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Mahon speaks out on Alliance Values

Prime Minister Mahon gave a speech today to the assembled graduates of the esteemed Alioth University, the same establishment he graduated from as a student. While his opponents sometimes deride his ‘matter of fact’ presentation, few could argue against the Prime Minister’s passion for the values he holds dear:

“The Alliance of Independent Systems is built upon a single defining principle and that is one of freedom. The freedoms we enjoy range from our personal freedoms as inscribed in the Bill of Human Rights to the freedom of societies and even planets within the Alliance.

“But we should not accept this grace blindly or assume that its existence continues by mere chance. The birth of the Alliance came from removing the burden of the Federation and the Empire who for centuries fought each other for our resources and we were caught helpless in the middle.

“Both of those organisations proudly describe their origins as being freedom from the tyranny of others. And yet now they are the tyranny and it is our duty to oppose them, while also ensuring that we don’t become them.”

The speech then turned to the minutiae of the Alliance’s democratic process. But pundits were quick to comment that this was a bold statement from the Prime Minister and that perhaps the recent successes in the Old Worlds region show a more robust future for the Alliance in galactic politics.

Prime Minister Mahon announces open trade agreement for Lave cluster

During a press conference in Alioth earlier today, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has expressed his gratitude towards the independent pilots who supported his initiative to strengthen the economical bonds with the Old Worlds in the Lave cluster. Mahon assured his declared intention to keep the cluster open for traders of all affiliations and has announced an open trade agreement that will grant any trader safe passage.

To ensure the safety of trader ships in the sector, he has commissioned the Alliance Defence Force to establish a permanent presence in the sector, to counter the growing threats to civilian traders from piracy and crime. The Council of Admirals has announced that the deployment of such forces will begin soon.

Prime Minister Mahon Announces Open Trade Agreement in Old World Cluster

During a press conference in Alioth earlier today, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed his gratitude towards the independent pilots who supported his initiative to strengthen the Alliance's economic presence in the Old Worlds cluster. Mahon declared intention to keep the cluster open for traders of all affiliations and has announced an open trade agreement that will grant any trader safe passage.

To ensure the safety of trader ships in the sector, Prime Minister Mahon has commissioned the Alliance Defence Force to establish a permanent presence in the sector, to counter the growing threats to civilian traders from piracy and crime. The deployment of this new Alliance strike force is expected to take place within the next few weeks.

Systems Flocking to the Alliance in Face of Galactic Turmoil

As leader of the Alliance of Independent Systems, Prime Minister Mahon is no stranger to bureaucratic red tape.

Unlike the other major galactic powers, the Alliance is not a single entity governed by a shared set of rules and values. It is a collective of independent systems grouped together for mutual protection and economic benefit. Mahon has said he sees his role as a trusted guide whose job it is to keep the systems united. While this relaxed approach to leadership has seen Mahon maintain his position as Prime Minister for the better part of a decade, it isn’t without its pitfalls. Despite enjoying a massive amount of support among Alliance civilians, Edmund often finds it a struggle to focus his supporters on a single objective. Most recently this caused the Alliance to lose a significant amount of influence in both Dahan and Zeta Trianguli, where in both cases the Alliance lost ground to Shadow President Winters and her more focused Federal campaign.

Fortunately, the Alliance boasts highly skilled diplomats, resulting in a steady stream of worlds joining the Alliance. So despite Mahon’s lack of focus, the taste of freedom is enough to ensure that the Alliance will remain relevant in galactic politics for a long time to come.

Alioth Warns Lugh They Stand Alone

Speaking before a gathering of the Alliance Assembly today, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has issued a warning to the Crimson State Group that it stands alone in its opposition to the Federation’s continued governance of Lugh.

“It is not the place of the Alliance to intervene in matters of legitimate Federal governance. No laws have been broken, no rights have been abused and as such no military aid will be forthcoming for the freedom fighters of Lugh. Similarly, until such time as the residents of Lugh have fully seceded from the Federation, any applications to join the Alliance of Independent Systems will be automatically rejected on the grounds that Lugh is not a fully functioning independent state.”

The news will come as quite a blow for Lugh, and the Crimson State Group in particular, who will now need to find allies closer to home if they want to have any hope of winning their fight for independence.