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Salvation Recruits Naval Crews

The recent counterstrike against the Thargoids has revealed that Salvation is being unofficially supported by trained military personnel.

Commodore Morag Halloran was a senior officer with the Alliance Defence Force who is now working for Salvation. She sent this statement to the media:

“Over the last few years, I have fought hard to protect Allied interests from the Thargoids. But every battle against them felt like a defensive measure, a holding action. I’m convinced that these creatures are more than capable of wiping us all out.”

“When an entire Thargoid fleet was forced out of the Cornsar system in September, I approached the Council of Admirals about sending ships to help, but my proposal was rejected. Then Salvation contacted me directly, saying that he required military leadership and my experiences in the Coalsack Nebula made me an ideal candidate.”

“Along with Lieutenant Commander Glynn and nearly a hundred crewmates, we resigned our commissions and headed for Hind Mine. I now command many others who were recruited from the Federal, Imperial and Sirius Navies to serve on the Taurus megaships and elsewhere.”

“I’m aware that some will view my actions as dereliction of duty, but I believe our true duty is to stop the Thargoids at any cost. And as our recent success proves, only Salvation has the means of doing so.”

The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have all acknowledged the loss of some military personnel to Salvation’s cause. While efforts are being made to prevent further losses, it is rumoured that potential concessions include official support for Salvation’s anti-xeno activities.

The Triumph of Salvation

Salvation has confirmed that his anti-xeno superweapons successfully routed Thargoids from the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems.

The following message was submitted to all newsfeeds:

“The Thargoid spearhead into human space has been severely blunted. Commodore Halloran coordinated the operation with military precision, and many loyal pilots acted swiftly to provide components for my unique technology.”

“At present, I am not able to deploy these weapons in other systems suffering alien infestation. But my colleagues and I are working day and night on a final solution to the threat. Next year, we will deliver a decisive blow in the war against the Thargoids.”

“I urge the peoples of the galaxy to unite behind my crusade. Aegis is finished. I am the only remaining defence for humanity. I am Salvation.”

Independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons have been asked to continue combating the remaining Thargoid vessels in the Coalsack, Pleiades and Witch Head Nebula regions. Repair efforts are also still required in the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems.

Thargoids Repulsed from Three Systems

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Salvation’s anti-xeno superweapons have cleared most Thargoid vessels from the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems.

Pilots were asked to transport classified experimental equipment from the Heart of Taurus in the Qarato system to three other megaships owned by Taurus Mining Ventures. These components were used to prepare the large-scale weapons developed by Salvation to affect Thargoid technology.

Vox Galactica published an intercepted message from Commodore Morag Halloran, commanding officer of the Musashi, to the Bright Sentinel and Glorious Prospect megaships:

“This is Halloran. Operation Tri-hammer has concluded with a code white-three-alpha. Estimated target destruction in Delphi is at 27%, with full dispersal of 98% of remaining hostiles. Scans underway for non-combatant disruption or casualties. Maia and Merope data to be submitted immediately to central analytics.”

Independent observers have reported that the majority of all Thargoid ships in the three systems have abruptly departed, with some wreckages found on planetary surfaces. This closely matches the event in the Cornsar system in September, when the anti-xeno superweapon was first deployed.

Pilots are requested to help with repair and rescue efforts for starports damaged by the Thargoids: Donar’s Oak and The Oracle in the Delphi system, Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system, and Reed’s Rest in the Merope system.

Support Salvation’s Counterstrike Against the Thargoids

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Salvation requires vital materials to deploy anti-xeno superweapons in the Delphi, Maia and Merope systems.

A message was transmitted from the Musashi megaship by its new commanding officer, Commodore Morag Halloran:

“The Thargoids have invaded three key systems, as Salvation anticipated. Preparations have been made to halt their advance, but there is an urgent requirement to collect classified experimental equipment from the Heart of Taurus in the Qarato system.”

“Pilots must then deliver these shipments to three other megaships: the Musashi in the Delphi system, the Bright Sentinel in the Maia system, and the Glorious Prospect in the Merope system.”

“It is crucial that all deliveries are made by early on Tuesday the 14th of December. Without these components, Salvation’s superweapons will not be able to affect enough Thargoid vessels to turn the tide.”

Commodore Halloran was formerly a member of the Alliance Defence Force, and was in charge of protecting the first expedition to the Coalsack Nebula in 3306. She is one of hundreds of naval officers and crew from all three superpowers who have resigned their commissions to offer their services to Salvation, believing that only he can defeat the Thargoids.

