Galnet archive

Freelance Report: Guardian Archangel

Last week, the galaxy witnessed a truly audacious rescue.

While returning from Beagle Point, Commander Felix Macedonica found himself without sufficient germanium to synthesise a FSD injection and continue his journey home. Faced with the choice of spending the rest of his life 65,000 light years from home or destroying his beloved Lakon Type-6E and riding the escape capsule back to civilisation, Felix was in dire straits indeed.

At that moment, Commander Chiggy Vonrictofen was exploring the Zunou sector. When Chiggy picked up a weak sub-ether distress signal he quickly established a private link with Felix before appraising the system for asteroid belts and ringed planets that could potentially yield germanium. He then departed for Colonia to fit a mining laser and larger fuel tank.

With his ship appropriately equipped, Chiggy proceeded to cover the first 30,000 light years from Jaques in less than 13 hours, a wraith of speed and purpose. Stopping only to sleep, he finally arrived less than 48 hours after receiving Felix's first transmission.

The pair travelled to the nearest belt and Chiggy spooled up the mining laser as Felix watched the scanner. Nickel, iron, sulphur, manganese, phosphorus – the elements kept coming, but not the one they needed.

Despair started to creep in. Then it appeared, a word that brought with it a cascade of emotions: germanium. Felix swooped in and secured his freedom.

"Chiggy's efforts have left me speechless," said Felix. "His perseverance shows that the indomitable human spirit has no bounds."

Commander Mad Billy

Institute for Galactic Exploration and Research

Freelance Report: Taking on the Aliens

The Buckyball Racing Club is back with a new race, and this time it's taking on the aliens.

Kick the Alien (and Run like Hell) is a 26-kilometre roundtrip SRV race. The event starts at the Noctrach-Ihazevich Research facility and involves driving to the nearby crash site, 'kicking the alien', and then driving back to the research facility as fast as possible.

A representative for the Buckyball Racing Club said: "All other methods of interaction with the crash sites have failed to get a response – perhaps this will wake them up".

The race starts on Saturday the 26th of November and is expected to last for two weeks. Competitors can make their run at any time during this period, and can run as many times as they like.

Commander Alec Turner

Freelance Report: The Christmas Carriers Convoy

The Colonia Citizens Network has invited the galactic community to support the Colonia community by delivering much-needed food and equipment to the region, and by transporting new settlers, as part of what is set to be one of the largest freight convoys in human history.

The Christmas Carriers Convoy will depart on the 2nd of December 3302, stopping at each outpost on the so-called Colonia highway, and arrive in Colonia in the first week of January. So far, nearly 150 pilots have signed up.

The Earth Defense Fleet, the 9th Legion, the Iridium Wing, SEPP and the Prismatic Imperium have all pledged pilots to protect the freighters for the duration of the trip.

Dalilah William, a citizen of Colonia Hub, said:

"We need more of the essentials that those in the core systems take for granted, which is why we're calling on traders and haulers to join the Christmas Carriers Convoy, and appealing to combat pilots to protect them."


Freelance Report: Hapless Explorer Returns Home

A number of newsfeeds have reported that amateur explorer Commander Lewis has finally returned to human-inhabited space. After following the Distant Worlds Expedition into the void, the unfortunate traveller found himself alone in a damaged Asp Scout some 65,000 light years from civilisation.

A freak accident during the return trip resulted in the loss of most of Commander Lewis's food supplies, leaving him with only tea and an assortment of biscuits for the six-month journey home. After being treated for malnutrition and diabetes, Commander Lewis spoke to the media about his ordeal:

"The journey was a nightmare. I kept getting lost, and was haunted by images of long-dead 21st century actors. If it wasn't for my 1,000 friends on social media, I would have gone insane. I don't think I'll ever eat another biscuit."

Freelance Report: Stanley Steamer's Ransack Rebuttal

Following accusations of recklessness from archaeologist Jeremy Grant, noted SRV racer Stanley Steamer has released the following statement:

"Has Grant actually seen the site? It's already a pile of rubble! And we believe that rubble is the remains of an ancient racetrack. So by racing around it, we're actually honouring the memory of those who built it."

"If one of those highfalutin science nerds can definitively prove I'm wrong, I'll stop driving. But until then, don't go insulting us with your superpower rhetoric, professor!"

Commander Turjan

04 Nov 3302

Freelance Report: Canonn Holds Press Conference

The Canonn Interstellar Research Group held a press conference today to reassure the public that the ruins in the Synuefe XR-H d11-102 system were not being mishandled.

A spokesperson for the organisation claimed that reports of damage at the site had been hugely exaggerated.

"It's true that several scientific vessels were destroyed by rogue pilots, but we haven't observed any damage or contamination at the site."

"As first on the scene, Canonn scientists and affiliates quickly got to work recording the artefacts at the site. Several hundred have already been disseminated to research institutes for analysis."

V Patau

Freelance Report: Fungi Discovered on Airless Worlds

The Colonia Citizens Network has reported that fungal growths have been discovered on the airless world of Colonia 3 C A.

There appear to be four distinct species, which grow on silicate geysers. Mycologist Dr James Morel had this to say about the discovery:

"Based on the visual telemetry, I can say the shelf and puffball-like specimens fall under the basidiomycota phyla of fungi. The other two cannot be identified without studying physical samples."

"I urge explorers to handle the specimens with care, and to follow basic hazardous-material handing protocol. We don't know how these species might interact with living tissue."

The first data on the fungus was recorded by Commander Alesia of the Pilots Federation.

Julian McCoy of the Colonia Citizens Network Alien Research Division issued the following statement:

"The discovery of life, particularly in a remote region like the Colonia Nebula, is a remarkable achievement. I believe this find places new emphasis on the importance of colonization and expanding human knowledge of the galaxy."

Hunter S Volkov

Freelance Reporter

Freelance Report: Irresponsible Independents Ransack Ruins

Following the discovery of ancient ruins on planet 1 B of Synuefe XR-H d11-102, hundreds of independent pilots have plotted a course to the system. Many scientifically-minded Commanders have begun the painstaking task of deciphering the secrets of the ruins.

Unfortunately, the cataloguing and excavation has been disrupted by piracy, profiteers and general pandemonium.

Jeremy Grant, an archaeologist who has been working at the site for several days, expressed concern at the prevailing conditions:

"It's not safe out here. The ruins have been significantly damaged by SRV racing. Priceless artefacts have been shattered and weapons fire has scarred several obelisks, destroying markings."

"Independent pilots have made a lot of noise about the Empire and Federation cordoning off major research sites, but if this is an indication of how independents treat sites of value, perhaps the superpowers are doing the right thing."

Commander Corrigendum