Galnet archive

Community Goal: Alliance Research Initiative

The Alliance has launched a new research initiative designed to enhance human understanding of the Thargoids. The primary aim of the initiative is to build a range of state-of-the-art instruments expressly designed to analyse Thargoid material.

To this end, the Alliance has placed an open order for unknown ship signatures, unknown organic circuitry and unknown technology components. The Kaushpoos Pro-Alliance Union has been authorised to oversee the campaign, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver the requested resources to Neville Horizons in the Kaushpoos system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering resources to Neville Horizons can do so safely.

In a statement, an Alliance spokesperson said:

“Although humanity has had prior contact with the Thargoids, our knowledge remains limited. It is essential that we expand our understanding. We therefore intend to build a range of specialised tools and analytic instruments with which to study Thargoid material.”

The campaign begins on the 10th of August 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: Conflict in Hehe

Authorities in the Hehe system have reported that conflict has erupted between Hehe Federal Interstellar and Hehe Camorra. System security forces have confirmed that the fighting began several hours ago and has escalated rapidly since then.

The conflict is understood to be territorial in nature, with both factions eager to take control of Hehe. Both sides have issued calls for support, and have pledged to reward combat pilots who rally to their respective causes.

A representative of system security forces commented on the development:

“Inter-faction conflict of this sort tends to be quite focused, and we believe that the probability of civilian casualties is low. Nevertheless, we’re advising anyone living or travelling in the system to exercise caution.”

The two factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 3rd of August 3303.

Community Goal: Harma Silver Cartel Appeal

The Harma Silver Cartel has announced that it intends to bring back a beverage that has been lost for several hundred years: rum.

Reports indicate that the organisation recently discovered a time capsule from the 24th century containing a recipe for the drink, as well as the log of one Captain Smolenski. Although the Cartel is keeping the recipe secret, it has placed an open order for a range of rare alcohols that will be used to create the new beverage.

The Cartel has promised to reward those who deliver the requested commodities to Gabriel Enterprise in the Harma system. The organisation has also promised to bring the drink to the market under the name Harma Silver Sea Rum, assuming the campaign is successful.

A spokesperson for the organisation released a brief statement:

“We will create the finest rum since the days of piracy on the seas of Earth. After all, a pirate isn’t a pirate without rum!”

But the announcement has antagonised other pirate organisations in the Harma system, many of which have threatened to blockade the Cartel’s base of operations and attack pilots delivering alcohols to Gabriel Enterprise.

To counter this threat, the Harma Silver Cartel has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Gabriel Enterprise.

The two-pronged initiative begins on 27th of July 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: Pleiades Research Outpost

The recent revelation that the Thargoids have returned to human space has sent shockwaves through the galaxy.

Some, such as Federal President Zachary Hudson, have reacted defensively, promising to protect humanity from what they believe is an aggressive alien race. More moderate voices have underscored the need for further information, since so little is known about the Thargoids.

One such voice belongs to Abroin Universal Plc, which has announced plans to establish a research outpost in the Pleiades Nebula – one of the centres of Thargoid activity.

A spokesperson for the organisation said:

“The Thargoids are active principally in the Pleiades Nebula, so we are eager to establish a research outpost there. As Edmund Mahon said, there is potentially a great deal we could learn from them. Hopefully this new outpost will let us do just that.”

Abroin Universal Plc has placed an open order for Semiconductors, Lithium and Energy Grid Assemblies for use in the construction, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Campbell Horizons in the Abroin system. The organisation placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure those delivering material to Campbell Horizons can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 20th of July 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: NULL Campaign Begins

NULL, an independent organisation based in LTT 4961, has announced plans to build a new base at Greg's Legacy, a large asteroid named after one of the organisation’s founding members.

The organisation has placed an open order for titanium, aluminium, copper and tea in support of this initiative, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Conway City in LTT 4961. It has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, as part of an initiative to rid the system of corruption and crime.

A spokesperson for NULL released the following statement:

“Having secured the necessary funds, we are now in a position to offer generous rewards to pilots who support this two-pronged initiative. With the help of the galaxy’s independent pilots, we hope to both expand the economic power of LTT 4961 and bring peace to the system.”

The operation begins on the 13th of July 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: New Federal Outpost

The Federation has announced plans to construct a new survey outpost in the HIP 17692 system. Federal sources have confirmed that the outpost is designed to give the Federation a vantage point, close to the Pleiades, from which to monitor Thargoid activity.

A Federal spokesperson gave the following statement:

“To date, Thargoid vessels have been encountered in the Maia system and around the Pleiades Nebula, so we feel it is important to have a reconnaissance outpost as close to this region as possible.”

The Federation, in coordination with the Pleiades Resource Enterprise, has placed an open order for power generators, geological equipment and meta-alloys for use in the campaign, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Blackmount Orbital in the HIP 17692 system. The Pleiades Resource Enterprise has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering material to Blackmount Orbital can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 6th of July 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: A Safe Haven

A spokesperson for the Pilots Federation has announced a new peacekeeping initiative centred on the LHS 3447, Eravate and Asellus Primus systems. The purpose of the initiative is to minimise criminal activity in these regions and thereby ensure the safety of inexperienced pilots.

The spokesperson elaborated on the nature of the campaign:

“Many of the galaxy’s independent pilots start their careers in these systems, and we believe they should be able operate without fear of being targeted by opportunistic aggressors.”

“Of course, pilots will not be the only beneficiaries of this initiative – the people of LHS 3447, Eravate and Asellus Primus will also benefit from the increase in security.”

Authorities in the pertinent systems have responded positively to the proposal, with Governor Mandelbaum, administrator of Cleve Hub, describing it as “a boon to our people”. They have also expressed hope that the success of the initiative will allow peacekeeping forces to maintain order once the campaign is over.

The Pilots Federation has called on the galaxy’s independent combat pilots for support, and has authorised Adle’s Armada, LHS 3447 Dynamic and Co, and Asellus Primus Gold Legal Ind. to reward those who support the initiative.

The campaign begins on the 29th of July 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Community Goal: People’s Rakapila Progressive Party Issues Request

Following a population spike in Rakapila, the People’s Rakapila Progressive Party has issued a request for commodities in order to stimulate the system’s economy.

The organisation has placed an open order for domestic appliances, consumer technology and clothing, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Stone Enterprise in the Rakapila system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering material to Stone Enterprise can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 29th of July 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

29 Jun 3303