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Progress Between Federation and Yuri Grom

Negotiations between the Federation and self-styled dictator Yuri Grom are underway to determine the Delta Pavonis system’s allegiance.

Political correspondent Conrad Sterling published an update for Vox Galactica:

“In recent years, Yuri Grom has developed a degree of mystique. He was one of the few leaders not to attend the Galactic Summit, and news from within his dominion was scarce. But now he is visibly relishing the opportunity to confront Federal representatives under the protection of diplomatic immunity.”

“Initial exchanges were belligerent as both sides argued over who would be the most beneficial partner. This was to be expected since Delta Pavonis is one of the Federation’s founding systems, and it would be a significant coup for EG Union to establish a presence so close to Sol.”

“What was unexpected was the mutual respect that gradually developed between Yuri Grom and Ambassador Delphine Dumont. Her charming manner clearly appealed to the dictator, even bringing forth his thunderous laughter on occasion.”

“A deal is now being discussed that would allow the Autocracy of Delta Pavonis to have trade and political ties with both parties while remaining independent. Perhaps the Federation has learned some lessons from the recent rebellion, and perhaps Yuri Grom’s hatred of the superpower he once served is finally abating.”

Delta Pavonis Hosts Political Conference

Delegations from the Federation and the dictator Yuri Grom are meeting to determine the Delta Pavonis system’s future.

Both are on a diplomatic mission to convince its controlling faction to either swear allegiance to Yuri Grom or become a Federal member state. Delta Pavonis was one of the original signatories of the Federal Accord in 2242, but has recently been governed by an independent autocracy.

Yuri Grom himself is present, having arrived on the megaship Indomitable. Grom was once a respected admiral in the Federal Navy, before defecting with huge numbers of ships and followers. They established the independent EG Union, which he presides over as a military dictatorship.

The rival delegation is led by Ambassador Delphine Dumont of the Federal Diplomatic Corps. They were transported on the Freedom’s Foundation megaship courtesy of Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar, which formerly controlled the system. The ambassador invited newsfeeds to witness her initial introduction to Yuri Grom, who seemed slightly taken aback by her warm greeting.

Grand Duke Simion Petrescu, ruler of the Autocracy of Delta Pavonis, told attending journalists:

“The conference will take place in Kessler City on Reagan’s Legacy, where our distinguished guests will enjoy our famous hospitality. I look forward to learning more about their respective proposals.”

This is the first time that the Federation has diplomatically engaged with Yuri Grom. Political observers noted that this tactful approach may be due to several Federal factions recently declaring independence.

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs at Guardian sites. The report indicates that the Guardians and the Thargoids were once at war, due to the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, said: “It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”

The Aegis report has elicited a wide range of responses. Federal President Zachary Hudson said, “It is now clear that there is no reasoning with this alien menace”, while Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus commented, “This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism.”

Meanwhile, the operation to clear Socho of Thargoids has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoid vessels in the system, and by delivering alien material to Dantec Enterprise. A spokesperson for Aegis Core, which oversaw the initiative, thanked those who participated.

In other news, Yuri Grom has announced an initiative to create a new shipyard in the CPC 20 6743 system. The shipyard will produce capital ships with which to defend human space from both human and alien threats.

Finally, the Sirius Corporation has announced plans to expand its presence in the Ceos and Sothis systems. The expansion will involve the construction of several new starports, settlements and megaships.

And those are the main stories this week.

EG Union Campaign

Yuri Grom has announced an initiative to create a new shipyard in the CPC 20 6743 system. The shipyard will produce capital ships with which to defend human space from both human and alien threats.

The EG Union, acting on behalf of Yuri Grom, has placed an open order for various commodities to build the shipyard, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Lyakhov Dock in the CPC 20 6743 system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that pilots delivering commodities can do so safely.

The spokesperson elaborated on the nature of the campaign:

“Recent events have demonstrated that humanity is not prepared for a possible Thargoid invasion. Building a shipyard for Farragut-class ships is the first step in establishing a defensive perimeter.”

“It is essential that traders do not encounter any difficulty when delivering materials, which is why the EG Pilots – Yuri Grom's elite task force – have been asked to eliminate any agitators. We are also asking independent combat pilots to help us neutralise any threats.”

The campaign begins on the 22nd of March 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Galactic News: Yuri Grom Takes the Stage

The Dangerous Games dominated headlines earlier this year, as some of galaxy's most powerful minor factions took part in a brutal battle for supremacy.

After weeks of fierce competition involving hundreds of independent pilots, it was the EG Pilots who emerged victorious. Having spent the intervening months consolidating their assets, the EG Pilots are now ready to enter the galactic stage. Consequently, the temporary restriction on preparatory activity in systems within 30 light years of the Clayakarma, Nauo, Gyhldekala, Boga and Kpaniya systems – imposed by the United Research Council partly to allow the EG Pilots an opportunity to secure their position – has now been lifted.

Like all powers, the organisation will seek the support of the galaxy's independent pilots, who will play a central role in its fate.

Very little is known about the group's leader, Yuri Grom, although he is understood to have started his career in the Federal Navy, reaching the rank of Admiral before parting with the Federation and entering politics. Following a brief conflict in the Euryale system, in which Grom clashed with his former Federal allies, the ex-admiral emerged as the leader of his own independent power.

Propaganda distributed by the EG Pilots offers a succinct description of Grom:

"Yuri is idolized by his supporters and respected throughout his controlled systems. His support among the populace is absolute, his dominion unshakable."

One thing is for sure – Grom's career, and the future of the EG Pilots, promises to be anything but boring.