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Powerplay Standings: November 3310

With a renewed focus on internal politics within the core systems, Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica has provided an analysis of the current support for key figures of importance based on system allegiance.

Population surveys suggest the following five powers lead the way in this early stage:

Rank 1: Edmund Mahon - 1355 systems

Rank 2: Aisling Duval - 1296 systems

Rank 3: Arissa Lavigny-Duval - 1162 systems

Rank 4: Yuri Grom - 956 systems

Rank 5: Pranav Antal - 659 systems

With power influence fluctuating from week to week, it remains to be seen if these powers will enjoy their relatively large influence over the coming months.

Powers are offering plenty of incentives and rewards for those pledging to their cause, with independent pilots reaping the benefits of the growing struggle for prestige and authority.

Vox Galactica will continue to monitor the ongoing political landscape as it unfolds.

A New Dawn for Humanity?

With the Thargoid invasion force seemingly on the edge of defeat, political analysts have presented several arguments for what follows.

The potential balance of power across the core systems will be heavily influenced by the ambitions of its primary players – perhaps crucially in the Federation, claims Jean-Daniel Moulin:

“President Winters has finally taken up residence in the White House, ready to face a multitude of challenges. A depressed war economy, mass citizen displacement and a series of late-term policies implemented by the outgoing Zachary Hudson will keep her schedule full for months. Jeremy Archer stands opposite her in Congress, ready to pounce on any signs of weakness and eager to fully emerge from the long shadow of Hudson as the true leader of the Republican party.”

On the Imperial front, Cassia Carvalho of the Imperial Herald has provided a summary of those most likely to benefit post-invasion:

“Emperor Arissa remains the figurehead of Imperial authority, and the successful navigation of military, migrant and domestic challenges has only enhanced her popularity. Likewise for Senator Denton Patreus, whose tactical leadership during the Thargoid war reinforced his power as Admiral of the Fleet. Princess Aisling enjoys glowing praise from Aegis figures as part of the Imperial delegation to the anti-xeno initiative, particularly her focus on humanitarian operations. And Senator Zemina Torval seems poised to assume the position of Chancellor in the near future. What comes next for the continued glory of the Empire?”

In the Alliance, Prime Minister Mahon faces his strongest opposition for some time in the Alliance, according to Vanya Driscoll of the Alliance Tribune:

“There have been some accusations towards the Prime Minister of a lack of decisive leadership during the Thargoid invasion. His reliance on a military pact with Sirius Corporation to enhance the Alliance Defence Force’s AX capabilities awoke key dissenters to Mahon's otherwise popular rule – most notably from Councillor Nakato Kaine, whose anti-corporate stance and strong devotion to the Alliance’s founding ideals have won her plenty of support.”

Various newsfeeds discussed other figures: Sirius Corporation’s continued influence over many aspects of the corporate landscape gives CEO Li Yong-Rui considerable power. Pranav Antal, Simguru of the Utopia, leads a far smaller but vital community of devotees convinced of their guide’s future-tech vision.

Yuri Grom remains a prominent independent fleet commander – viewed as a principled liberator to some, and a ruthless dictator to others. Finally, the Pirate King Archon Delaine’s recent targeted attacks on Emperor Arissa and Shadow President Archer suggests he sees an opportunity to expand his criminal influence in the early post-Invasion era.

Jerome Archer and Nakato Kaine Increase Supporters

Civil, commercial and political groups within the Alliance and Federation are pledging loyalty to two increasingly high-profile individuals.

Sofia Trevino published a summary for The Federal Times:

“President Zachary Hudson has long been the figurehead for a wide range of Federal communities and corporations. But as he prepares to depart the White House, many of these are transferring their allegiance to the new head of the Republican Party, Vice President Jerome Archer.”

“When Felicia Winters becomes president, Archer will take on the role of shadow president and lead the Republican opposition to the governing Liberal Party. He will effectively inherit Hudson’s political power base, which spreads across the Federation and through many independent systems. Many millions of people, including members of the Pilots’ Federation, will perform tasks and exploit local resources in order to expand Archer’s influence.”

