Galnet archive

Community Goal: Neutralising the Unknown Artefact Threat

Professor Ishmael Palin has shocked medical personnel at Wilkes Orbital by returning to work only hours after he received the antidote to the Cerberus Plague. According to Palin's doctor, the professor was eager to talk to Lea Tantaga, the molecular chemist who recently developed a material capable of countering the Unknown Artefacts' self-repair mechanism. The scientists' conversation resulted in the following statement from Professor Palin:

"The significance of Professor Tantaga's breakthrough is clear: the means to safely contain the Unknown Artefacts is now within our grasp. What we need now are quantities of meta-alloys so we can produce more of the UA-resistant material."

A conglomerate based in the Maia system has pledged to support the appeal by mass-producing the UA-resistant material, assuming sufficient quantities of meta-alloys are received. This will then be used to create special ship modules that can safely transport the Unknown Artefacts.

The Pioneer's Cooperative has placed an open order for meta-alloys, and has promised to generously reward pilots who contribute to the initiative. The campaign begins on the 24th March 3302 and will run for one week.

Community Goal: Jeffress's New Treasure Hunt

Following a long hiatus, reclusive philanthropist Alfred Jeffress has announced a new treasure hunt, and once again he is offering a share of his vast personal fortune to the winner.

In a statement, Jeffress confirmed that the event will follow the same format as his previous treasure hunts. A mystery object has been placed somewhere in space, and the first person to find it and deliver it to a specified location will win the competition. Jeffress has released a riddle that he claims will set participants on the path to finding the mystery object:

"The king's resting place is where I'm hid. Entrusted to a queen, with a spring in her steps."

With such a generous prize on offer, the event is sure to capture the imagination of the galactic community.

Community Goal: Wilkes Orbital in Need

The normally peaceful Wilkes Orbital has been the focus of considerable attention in recent weeks. First, the starport was at the centre of a campaign to drive the Blue Hand Gang from the nearby Orulas system. Then authorities at the station announced that the escape pods recovered in the operation contained Professor Ishmael Palin and the other members of his research team. Now it seems that the majority of those recovered from the criminals, including Professor Ishmael Palin, have been infected with a strain of Cerberus Plague, the deadly pathogen that claimed millions of lives last year.

Governor Lawrence, the principal administrator of Wilkes Orbital, has released a statement to the media:

"The situation is certainly serious, but it's important to keep things in perspective. At present, the disease is confined to those who were rescued from the Blue Hand Gang, so it should be perfectly possible to keep it contained. The pertinent task is to cure the infected."

Governor Lawrence was asked how he intended to proceed.

"This is a new strain of the Cerberus Plague, one we've never seen before. But it seems that Ceremonial Heike Tea, which was used to cure the original strain of the plague, is also effective against this version of the disease. We have therefore issued an open order for Ceremonial Heike Tea with which to cure the infected. Any surplus tea will be stockpiled in anticipation of further outbreaks, although I should stress that such a scenario is extremely unlikely."

The appeal for Ceremonial Heike Tea begins on the 17th March 3302 and will run for one week.

Community Goal: Terraforming Vennik 1

For decades, the Revolutionary Party of Vennik has been terraforming the planet Vennik 1, slowly transforming it into a habitable world. With the ambitious project about to enter its final stage, the organisation has placed an open order for terrain-enrichment systems with which to prepare the planet's surface for agricultural development.

A spokesperson for the Revolutionary Party of Vennik released a brief statement:

"Terraforming a planet takes decades, so we're delighted to be entering the final stage. Our aim is to establish an agricultural economy on Vennik 1 so it can contribute to the production of food and medicine in the Vennik system. With the support of the galactic community, we will soon be able to reap the benefit of our efforts."

The organisation has promised to reward those who deliver the much-needed commodities to Nixon Enterprise in the Vennik system. The campaign begins on the 17th of March 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

17 Mar 3302

Community Goal: Canonn Launches Outpost Campaign

The Canonn Interstellar Research Group has launched a campaign to construct a state-of-the-art research outpost in the Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-43 system to support its ongoing research into the Unknown Artefacts. As part of this initiative, the organisation has placed an open order for palladium, promising to generously reward pilots who deliver the necessary materials to Thompson Dock in the Varati system.

A spokesperson for the Canonn released a statement to the media:

"Given the failure of Professor Palin's recent attempt to establish a research outpost in the Maia system, I am aware that certain sections of the galactic community may receive our request with scepticism. But the fact is that the study of the Unknown Artefacts is still of great importance, and it is essential that a dedicated research outpost be established, far from the civilian population, where they can be safely investigated."

The campaign begins on the 10th of March 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: Expanding the Federal Fleet

Federal President Zachary Hudson has announced plans to create a new arm of the Federal Navy known as the People's Navy, supported by local corporations rather than Federal taxation. The Navy will be established with a new Farragut Battle Cruiser, to be added to the 54th fleet. The new vessel will be capable of transporting multiple Federal Corvettes in addition to boasting an array of heavy weaponry. Captain G.C. Richards, who is overseeing construction of the new ship, issued a brief statement to the media:

"This new battle cruiser will occupy a significant role in the Federal Navy, strengthening our borders and enhancing the profile of our armed forces. In the interest of completing production as efficiently as possible, we have authorised the Beta Hydri Corporation to reimburse pilots who deliver essential supplies to our base of operations at Stevenson Base. This is an opportunity for those loyal to the Federation to support a vitally important initiative."

The campaign begins on the 10th of March 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: Lave Radio Appeals for Blood Crystals

The Lave Radio Network has launched a campaign to construct a new transmitter relay in the Diso system. John Stabler, Head of Operations at Lave Station, said:

"We were performing scheduled maintenance when we discovered that our interstellar transmitter was broken. Very broken. It seems most of the components had been scavenged by raiders, or taken home by staff, or something."

"Unfortunately we can't afford real estate in the Lave system," explained Commander Jarvis, head of station entertainment at the Lave Radio Network. "It's wonderful that the Lave system is free from dictatorship these days, but territory used to be a lot more affordable. Now scalpers and investors have the best of it. Nevertheless, we're very glad for this opportunity to foster a relationship with the…*sigh*...Diso system."

The Lave Radio interstellar transmitter system uses powerful focusing crystals found only in the Cherbones system. These blood crystals are extremely rare, and are extracted via a highly dangerous mining operation. Lave Radio's second technician – a former Cherbones Mining Authority employee – spoke fondly of his first assignment:

"Those were happy times. There was a fair amount of injury, but what posting doesn't have its share of dangers? I mean, everything's dangerous in space: gantries, zoological laboratories, airlocks, vending machines – everything."

The Lave Radio Network has asked the galactic community to deliver as many blood crystals as possible to Lave Station in the Lave system for the new interstellar transmitter. The campaign begins on the 3rd of March 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will finish immediately.

03 Mar 3302

Community Goal: Protect Traders in LHS 3447

The campaign to construct a new starport in the LHS 3447 system has been eagerly received by the galactic community, but recent reports indicate that the traders delivering metals for use in the construction project are being targeted by marauders. To protect these pilots, the Pilots Federation, in association with LHS 3447 Dynamic and Co, has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the system. A spokesperson for the Pilots Federation issued a brief statement:

"We will not tolerate any harassment of those who have chosen to support this campaign. We are therefore offering generous bounties on all wanted vessels found disturbing the peace in LHS 3447."

The campaign begins on the 3rd of March 3302 and will run for one week. Pilots who want to help are invited to hand in bounties at Worlidge Terminal in LHS 3447. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.