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Powerplay: Weekly Report

President Zachary Hudson secured a new base for the Federal Navy in the Muncheim system this week. The coming week holds potential for three additional bases in Detta, Dongkum and HIP 24046. Should these additional systems be secured, the President will be responsible for a total of 79 naval bases.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon's negotiators were unable to secure an equitable trade agreement with the Ross 842 system this week, but Alliance representatives have returned with additional incentives for the leaders of Ross 842 to consider.

Shadow President Felicia Winters is moving forward with her aid campaign in Amuzgo, hoping to prove that Federal values have a place in the future of the independent system. At the time of writing, her most significant Liberal propaganda campaign is underway in the Fasti system, followed by the Kali system.

Princess Aisling Duval's media blitzes in Chnumar, Ekono and HIP 77470 ended unsuccessfully. Fundraising campaigns came up short in HIP 116045 and Tsanla, jeopardizing the influence of the People's Princess in those systems. If funding becomes available, the media blitzes in the Nyalayan and Kuki An systems could lead to additional supporters for the Princess.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny Duval's supporters delivered nearly one billion garrison supplies in an attempt to counter resource shortfalls in her domain. Supplies were bottlenecked in the Guathiti system, where over half of the supplies remained, exacerbating the shortage. As a result, the Shield of Justice was forced to withdraw from Yao Tzu, Rurema, He Xingo and Candecama.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui was unable to purchase the assets of the Kwaritreni system, but retained the Ticua system. The Kwaritreni system remains a subject of interest for Sirius, and an offer of franchise is currently being resubmitted. At the time of writing, two additional systems - Zhao Tzu and Wong Zhi – are also being offered Sirius franchises.

Simguru Pranav Antal's ambassadors were denied the opportunity to open Utopian enclaves in Sukree and Taosha this week. Meanshile, ambassadors have returned to Taosha in the hope of rekindling an interest in Utopia, and Utopian forces are currently engaged in Kenna and Yemotepa. Should Antal secure both systems, Utopian enclaves will be present in 50 key systems.

Senator Zemina Torval is currently dealing with a budget deficit in her enterprise. If the situation does not improve, the assets of Wolfberg, Secoya and HIP 107936 will be sold to offset the deficit. If sufficient funding is made available, the senator could acquire a controlling stake in the Yakama system.

Senator Denton Patreus experienced significant opposition to the deployment of his private fleet in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini this week. Attempts are currently being made to negotiate the supply of arms and munitions in exchange for long-term berthing of the senator's fleets in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's attempts to take control of Tjakiri and HIP 109144 were rebuffed. Meanwhile, resistance forces in Bhattra, He Xians and Brynhilio have risen up, providing the first real glimmer of hope that a system occupied by the Kumo Crew could overthrow its conquerors. Federal freedom fighters have claimed credit for inciting the uprisings.

Commander Corrigendum

Powerplay: Weekly Report

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon approved trade agreements with the leaders of Dao Zi and Ross 931 this week, bringing a total of 88 preferred trading partners under his influence. A truly impressive trade network now supports the Alliance economy, and representatives of Ross 842 are currently seeking to become another node in that highly lucrative network.

President Zachary Hudson made an appearance at the new Federal navy base in the Frey system, while Vice President Brad Mitchell presided over the opening of another naval base in Lalande 37120. Both systems expand the protection of the Federal fleets to frontier worlds near the troubled Pegasi Sector. Meanwhile, a new naval base is currently being established in the Muncheim system.

Shadow President Felicia Winters was unable to secure support in Sawali and Amuzgo last week, but a glimmer of hope still shines in these systems. Renewed aid campaigns aim to motivate Sawali and Amuzgo to vote 'Liberal', although it's likely only one of these campaigns will bear fruit. Political analysts lean toward Sawali as the most likely to pledge its support to the Shadow President.

Senator Zemina Torval had an unexpectedly profitable week, sending stocks in her enterprise soaring. This success was made possible in large part by the acquisition of the Chujohimba system. Senator Torval is expected to make another investment this week, this time in the Timbarichs system.