In the Alliance, a similar situation is now being recognised, as discussed by Vanya Driscoll of The Alliance Tribune:

“Councillor Nakato Kaine is the representative for the Tionisla system and has been a vocal presence in the Assembly for several years. She ran against Prime Minister Edmund Mahon in the 3307 elections, gaining many followers despite being ultimately unsuccessful. Kaine has also directly opposed many of Mahon’s policies, particularly the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation, on the grounds that the Alliance’s founding principles should not bend to megacorporate influence.”

“This has led Kaine to become a rallying point for those who wish to see Allied systems governed more like the Old Worlds. She is a proponent of electoral reform that would allow the public to directly choose their leaders, rather than the Assembly voting on their behalf. Many local businesses, organisations and political bodies have been attracted by Kaine’s ambitions to transform the Alliance.”

Superpowers Talk on the Financial Impact of War

Vox Galactica has released an in-depth piece about the economic impact of the Thargoid war on the galaxy’s superpowers.

Senior Political Journalist Vanya Driscoll compiled the piece over several months after witnessing the increasing strain and instability in systems galaxy-wide. The report boasts interviews with high-ranking individuals across the galaxy, talking candidly about the impact of the war.

Excerpts from the piece follow.

Federation Vice President Jerome Archer said, when asked about strain in Federation space:

“The Federation has put a lot of resources into ending the war as quickly as possible, but that inevitably spreads what we have left thin. Because of that, we’ve seen more and more opportunistic attacks on systems in our space and we’ve nullified just as many threats through the PDB. Every citizen deserves protection, and any criminal that thinks exploiting a state of war is smart will pay dearly when things return to normal.”

By contrast, when asked about fragility from the war in Empire space, Senator Zemina Torval said:

“What fragility? The Empire persists as it always has, war or no, because we understand more than the Federation or Alliance how to govern. When a body is trying to burn out an infection, how does it do so? Does it keep blood flowing throughout the whole body and hope that everything will work out. No! It keeps the vital organs warm first. If the extremities feel cold, it is the small and temporary price to pay for an organism that survives. So, too, do we guarantee the Empire’s survival. There is an infection in the universe, but so long as the vital governance of the Empire is maintained then we are as strong as ever.”

On being questioned about the war’s impact on the Alliance, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon had this to say:

“It is impossible to separate the financial impact we’re seeing from the human impact. Any damage to an economy is damage to its citizens, and that should never be forgotten. The Alliance is strained as any other superpower is, but our democracy is our strength, and it is that mutual support that has led to our citizens facing fewer opportunistic attacks than the Federation’s, for example. And the less I say about the Empire’s ‘elite first’ economic strategy, the better. Humanity is stronger together. It is how the Alliance will stay strong, and it is how we as a species will win this war.”

Sirius CEO Faces Assembly Inquiry

Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, has addressed the Alliance Assembly as part of its formal inquiry into the strategic defence pact.

The inquiry was proposed by Councillor Nakato Kaine, who highlighted the lack of military support provided by the megacorp against the Thargoids.

When invited to explain why most of Sirius Corporation’s plans have not materialised, Li Yong-Rui said:

“Many new anti-xeno ship configurations were designed for the Alliance Defence Force and have been applied to thousands of ships. But we have encountered many obstacles along the way, which have severely undermined our progress.”

“Usually these obstacles are bureaucratic in nature, but sometimes we simply cannot communicate effectively with the necessary individuals. I find it hard not to conclude that our progress is being deliberately impeded by forces within government departments. Sadly, not everyone shares Prime Minister Mahon’s vision of using our resources and expertise to enhance Alliance naval capabilities.”

Councillor Kaine directly challenged this statement, accusing Yong-Rui of failing to honour his responsibilities. He responded:

“May I remind the honourable councillor of her recent failed endeavour in the Tionisla system to ‘prove the Alliance doesn’t depend on Sirius’. While the Alliance is a powerful entity with considerable resources, the lack of engagement in Kaine’s campaign suggests Sirius’s involvement remains vital. Our company now handles many of the ADF’s routine logistical supplies, far more efficiently than before. Like it or not, we are here to stay.”

The inquiry into the strategic defence pact is expected to conduct more interviews within both Sirius Corporation and relevant Allied organisations. Admiral Nikolas Glass and other members of the Council of Admirals have also agreed to submit their observations.

Federation Extends Quarantine for Thargoid Abductees

Federal citizens who were captured by Thargoids then rescued from the Titans will not yet be permitted to leave secure medical facilities.

