Galnet archive

Freelance Report: Imperial Factions React to Discovery

In recent days, a number of pilots have reported being pulled from hyperspace by alien-looking ships. Reactions have ranged from shock and fear to curiosity and excitement.

Influential Imperial groups the Chapterhouse of Inquisition, Lavigny's Legion and the 9th Legion have issued strict no-fire orders to their pilots in the event that they are confronted by these mysterious vessels. The orders follow reports that the ships are not acting aggressively and are simply scanning ships they encounter.

"Under no circumstances should any of our pilots engage these vessels," said Governor Shelby Ortega, speaking from Chapterhouse of Inquisition headquarters in Kamadhenu.

"We do not know their motivations, so to act rashly could have dire consequences. Be mindful that these vessels can seemingly disable ship systems on a whim. We should avoid making enemies of beings we know nothing about."

Commander Jubei Himura

Freelance Report: Allitnil Shatters Fuel-Economy Records

A new record has been set by Commander Allitnil, who successfully travelled from Sol to Jaques Station in Colonia without making any stops...or equipping a fuel scoop.

The impressive feat took nine days, 5,489 hyperspace jumps and 383 tonnes of hydrogen fuel. Although Commander Allitnil travelled mostly in economic mode, providing regular updates and efficiency calculations, many doubted the trip was possible. But it soon became clear that the amazing efficiency of Allitnil's Anaconda would get him to Jaques with plenty of fuel to spare.

Rumours have surfaced that Commander Allitnil's next challenge might involve travelling from Sol to Beagle Point, but nothing has yet been confirmed.


Freelance Report: Kick the Alien Race Concludes

The Buckyball Race Club has announced the winners of the Kick the Alien (and Run like Hell) race.

First place was taken by Commander Nookie Mr.Smith with a time of 6 minutes 43 seconds, second place was claimed by Commander Raijiin, who completed the circuit in 6 minutes 56 seconds, and third place was taken by Commander Relooops, who finished the race in 7 minutes and 35 seconds.

The Buckyball Racing Club has extended its thanks to those who took part, and apologised to members of the Apocalyptican Faith, who consider the crash site sacred. The organisation insisted that no permanent damage was done, and all race banners, track markers, hot dog stands and tyre tracks have been removed.

Alec Turner

Freelance Report: Pilot Completes Extensive Survey

Commander MissingSea of the Deep Recon X exploration team has completed an extensive survey of the Eol Prou GG-X d1 sub-sector, located between 260 and 370 light years from Colonia.

The region contains a total of 858 solar systems, only four of which were logged in the Universal Cartographics database prior to Commander MissingSea's expedition.

In total, Commander MissingSea scanned 1,676 stellar bodies, 5,088 planets and most of the sub-sector's 8,705 moons. Of the planets scanned, 332 contained some form of life and a further 333 were found to be candidates for terraforming.

The survey began on the 30th of August and finished on the 3rd of December 3302. The survey overview data is available on request.

Freelance Report: Pilot Completes Extensive Survey

Commander MissingSea of the Deep Recon X exploration team has completed an extensive survey of the Eol Prou GG-X d1 sub sector, located between 260 and 370 light years from Colonia.

The sub-region contains a total of 858 solar systems, only four of which were logged in the Universal Cartographics database prior to Commander MissingSea's expedition.

In total, Commander MissingSea scanned 1,676 stellar bodies, 5,088 planets and most of the sector's 8,705 moons. Of the planets scanned, 332 contained some form of life and a further 333 were found to be candidates for terraforming.

The survey began on the 30th of August and finished on the 3rd of December 3302. The survey overview data is available on request.

Commander Iconoclypse

Freelance Report: Protesters Gather at Buckyball Events

In response to the Kick the Alien (and Run like Hell) race, which began on the 22nd of November, huge numbers of protesters have started attending Buckyball Racing Club events throughout the galaxy. Identifying themselves as members of a religious order called the Apocolyptican Faith, the protesters claim the crash site is sacred to their faith and should be protected by law. A spokesperson for the organisation said it would continue to protest at Buckyball events until the club issued a formal apology.

Primus Timothy Dalen, a representative of the organisation, said:

"We are very disappointed with Buckyball Racing Club for treating the cultural and religious practices of others so lightly. We are working towards having these sites protected by local and territorial law, and hope to have something in place by the end of the year."

Commander Vandal Stormovik

Freelance Report: Candy Crew Dominating Buckyball Race

As the Kick the Alien (and Run like Hell) race reaches its midpoint, the top of the leaderboard is dominated by members of the Candy Crew Guild. Commander Nookie Mr.Smith took the number one spot on Thursday with a truly incredible 6 minute 43 second run, while Commanders Raijiin and Rewision are sitting comfortably in second and third place respectively.

Twenty-three competitors have so far hurled their SRVs to the shipwreck and back, while at least five more are scheduled to take part.

But although hundreds of SRVs have raced over the wreckage, it continues to show no signs of life. A Buckyball spokesman said, "Either it's dead or it's not a racing fan."

The race continues throughout next week.

Freelance Report: Record-Breaking Tourist Trip

Since the Pilots Federation endorsed passenger flights and the Beluga luxury liner entered the market, the tourism industry has boomed. Commander Duck of Death, a seasoned explorer, took this reporter on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the far side of the galaxy.

Our journey took us to the Black in Green Nebula, Sagittarius A* and the Red and Green Glory Nebula, as well as a planetary ring with a staggering 54 million kilometre radius. But that wasn't all.

"I've been planned to go to Beagle Point for a few months," said Duck of Death. "Since I'm on the original roster, I feel I have an obligation to complete the expedition."

Spirits were high as we traversed the abyss and entered the Solitude Void, but as the bright lights of the core dwindled I could sense the primordial fear building. Finally, we reached Beagle Point. Before us was the entire Milky Way, farther away than ever, and behind us...the rest of the universe. We were standing on the edge of infinity.

Morris Cowley

Freelance Reporter, Elite Travel Writers' Cooperative