Princess Aisling Duval's tour through Ekono, HIP 77470 and Chnumar successfully stimulated interest in the Princess's cause. If system leaders in all three systems pledge their support, a total of 64 key systems will formally enforce the Princess's abolitionist agenda. Aisling Duval is also rumoured to be courting the leaders of the Nyalayan system. Further news is expected in one week's time.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval withdrew Shield of Justice forces from the Nyalayan system this week, and a lack of resources for the Emperor's fleet may lead to withdrawals from Bragit, Candecama, Rurema, He Xingo, and Yao Tzu. No new contracts for Shield of Justice security details in Hrun, Kherthaje, Neites, and Waimiri were fulfilled, as another side-effect of the supply shortfall.

Simguru Pranav Antal established a presence in the Peregrina system this week - a dubious achievement given that the only life-bearing body in Peregrina has been cordoned off due to native pathogens. Any ship passing through the moon's atmosphere is automatically designated a plague ship, refused docking in all systems, and attacked on sight by faction and system security forces. At the time of writing, Utopian delegates are opening relations with the Dongkum system, and preparing to open enclaves in Taosha and Sukree.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui had to deal with another unexpected financial hiccup this week. Attempts to acquire assets in the private and government sectors in Dongkum, HIP 23395 and Kenna were underfunded, and failed. CEO Yong-Rui now has to consider either purchasing the assets of Kwaritreni, or selling off the assets of Ticua.

Senator Denton Patreus amassed an enormous budgetary surplus this week, and will likely seek to expand his influence in several systems next week. Sales of arms and other supplies are currently taking place in the Katurru system. Meanwhile, 23 Delta Piscis Austrini is playing host to the senator's fleets, and could become a permanent Naval berth.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's bid to take control of Djabijabus and Devata Baru were unsuccessful. Kumo Crew fleets remained undaunted, however, pressing advantages in open insurrections in HIP 103138 and Tjakiri. At the time of writing, signs of insurrection are also beginning to appear in the HIP 109144 system.

Commander Corrigendum

A Week in Powerplay

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was unable to orchestrate any new trade agreements this week, but the coming week holds potential for new opportunities in the Dao Zi and Ross 931 systems. Very little else of note has transpired in Alliance territory since our last report.

President Zachary Hudson gathered intelligence from Frey and Lalande 37120, and has deployed Federal fleets to establish a more permanent naval presence in both systems. Sufficient resources were collected last week to seek out another appropriate base for the Federal Navy. More news on that will likely follow next week.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's Shield of Justice failed to secure Kartenes, as command capital reserves fell short late in the week. Crime sweeps are currently active in Hrun, Kherthaje, Neites and Waimiri, but if command capital supplies remain low, opportunities to station the Shield of Justice in these systems will also fail.

Shadow President Felicia Winters' aid campaigns in Chireni, HIP 47328 and Hyades Sector EB-X D1-110 failed this week. Budgetary challenges prevented all three missions from reaching a successful outcome. Despite last week's shortfall, aid campaigns are currently underway in Amuzgo and Sawali.

Princess Aisling Duval was very successful with fundraising campaigns this week, granting her the opportunity to court the favour of several key systems. Ekono, HIP 77470, Madngela, Nuxalkuq are currently on her itinerary.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui has had a very positive week. The momentous discovery of the Antares wreckage, coupled with the continued prosperity of SiriusGov, has been a cause for celebration for the Sirius Corporation. Business relationships in Dongkum, HIP 23395 and Kenna are being investigated this week, paving the way for the potential expansion of Sirius to a total of 57 systems.

Senator Zemina Torval managed her business skilfully this week, narrowly evading a deficit. The senator is currently attempting to acquire controlling interest in the Chujohimba system. Future expansion of her enterprises will require great effort.

Simguru Pranav Antal had another successful week. Two systems – Azalai and GCRV 2743 – formalized relationships with Utopia and joined the commune. The once miniscule power now directly controls 47 key systems, and projects its influence through 517 systems and nearly 125 billion people.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine experienced a relatively quiet week. Kumo Crew-backed insurrections in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini and HIP 103138 were soundly defeated, but attempts to overthrow the governments of Djabijabus, and Devata Baru are now in motion.

