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Aegis Wary About Changing Thargoid Behaviour

A recent behavioural change in the Thargoids has prompted urgent discussion among Aegis researchers and strategists.

Since the fall of the fourth Titan, Hadad, there are increasing reports that the Thargoid expansion efforts have been growing weaker. While Thargoids are continuing to expand outwards from the Titans, they are no longer reinforcing their spire sites. Further, independent squadrons dedicated to defeating the Thargoid threat like SNPX, AXI, and MUDD, have noted increasing ease in thwarting attempts to probe and invade systems.

Dr. Ivano Colombera, Imperial Science Academy’s director of xenological studies and Empire liaison to Aegis, gave their view:

“I have heard the strategy reports touting words like ‘weakening Thargoid presence’, and I must urge caution. I hypothesise that this change signals a strategic defensive response, not an enemy on their last legs.”

“I believe that the Thargoids are consolidating and planning, with the likely aim of reinforcing the final four Titans to prevent further losses. They may seem ‘weak’ now, yes, but everything we know of Thargoid behaviour suggests that this change shepherds something else. We are backing them into a corner, but that is when any creature is at its most unpredictable. And at its most dangerous.”

Aegis has urged pilots across the galaxy to take this warning seriously and work to end the war before the Thargoids have time to retaliate. Humanity’s war effort is currently directed towards Titan Indra.

Thargoid War Bulletin: Oya Successfully Attacked

Titan Oya in the Cephei Sector BV-Y B4 system has been confirmed as destroyed by Aegis, leaving five still operational.

Aden Tanner, Aegis’s lead anti-xeno strategist, delivered a cautionary statement:

“I must remind all Commanders that these missions are highly dangerous and cannot be undertaken lightly. Entering a Maelstrom and flying close to a Titan requires your ship to be outfitted with caustic sink launchers and Thargoid pulse neutralisers. AX weaponry will also prove useful, as will Guardian nanite torpedoes to target the Titans’ thermal vents.”

“Be warned that your combat skills will be tested. Counter-attacks by Thargoid vessels become more frequent as the Titans take damage , and the mothership’s own turrets are deployed more aggressively. I would like to see veteran anti-xeno pilots passing on their knowledge to less-experienced pilots, to prevent unnecessary risks.”

Anti-Guardian field project yields breakthrough - New modifications available

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The engineer Ram Tah has discovered a method of immunising existing Guardian modules against the effects of anti-Guardian fields.

Earlier this year, Ram Tah discovered that certain Guardian relics revealed and activated nanite clusters when exposed to specific electromagnetic frequencies. These nanites proved disruptive to Thargoid technology on a molecular level and, importantly, were entirely unaffected by anti-Guardian fields unlike other Guardian technology.

In an urgent press conference, Aegis leadership announced a breakthrough in researching that latter quality.

The following statement was given by Professor Alba Tesreau:

“Our knowledge of the Thargoids’ ancient adversary, the Guardians, is still so very limited, and yet Guardian technology has once again paved a way forward for humanity.”

“We urge pilots to use the modifications we are producing to utilise any powerful Guardian modules in their possession. Use them to push back against the Thargoid threat. Use them to win this war.”

Aegis went on to announce that the modifications can now be made at Ram Tah’s workshop in the Meene system.

Thargoid War Bulletin: Second Titan Defeated

Titan Leigong in the HIP 8887 system has been eliminated, following the same tactical approach used against Taranis.

Vox Galactica’s Jade Sanderlyn reported:

“Two of the eight Thargoid Titans have now been put out of action. Leigong suffered the same fate as Taranis, with its core being targeted by a sustained bombardment.”

“Aegis is overjoyed at these results. Both Professor Palin and Ram Tah are being praised for their development of the Guardian nanite torpedo, which is crucial to these attacks. And word is spreading that the Thargoid war machine has suffered a critical defeat, one that may change the entire conflict. Can these victories be repeated a further six times?”

The Assault on Taranis

Titan Taranis is under siege, taking major damage, and close to presenting a major turning point in the war against the Thargoids. This is an urgent call to all independent pilots to aid in the complete defeat of a Titan.

A recent surge of financial support has allowed Aegis to remove the material requirements for the following key modules:

- The Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser – the key to punching through the maelstrom’s defensive field and reach the centre.

- The Caustic Sink Launcher – a valuable tool to protect ships from the aggressive caustic fog permeating the cloud around the Titan.

This funding originated from numerous groups and individuals following the news about Ram Tah’s Guardian Nanite Torpedo technology being deployed to great effect against Taranis. Aegis wish to express that humanity will be forever grateful to those who risked their lives to make this happen.

