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Citizens Show Strong Support for Aisling

Seven days after the program to help free Imperial Slaves before the end of their agreed term was started, Stop Slavery Stupid has claimed that over 100,000 Imperial Slaves have been brought to Cemiess to be freed in the Diva Duval's name.

With her grandfather, the Emperor, unable to fulfil his duties as head of state, this surge of support could mark the start of Aisling making her own move to claim the Imperial Throne.

When asked to comment, Aisling said she was "super thrilled" that so many people are willing to support a cause so close to her heart.

An Imperial source, who wanted to remain anonymous, told us:

"It was only a tiny number of commanders, only a hundred that supported this scheme, each making multiple deliveries. 'Her team' behind her are shady individuals after the power of the throne. This is a stunt. Signing up as an Imperial Slave to repay a debt is no different to signing up for the Military."

Slave Emancipation Program Faltering

Following Aisling Duval's passionate outburst on 'The Breakfast Show', it was announced today that her charitable organisation, Stop Slavery Stupid, will be increasing subsidies for various emancipation programs being run from slave rehabilitation centres in Cemiess.

Stop Slavery Stupid have said that they will be using this new windfall to offer a more competitive rate of compensation to citizens willing to set their Imperial Slaves free.

This renewed commitment to liberate Imperial Slaves has been met with a great deal of derision from business leaders throughout the Empire. When asked for an official comment, The Chairman of the Cemiess Workforce Acquisitions Agency had this to say:

"Aisling and SSS doubtlessly mean well, but unfortunately her youthful enthusiasm and kind heart is getting in the way of her common sense. It's pretty clear Aisling doesn't understand the ramifications that would occur should she succeed in abolishing such an integral facet of our society. Never mind the fact that no one affluent enough to afford slaves would be foolish enough to simply sell them off at a loss. Hopefully our young lady Duval will give this up before she manages to bankrupt herself in an attempt to pursue this fruitless endeavour."

Aisling Duval Reaffirms Her Objection to Emperor's Marriage

Aisling Duval, once thought to be second in line to the throne, has objected to the finding of the Marriage Council that her objection had no merit. She has said on a leaked private chat:

"The rotten marriage council is made up of my grandfather's cronies. How can they block my objection now that it is clear he is in a coma? Marriage is about love!"

The ruling of the Marriage Council was apparently made before the announcement of the coma, and under Imperial rules, an objection cannot be lodged more than once by the same person.

Aisling Duval Objects to Grandfather's Marriage

Aisling Duval has lodged an objection to the marriage of her grandfather, the Emperor, to Florence Lavigny. Coming out of the Office for Marriage with her Lawyer she read a prepared statement from a cue.

"I have lodged a formal objection to my grandfather marrying his fancy woman not for love, not for marriage itself, but to change the succession without having to appear in the Senate. That's all I've got to say at this time."

This unusual action will trigger a hearing of the Marriage Council in the next few days. They will review and make a decision on the validity of her objection. Experts we have spoken to believe it is unlikely to succeed.

Aisling Duval Talks Narcotics

In the popular show 'A Fireside Chat with Serena', the celebrity royal, Aisling Duval, surprisingly talked through tears about narcotics.

"Yes, Serena, that's my early childhood. I hate narcotics and think they should be made illegal. My mother died from them before I was old enough to remember her."

When asked about her father she replied:

"Oh, Serena. He was led astray in his youth, but Dad is a lovely man, and would make a great Emperor if his controlling father wasn't so spiteful."

Commentators have expressed outrage at her comments about our beloved Emperor, and the network cut the broadcast at that point.

The Succession Struggle for the Imperial Throne Continues Apace

The Emperor's denouncement of his son Harold as mad, and announcement of his intention to marry childhood sweetheart Florence Lavigny, have served to confer legitimacy (in more ways than one) to Florence's daughter Arissa. She duly announced her intention to change her surname to Duval and appears to be positioning herself and Chancellor Anders Blaine as the continuity 'ticket'.

Aisling Duval, Harold's daughter, is meanwhile using her celebrity to court public sympathy and pick a fight with Senator Torval over the latter's slaving activities.

Imperial Senators Zemina Torval and Denton Patreus are both at large in the galaxy, Torval freeing unregulated Federal slaves over the holiday period and Patreus fighting a series of covert and overt wars in different systems (with varying degrees of success).

The Federation has had its share of problems too. President Halsey's denial of responsibility for the Onionhead farm bombings in Kappa Fornacis seems to have exposed divisions in the hierarchy that Shadow President Hudson has lost no time in exploiting.

Tensions between both Empire and Federation appear to be coming to a head over the Sanna system. Sanna wants to leave the Federation in protest over the recent tax increases, and Senator Patreus is only too willing to offer his particular brand of help.

Torval Puts Aisling Duval in Her Place

Senator Torval was secretly recorded last night at a private New Year's Eve party referring to Aisling Duval in terms not very becoming for a Senator, and her speech was a little slurred.

"That vacuous bimbo will do anything to annoy her grandfather. Especially if it is popular. She's a spoilt brat and needs a lesson in reality. She's got a vague memory of what her father believed when he still had a brain, and she parrots that back whenever she can."

We were unable to contact Senator Torval for comment, but are confident Imperial hang-over medication will be very effective.

Arissa Lavigny Gives Revealing Interview and Pledges Continuity with Blaine

On the Imperial Herald political show, Arissa Lavigny gave a long and detailed interview, hinting that the Emperor's status was not as serious as some claimed.

"We've heard a lot of debate between the honourable Denton Patreus, Aisling Duval, and Zemina Torval, but we need to look at the Empire itself. We need continuity, not in-fighting. His Excellency Chancellor Anders Blaine has served my father well for over five decades. Soon my mother will finally marry my father, but rest assured if and when the time comes I will serve the Empire as best I can, and will bring continuity and stability."

Share prices on Imperial markets have already risen in pre-holiday trading.