Senator Denton Patreus' overcommitted and undermanned fleets withdrew from five systems, greatly reducing his administrative overhead. The senator is now looking to establish bases in more strategically valuable locations, including 23 Delta Piscis Austrini, which was recently attacked by the Kumo Crew.

Commander Corrigendum

The Worlds Beyond

Utopian delegates returned today from the first symposium of the Pioneers Cooperative, a group dedicated to supporting expansion into uninhabited space. Also attending were representatives from Loren's Legion, Communism Interstellar, the Black Birds Squadron, Aisling's Angels, the Canonn, the Independent Pilots Consortium, Emperor's Grace, the Mercs of Mikunn, United German Commanders, EXO, the First Great Expedition, the Code, Adle's Armada, the Guardians of Harmony, CHIMERA, the Distant Worlds Admins and the Hutton Orbital Truckers.

"To live is to grow, and mankind must push ever outwards", said one attending Utopian explorer. "Humanity has come here today, unified, under a banner of progress, and Utopia is proud to add its support to this noble venture. Our commune in Takurua demonstrated that expansion beyond the core systems is possible, and the success of Obsidian Orbital in Maia shows that mankind has a shared desire to expand the frontiers of human space and scientific understanding."

Commander Gan

Utopia News Network | Interstellar Press

A Week in Powerplay

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon signed a trade agreement with the Partha system this week, bringing the total number of Alliance-aligned trade centres to 86. Profitability throughout the Alliance trade network remains the envy of all other powers.

President Zachary Hudson's Federal fleet set a new record by delivering more garrison supplies to naval bases in a single week than ever before. This valiant effort brought an end to nearly a month of contraction, wherein a total of six naval bases were abandoned.

Shadow President Felicia Winters retained a stable hold on her domain, neither gaining nor losing influence with any system. The coming week could bring three additional systems under her sway. Extensive aid campaigns are underway in Chireni, HIP 47328, and Hyades sector EB-X D1-110. Each of these systems would be a strong contributor to the Shadow President's plans for the future.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval had an uncommonly quiet week, allowing excess resources to carry over to this week. Several systems are currently vying for the security services offered by the Shield of Justice. Resources are limited, and the Shield of Justice may only be extended to four or five systems in the weeks to come. The Kartenes system is currently subject to Shield of Justice patrols.

Princess Aisling Duval has long enjoyed relative peace in her domain, but systems occasionally leave her list of supporters. Such is the case this week with Ienpalang, an Imperial system known primarily for its agriculture and tourism. It is rumoured that the system's leadership desires to return the institution of Imperial slavery to prominence, contrary to Aisling's ethos, although Princess Aisling has yet to publicly comment on the situation.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui was able to return Sirius to a state of solvency this week. A total of six systems were cut from the Sirius portfolio over the past four weeks, but now that Sirius is back in the black, it is likely Li Yong-Rui will attempt to re-establish relationships with some of those systems.

Simguru Pranav Antal may have foreseen a day when Utopian enclaves were established in 45 systems, but few outside the commune ever thought it possible. Against the odds, the once-quiet commune now holds sway in 45 influential systems, enveloping nearly 113 billion inhabitants – a remarkable achievement for a fledgling power that emphasizes peaceful interaction.

Senator Zemina Torval sold off controlling interests in Nerthus this week, allowing her enterprises to cover other liabilities, and leaving some command capital for future investment. Shrewd investment will be required to keep Torval's business profitable.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine quietly busied himself with spreading discord in 23 Delta Piscis Austrini and HIP 103138. Insurrections are currently underway in both systems, and no new strongholds were established by the Kumo Crew this week.

Senator Denton Patreus encountered record resistance this week, preventing his fleets from securing the Contie and Yankas systems. The senator's financial situation also took a turn for the worse, leading to turmoil in six control systems. If the economic situation in Patreus's territory remains doesn't improve, his fleets could lose their berths in Guguroro, HIP 13841, HIP 98211, Lao Zi, LTT 47, and Shonso.