Good luck, Commanders.

Target the Titans – Guardian Nanite Torpedoes Released

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Aegis is preparing concerted attacks against Thargoid Titans using the new weapons now available at rescue megaships.

A successful delivery campaign brought in enough supplies of neofabric insulation, ion distributors and energy grid assemblies to mass-produce the Guardian nanite torpedoes. YZ Ceti Blue Galactic and Co, acting on Aegis’s behalf, is distributing rewards and reimbursing bounty vouchers from Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system.

A press conference was held by Aegis leadership, including a statement from Professor Alba Tesreau:

“The Guardian nanite torpedo is our most important invention yet. Once again, we are utilising the advanced sciences of the Thargoids’ ancient adversary. And once again, we are relying on pilots’ skill and determination to face the Titans at close quarters.”

“I am painfully aware that many abducted people are still in captivity aboard the Thargoid motherships. Scan results suggest that the majority have now been rescued, but those remaining may not survive these attacks. We are forced to accept that their sacrifice will result in fewer deaths than if the Titans are allowed to remain operational.”

Anti-xeno strategist Aden Tanner discussed Aegis’s tactical approach:

“These torpedoes must be aimed at the thermal vents on a Titan’s hull. A sufficiently large payload of Guardian nanites should paralyse these vents. The mothership will be forced to discharge the colossal heat it generates by exposing its inner regions to space. That will provide us with sensitive targets for more conventional weaponry to inflict serious – hopefully critical – damage.”

“Aegis has marshalled Allied, Federal and Imperial ships to undertake this mission, but we calculate they will not be enough. Only with the support of independent Commanders can we hope to deliver enough nanites to affect each Titan. This could prove to be the most important victory in humanity’s history… or our most devastating defeat. Now, more than ever, we need you all.”

Guardian Nanite Torpedoes Enter Production

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Deliveries are urgently needed to begin manufacturing a new weapon capable of causing severe damage to Thargoid Titans.

Professor Ishmael Palin has been leading on the project, using theories developed by Ram Tah. Aegis released an official statement on all newsfeeds:

“We can now reveal the results of Ram Tah’s experiments into Guardian relics. These ancient objects were crystalline supercomputers that relayed data across the Guardians’ information networks. His theory was that their transformation into Unclassified relics at Thargoid surface sites was caused by an inbuilt defence mechanism, which could perhaps be weaponised.”

“Ram Tah discovered that exposure to certain electromagnetic frequencies caused Guardian relics to open and activate clusters of microscopic nanites. These react aggressively against Thargoid biotechnology by disrupting it on the molecular level. Most significantly, tests proved that these nanites are unaffected by the anti-Guardian field generated within Maelstroms.”

“Professor Palin, aided by Aegis technicians, has used Guardian-hybrid engineering to construct a ‘soft’ warhead that delivers a nanite payload. The torpedo is armoured using organic compounds from Thargoid spire sites, to prevent anti-Guardian fields affecting it in flight. Our strategists believe that these weapons could affect a Titan’s heat regulation systems, causing internal damage and eventually even total destruction.”

“Mass production of the Guardian nanite torpedo and its launcher module has begun. But further supplies are needed to construct enough for simultaneous attacks against all eight Thargoid motherships.”

Aegis has asked for shipments of neofabric insulation, ion distributors and energy grid assemblies to be delivered to Clement Orbital in the YZ Ceti system. The initiative is being managed by YZ Ceti Blue Galactic and Co, which aims to protect deliveries by redeeming bounty vouchers on all wanted ships.

Anti-Titan Project Boosted by Thargoid Spire Materials

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Chemicals harvested from Thargoid spire sites have accelerated Aegis’s development of a weapon to destroy the Titans.

Professor Ishmael Palin requested samples of coral sap, impure spire minerals and semi-refined spire minerals, which were delivered to the Arque system. These will be used to produce an armoured layer to protect the weapon against the Maelstroms’ anti-Guardian zones.

Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis, explained more at a press conference:

“I am well aware that obtaining these substances from the Thargoid spire sites has doubtless cost lives. But the importance of this work cannot be overstated. Without resistance to the Maelstroms’ electromagnetic fields, the weapon based on Ram Tah’s theory is doomed to failure.”

“The Alliance, Empire and Federation have all agreed to redirect the majority of Aegis funding to the anti-Titan project. We have also drafted in extra help to construct prototypes and fast-track testing procedures. Although details remain classified, if the results continue to be positive, we may be able to go public in as little as a week.”

Aegis has confirmed that all those who contributed to this initiative can now collect their rewards from Austen Town Station in the Arque system.