Thargoid Invasion of Nebula Systems Intensifies

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Systems in the California, Coalsack, Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulas are under sustained assault by the Thargoids.

Vox Galactica featured this report from freelance war correspondent Ernesto Rios:

“Multiple starports have been crippled by Thargoid attacks in recent weeks, with anti-xeno squadrons struggling to protect them. Many Commanders told me that this latest wave is proving unusually difficult to repel, with a steady stream of reinforcements replacing those alien vessels destroyed in battle.”

“In normal times Aegis would coordinate the defence effort, but its operations remain suspended due to the Baumann inquiry. Today, it is clear that many of the superpowers’ leaders have more faith in Salvation after his triumph in the Cornsar system, believing that he holds the key to defeating the Thargoids.”

“Both the Imperial Navy and the Alliance’s Council of Admirals have suggested committing naval forces to support Salvation. In the Federation, Congress has debated redirecting funds that were ring-fenced for Aegis to accelerate development of the anti-xeno superweapon.”

“As yet these are merely discussions, but do illustrate the wide-reaching impact of the Cornsar incident. In the meantime, in the absence of direct support from either Aegis or Salvation, pilots are sacrificing their lives as they fight courageously to push back the Thargoid fleets.”

Aegis Renegades Face Criminal Charges

Admiral Aden Tanner and the crew of the Musashi megaship will be placed on trial for attacking Salvation’s allies.

The admiral disobeyed orders by attempting to gain access to Hind Mine starport, the headquarters of Taurus Mining Ventures. After failing to achieve this, most of the Musashi’s crewmembers were detained and repatriated to their respective home systems to face civil or military charges.

The Federal Navy has published this official notice:

“Admiral Tanner is formally accused of mutiny and unlawful military action while in command of the Musashi. He will stand trial in a general court-martial. If found guilty, he will be dishonourably discharged and imprisoned for life.”

Dr Paul Baumann, chair of the independent board of inquiry into Aegis, commented:

“Recent events in the T Tauri system clearly fall within the scope of our investigation. For Aegis’s chief military liaison to launch an unauthorised attack, at the cost of many lives, will weigh heavily against the organisation.”

Admiral Tanner claims that the anti-xeno superweapon deployed by Salvation in the Cornsar system has triggered an increase in Thargoid attacks. Although there is no direct evidence of this, the Thargoids have performed coordinated strikes against several systems in the weeks since that event.

Salvation’s Allies Triumph in T Tauri System

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Taurus Mining Ventures has defeated a rogue Aegis Defense force and gained control of the megaship Musashi.

The conflict was initiated by Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis. He was attempting to gain access to Hind Mine asteroid base, in search of evidence that Salvation’s anti-xeno weapon was deliberately designed to provoke the Thargoids.

Patience Middleton, a spokesperson for Taurus Mining Ventures, made this announcement:

“This was an illegal and unnecessary conflict, brought about by Admiral Tanner’s misguided obsession. We will continue working with Salvation to eliminate the Thargoid threat.”

“Our defence was only possible thanks to our courageous supporters, for whom rewards are available at Hind Mine. We will also honour agreements that the Aegis Defense force made with independent pilots, who can collect their promised payments from the Musashi.”

Taurus Mining Ventures later confirmed that all members of the Musashi’s original crew will be allowed to leave the megaship unharmed. Admiral Tanner and other key personnel are in temporary custody. Aegis has arranged for them to be transferred to its internal security teams.

Aegis Renegades Attack Salvation’s Allies

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A rogue Aegis Defense force has initiated conflict with Taurus Mining Ventures in the T Tauri system.

The megaship Musashi is commanded by Aegis’s chief military liaison Admiral Aden Tanner, who made this announcement:

“The Hind Mine asteroid base contains proof that Salvation’s unlicensed anti-xeno weapon is intentionally designed to provoke the Thargoids, and therefore endangers us all. As Taurus Mining Ventures refuses to cooperate, we have no choice but to obtain the evidence by force.”

“This may be our only opportunity to discover Salvation’s true ambitions. I urge all independent pilots who have fought alongside Aegis to help us complete this vital mission.”

Patience Middleton, a spokesperson for Taurus Mining Ventures, responded:

“This is an illegal attack that jeopardises the important work we are undertaking on behalf of Salvation. It is in the galactic community’s interests to defend our corporate headquarters.”

Aegis officially stated that Admiral Tanner is acting on his own authority, and that the Musashi’s presence in the T Tauri system is in direct violation of orders. Despite this, there are reports that Tanner has tacit support from many members of Aegis, who disagree with the public inquiry that has suspended its operations.