Commander Corrigendum

A Week in Powerplay

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon finalized trade agreements with the HIP 80243 and Marralteki systems this week, defying economic downtrends seen elsewhere in populated space. Benanekpeno is the latest system to curry favour with the Alliance and attempt to join the list of preferred trade partners.

President Zachary Hudson did not establish any new bases this week, instead focussing his efforts on strengthening supply lines to existing bases in his jurisdiction. But the growing Federal fleet is seeking new berths in Dhanchu, HIP 44811, and Wolf 287. If these systems become fully operational Federal bases, President Hudson's domain will extend to 82 bases in total.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's domain was relatively peaceful this week, as shield of Justice patrols kept her territory safe. The Emperor has a busy week ahead of her, as six new systems - Gitse, HIP 21991, LTT 1345, Mbutsi, Neites, and Paucates - have requested the protection of her fleets. If these systems join her cause, the Emperor will hold sway over 83 key systems by the end of the week.

Shadow President Felicia Winters witnessed a surge in opposition this week, but successfully thwarted the challenges with minimal effort. Codorain and Shenggan are currently accepting liberal aid packages, and will likely join the Shadow President's cause within the week.

Princess Aisling Duval's representatives concluded negotiations with the leaders of Woyo Mina and Kanuket without a consensus being reached. The two systems have formally withdrawn their support from the People's Princess, and the leaders of the Duryampas system have also told Aisling's representatives that they intend to withdraw their support.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui sold off assets in Tote, GCRV 2743, and NLTT 6655 this week, attempting to hedge against a potential galactic recession. Unfortunately, the economic situation has worsened, and the corporation is facing another week of potential losses. Li Yong-Rui is currently weighing options, and considering divesting additional systems.

Senator Denton Patreus's fleets countered a surge in enemy activity on the fringes of his territory, nearly setting a record for the distribution of garrison supplies. But despite these efforts, the system of Contiku was left open to attack, and was plunged into turmoil early Thursday morning.

Senator Zemina Torval's enterprises continue to struggle with the economic crisis, but the sale of Junga's infrastructure enabled Torval to balance her budget this week. With a galactic recession looming, it may become necessary for Torval to divest herself of additional systems to remain profitable.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine was repulsed from the remote Alchera system this week, but several new Kumo-sponsored insurrections have emerged. Four Imperial systems – Inmutha, Itzamnets, Kenna and LTT 874 - have been targeted by the Kumo Crew, and with the Imperial Expeditionary Force still reeling from recent defeats, many question whether system defences will hold.

Simguru Pranav Antal was unsuccessful in opening new enclaves this week, although Utopia currently has the resources to bring several new systems into the fold. Utopian representatives are being sent far and wide in an attempt to extend Utopia's influence throughout inhabited space.

Commander Corrigendum

A Week in Powerplay

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon finalized trade agreements with the HIP 80243 and Marralteki systems this week, defying economic downtrends seen elsewhere in populated space. Benanekpeno is the latest system to curry favour with the Alliance and attempt to join the list of preferred trade partners.

President Zachary Hudson did not establish any new bases this week, instead focussing his efforts on strengthening supply lines to existing bases in his jurisdiction. But the growing Federal fleet is seeking new berths in Dhanchu, HIP 44811, and Wolf 287. If these systems become fully operational Federal bases, President Hudson's domain will extend to 82 bases in total.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval's domain was relatively peaceful this week, as shield of Justice patrols kept her territory safe. The Emperor has a busy week ahead of her, as six new systems - Gitse, HIP 21991, LTT 1345, Mbutsi, Neites, and Paucates - have requested the protection of her fleets. If these systems join her cause, the Emperor will hold sway over 83 key systems by the end of the week.

Shadow President Felicia Winters witnessed a surge in opposition this week, but successfully thwarted the challenges with minimal effort. Codorain and Shenggan are currently accepting liberal aid packages, and will likely join the Shadow President's cause within the week.

