing a docked Diamondback Explorer in the Vega system has been identified.

Fort Dixon Security Chief, Misaki Sanders, told the media:

“We have determined that Commander Bjorn Lennox’s vessel was stolen by a starship technician, who evidently acted alone without backup.”

“The technician, Gan Romero, has worked at Fort Dixon as a member of the hanger service teams for the past eleven years. He has a stable home life on the station with a wife and three children, with no criminal record.”

“Although Romero’s job gave him access to landing pads, it does not explain his ability to bypass ship security protocols or launch without authorisation. We have yet to determine his motive or destination.”

“The scope of our investigation is widening and we hope to know more soon.”

03 May 3305

Week in Review

Here are this week’s main stories.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has clashed with President Kincaid in the Alliance Assembly. Following repeated demands to increase military funding, Kincaid was reminded by Mahon that executive presidential power had been turned down following a vote. The funding proposals were rejected.

A Diamondback Explorer has been stolen from Fort Dixon in the Vega system despite a number of active security measures. Details indicate the thief was able to override the starport’s security network and gain access to the ship from within the landing pad hangar.

And those are the main stories this week.

Ship Stolen from Starport

An independent pilot’s ship has been stolen from a starport hangar in the Vega system.

The ship’s owner, Commander Bjorn Lennox, told Vox Galactica:

“I’d docked my Diamondback Explorer at Fort Dixon for some routine maintenance, and to enjoy a short break following a deep space exploration voyage. When I went back to the landing pad I discovered the hangar was empty and my ship had gone missing!”

The starport issued a statement from Security Chief Misaki Sanders:

“We are at a loss to explain how the thief managed to hijack our security network, gain entry to a docked and sealed ship, and override authorisation checks to fly out of the station unchallenged.”

“Nearby systems have been alerted and we are collecting leads to track down the stolen vessel. In the meantime, we are conducting an inquiry into how these breaches of docking bay protocols could have occurred.”

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Ambassador Jordan Rochester has been cancelled. The announcement follows anti-slavery campaigner Jarl Toredo’s confession that he and Aisling Duval were romantically involved for several months.

Meanwhile, Lakon Spaceways has announced that a new ship, the Alliance Crusader, will go on general sale on Tuesday the 28th of August. The ship, which is based on the Alliance Chieftain, boasts three internal military compartments and a fighter bay.

Rival technology companies Supratech and Herculean Machines have released press statements promoting new personal-computer designs. Both companies have also confirmed they will be at the Rackham Ultratech Expo on Wednesday the 3rd of October, where they will reveal fully functional prototypes of their new devices.

In other news, the Federal Intelligence Agency has revealed that members of the Far God cult are disappearing in large numbers. While the FIA has speculated that adherents are abandoning the cult and attempting to return to normal life, there have been no reports of former Far God worshippers returning to their friends and families.

An exposé published by The Mars Tribune has revealed that Federal Congressman Morgan Unwin has close ties to a criminal organisation. Information uncovered by the Tribune proves that Unwin used his influence to traffic drugs for the Red Family cartel in order to keep his own addiction secret.

Recent reports from the Betel system indicate that an ongoing feud between the Silver Creative Network and Betel Free has escalated into violence. With system security forces stretched thin, both organisations are seizing the opportunity to settle old grudges, and have issued calls for support.

Finally, the Colonia Council has announced that its campaign to build a new hydroponics facility has been warmly received by the galactic community. Large quantities of material were delivered to Templar Barracks over the past week, allowing the initiative to move to the construction phase.

And those are the main stories this week.

Lakon Releases Alliance Crusader

Lakon Spaceways has announced that a new ship, the Alliance Crusader, will soon be available for purchase.

Meera Callanach, head of military projects at Lakon, gave some details to the media:

“The Alliance Crusader is mechanically similar to the Alliance Chieftain, with one key distinction. Our engineers have removed some internal hardware to accommodate a fighter bay. Inevitably, this means the Crusader is marginally slower and less manoeuvrable than its siblings, but this is compensated by its ability to ferry fighters into a conflict zone.”

“The Crusader’s offensive capabilities are enhanced with three internal military compartments. We are confident that the ship will be able to hold its own in any combat situation, especially against the Thargoids.”

The Alliance Crusader will go on general sale on Tuesday the 28th of August.

Lakon Releases Alliance Chieftain

The Alliance has announced a new combat ship, the Alliance Chieftain, which has been specifically designed to counter the aggression of the Thargoids.

A press release from Lakon Spaceways, which has developed the ship, stated:

“The Chieftain is a highly manoeuvrable vessel for its size and weight, offering an advantage against the renowned agility of Thargoid craft. It boasts six weapon hardpoints and also has three internal military compartments. This makes it very capable in a combat situation, and able to withstand considerable punishment.”

“We believe demand will be high.”

The Alliance Chieftain is now available for purchase.

Galactic News: Type-10 Defender Now Available

Lakon Spaceways has announced that its new ship, the Type-10 Defender, is now available to the public.

The vessel boasts greater speed, acceleration and manoeuvrability than the Type-9 Heavy on which it is based, and also offers a more focused hardpoint loadout.

The Type-10 has been developed primarily in response to the recent Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades, and Lakon has said it envisages the ship “being particularly effective in combat situations”.

Galactic News: Lakon Announces New Ship

The Alliance has commissioned Lakon Spaceways to produce a new ship in response to the recent Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades. The vessel, which has been named the Type-10 Defender, represents a comprehensive revision of the Type–9 Heavy.

Lakon issued the following statement:

“The Type-10 boasts greater speed, acceleration and manoeuvrability than the Type-9, and also offers a more focused hardpoint loadout. We envisage it being particularly effective in combat situations.”

The development is significant in that it represents the first overtly military response from the Alliance to the rising Thargoid threat.

Lakon has committed to an aggressive production schedule that should see the Type-10 reaching retailers next week.