The decision comes after the Alliance ended quarantine restrictions for returnees from their systems, with newly rescued civilians expected to spend no more than a week in observation. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has called on other governments to do the same.

President Zachary Hudson discussed the situation during a press conference:

“The consensus of Federal medical experts is that it would be foolishly optimistic to allow these people – some of whom were held aboard the Titans for months – back into the general population. When at war with such an implacable enemy as the Thargoids, we simply cannot afford to take any risks.”

“Rest assured that Federal citizens are not suffering in any way. They are allowed to receive visitors, albeit without physical contact, and have full comms and media access. But they will remain under observation for the time being.”

President-elect Felicia Winters, whose term of office is due to begin early next year, explained her viewpoint:

“Once I am sworn in as president, bringing our people home will be one of my top priorities. The experts referred to by President Hudson have reached no such consensus. Instead, their meticulous tests reveal no evidence whatsoever that former abductees have been influenced or physically compromised by the Thargoids.”

“Nevertheless, I am mindful of the public concern. To that end, I will instruct the Department of Health and Wellness to closely monitor all rescued citizens once they have returned home, including mandatory medical checks. This should allay fears and minimise any social ostracism these individuals may face.”

Alliance Lifts Quarantine for Thargoid Abductees

The Alliance has ended medical isolation for all citizens who were rescued from the Titans after being abducted by Thargoid vessels.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s official declaration was published by all newsfeeds:

“The Assembly has agreed that quarantine procedures for everyone recovered from the Titans are no longer necessary. Those who hail from an Allied system are being transported from the secure facilities back to their families and communities. Their long nightmare is over. We are sending our people home.”

“I call upon the governments of the Empire, Federation and independent systems to follow our lead with their own citizens. We must not treat these unfortunates as criminals or laboratory specimens. During this dark time of war, let our humanity shine through.”

Some medical institutes such as Kamadhenu Medipure and Vandermeer Corporation opposed the Alliance’s decision, claiming that Imperial and Federal returnees should never be allowed back into the general population. Azimuth Biotech also repeated its offer to perform “cutting-edge xenological detection procedures on every human extracted from a Thargoid bio-storage capsule.”

The political dimension was analysed by Vanya Driscoll for The Alliance Tribune:

“Prime Minister Mahon knows that this will be a popular decision, after many public figures called the extended quarantine ‘inhumane’ and ‘barbaric’. Plus, with his rival Councillor Kaine currently questioning the wisdom of the Mahon-endorsed strategic defence pact with Sirius, the timing of this benevolent act could not be better.”

“On the wider political stage, asking the other superpowers to follow suit frames the Alliance as a more humanitarian society than its counterparts. This may be a rare occasion when the Empire and Federation are looking to us for moral guidance… or at least, waiting to see if sending home thousands of Thargoid abductees is a mistake.”

Kaine Launches Alliance Resource Drive

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Councillor Nakato Kaine has requested deliveries to the Tionisla system in protest against the anti-xeno defence pact.

Pilots are asked to deliver shipments of hazardous environment suits, micro controllers and titanium to Brett High. The Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps, which is hosting the initiative, will protect participants by redeeming bounty vouchers for the destruction of any wanted ships.

The campaign was personally arranged by Councillor Nakato Kaine, the representative for Tionisla in the Alliance Assembly. Speaking to the Old Worlds Gazette, Kaine stated:

“I aim to prove that the Alliance’s military fleet is not as dependent upon Sirius Corporation as many believe. This campaign demonstrates our capability to stockpile vital resources for the Alliance Defence Force. And we have plenty of researchers, mechanics and manufacturers ready to develop our own defences against the Thargoids.”

“It’s clear to me that Li Yong-Rui never intended to honour his anti-xeno commitments. I’ve seen evidence of Sirius negotiating favourable contracts with Allied tech and military corporations. Their special access to the Alliance’s markets, plus the endorsement of our prime minister, have provided them with unfair leverage. The true cost of the pact has yet to be revealed, but you can bet that Allied citizens will pay the price while Sirius’s profits soar.”

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has not commented on the Tionisla campaign, other than to confirm: “A formal inquiry into the strategic defence pact is ongoing, and the Assembly will study its findings carefully.”