Princess Aisling Duval's representatives concluded negotiations with the leaders of Woyo Mina and Kanuket without a consensus being reached. The two systems have formally withdrawn their support from the People's Princess, and the leaders of the Duryampas system have also told Aisling's representatives that they intend to withdraw their support.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui sold off assets in Tote, GCRV 2743, and NLTT 6655 this week, attempting to hedge against a potential galactic recession. Unfortunately, the economic situation has worsened, and the corporation is facing another week of potential losses. Li Yong-Rui is currently weighing options, and considering divesting additional systems.

Senator Denton Patreus's fleets countered a surge in enemy activity on the fringes of his territory, nearly setting a record for the distribution of garrison supplies. But despite these efforts, the system of Contiku was left open to attack, and was plunged into turmoil early Thursday morning.

Senator Zemina Torval's enterprises continue to struggle with the economic crisis, but the sale of Junga's infrastructure enabled Torval to balance her budget this week. With a galactic recession looming, it may become necessary for Torval to divest herself of additional systems to remain profitable.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine was repulsed from the remote Alchera system this week, but several new Kumo-sponsored insurrections have emerged. Four Imperial systems – Inmutha, Itzamnets, Kenna and LTT 874 - have been targeted by the Kumo Crew, and with the Imperial Expeditionary Force still reeling from recent defeats, many question whether system defences will hold.

Simguru Pranav Antal was unsuccessful in opening new enclaves this week, although Utopia currently has the resources to bring several new systems into the fold. Utopian representatives are being sent far and wide in an attempt to extend Utopia's influence throughout inhabited space.

Commander Corrigendum

A Week in Powerplay

Federal President Zachary Hudson resolved problems in his supply chain this week, and ensured the Federal Navy's bases received sufficient supplies. An increase in naval funding has also come through, which will soon allow the Federal Navy to establish a presence in new systems. The Emperor's Dawn cell discovered in Kausalya, less than 50 light years from Sol, will surely face heavy Federal opposition this week.

Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has calmed concerns about a potential collapse in financial markets that struck both Sirius Gov and Torval's enterprises. Though trade has been impacted, with no new trade agreements secured during the past week, the Alliance's economic future appears stable at this time.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval oversaw a tremendous fortification effort this week, protecting a substantial command capital reserve for future use. Shield of Justice patrols were not established in any new systems, but given the current surplus of resources, new systems will likely be able to subscribe to the security service in coming weeks.

Shadow President Felicia Winters had a relatively quiet week. A great deal of effort was poured into preparing the way for potential extensions of the Liberal party's holdings, and the Shadow President now looks to bring Kherthaje, HIP 47328, and Amuzgo into the Liberal fold.

Princess Aisling Duval is currently dealing with the potential withdrawal of support from Woyo Mina and Kanuket. Leaders in both systems have allegedly rejected the Princess's closely held values. It is unclear at this time whether Aisling will respond publicly to the news.

Sirius Gov CEO Li Yong-Rui led the corporation through what appeared to be a normal week, but difficulty in financial markets has led to a troubling deficit in Sirius's budget, causing three systems in the portfolio to fall into a state of turmoil. If Sirius is able to return to a state of solvency, the acquisition of Dheneb will go ahead as planned this week.

Senator Zemina Torval was similarly affected by financial trouble this week. The senator's enterprises have become heavily laden with systems that simply do not turn a profit. For Torval to succeed in the future, she will need to divest herself of many of these deficit-causing systems.

Pirate Lord Archon Delaine's horde overwhelmed the beleaguered defence forces in Dhak following the third attempt to conquer the system. The Kumo Crew appears to be gaining momentum and crushing Imperial opposition. It is believed that Archon Delaine now has a vast reserve of command capital, with which he could easily establish additional strongholds in weeks to come.

Senator Denton Patreus balanced his budget by a narrow margin, as opposition to his goals reached levels that have not been seen for over ten weeks. Despite this, fortifications held against incursions into the senator's territory, making further cutbacks unnecessary for the time being.

Simguru Pranav Antal led a monumental effort to extend Utopia this week, but this Utopian outreach was sharply opposed, sending one Utopian system into a state of turmoil. Contie, a system over 150 light years from Polevnic, and Medzistha, a system nearly 140 light years from Polevnic, are entertaining Utopian representatives this week.

Commander Corrigendum