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Galactic News: Thargoid Threat Continues to Escalate

Numerous sources have reported that Thargoid activity has escalated dramatically in recent days, with attacks from Thargoid Interceptor-class ships becoming increasingly common in the Pleiades Nebula. Reports confirm that Imperial, Federal and civilian ships have all been targeted. Images captured by survivors of these attacks show Thargoid ships scanning wreckage and gathering debris, including occupied escape pods.

As Aegis continues to analyse the results of these encounters, the organisation’s military liaison, Aden Tanner, released the following statement:

“We are aware that the Interceptors have started capturing escape pods, although we currently have no way of knowing if this is a deliberate strategy or simply a symptom of curiosity. That is not to suggest, of course, that the Thargoids’ motives are benign, as it is clear they are not.”

“Furthermore, the ships we have designated ‘Interceptors’ have started deploying clusters of attack drones, which swarm enemy ships while the Interceptor attacks from range. This significantly enhances the risk presented by the Thargoids, and I urge all pilots operating in the Pleiades to exercise caution.”

“The question is: What is the Thargoids’ objective? All available resources will be directed to answering this question.”

Galactic News: Second Aegis Campaign Concludes

A spokesperson for Aegis has announced that its appeal for Thargoid-related materials has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots took to their ships to deliver material to Chelbin Service Station, which will be used to develop new anti-Thargoid technologies.

As the campaign drew to a close, Admiral Aden Tanner released the following statement:

“Those who supported this initiative have my gratitude. With each new discovery, humanity becomes stronger. But we still have a long way to go.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Chelbin Service Station in the Wolf 397 system.

Galactic News: Thargoids Adapting Rapidly

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’ chief military liaison, has released a statement confirming that the Thargoids have begun adapting to the weapons and tactics developed to combat them.

Admiral Tanner’s statement is reprinted in full below.

“Preliminary reports indicate that although the AX missiles were inflicting significant damage on the Thargoid ships’ ‘heart’ modules, they are now proving less effective. We believe this is due to the Thargoids developing a resistance to the compound carried by the missiles. I am optimistic, however, that the current Aegis initiative will produce weapons capable of overcoming this resistance.”

“Second, we have been informed that the Thargoids are now able to lock onto ships that have deployed countermeasures, although exactly how they are doing this is not yet understood.”

“Previously, Thargoid ships responded to strategic withdrawal by advancing towards the target, even when attacked with missiles. But recent reports indicate that they have started dodging such attacks, particularly when engaged at long range. Finally, the drones deployed by the Thargoid ships have become more accurate, which substantially increases the risk they present to smaller craft.”

“These developments illustrate that we are dealing with a highly intelligent enemy capable of rapidly adapting to our weapons and tactics, and underscore the importance of Aegis’ ongoing anti-Thargoid initiative.”

Galactic News: Report from the Front Lines

Many independent pilots have already taken to their ships to test the anti-Thargoid weaponry recently developed by Aegis. Meanwhile, Aegis has assembled a team of specialists to analyse the results of these encounters and determine the new weapons’ efficacy.

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’s military liaison, said:

“The weapons are working as intended, but the Thargoid vessels are highly resilient. Even with specialised weaponry, it appears their ships can be destroyed only through collective efforts.”

“We have received reports of lone pilots, and even small groups, being utterly annihilated by the Thargoids. This tragic news illustrates that although the new weapons are effective, more work must be done if we are to achieve military parity.”

Galactic News: Further Thargoid Attacks

As Aegis’s first campaign to address the Thargoid threat concludes, reports have reached the core systems of further Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades.

On this occasion, a number of Imperial and civilian ships were targeted, with the strikes taking place in HIP 17225, HR 1185, IH-V C2-5 and the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55. The violence is believed to have resulted in a number of human fatalities.

As with the recent attack in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 system, data recovered from the sites indicates that the Thargoids attacked without provocation. Although some of the ships returned fire, none succeeded in destroying or damaging the Thargoid vessels.

Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute and an authority on xenobiology, commented on the news:

“If the Thargoids believe they have some claim to the Pleiades, then what we’re seeing could be territorialism. But it’s equally possible that they see humanity as an enemy, irrespective of where they encounter us. At this stage it’s hard to draw any definite conclusions.”

Galactic News: Report from the Front Lines

Many independent pilots have already taken to their ships to test the anti-Thargoid weaponry recently developed by Aegis. Meanwhile, Aegis has assembled a team of specialists to analyse the results of these encounters and determine the new weapons’ efficacy.

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis’ military liaison, said:

“The weapons are working as intended, but the Thargoid vessels are highly resilient. Even with specialised weaponry, it appears their ships can be destroyed only through collective efforts.”

“We have received reports of lone pilots, and even small groups, being utterly annihilated by the Thargoids. This tragic news illustrates that although the new weapons are effective, more work must be done if we are to achieve military parity.”

Galactic News: Further Thargoid Attacks

As Aegis’ first campaign to address the Thargoid threat concludes, reports have reached the core systems of further Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades.

On this occasion, a number of Imperial and civilian ships were targeted, with the strikes taking place in HIP 17962, HR 1185, IH-V C2-5 and the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55. The violence is believed to have resulted in a number of human fatalities.

As with the recent attack in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55 system, data recovered from the sites indicates that the Thargoids attacked without provocation. Although some of the ships returned fire, none succeeded in destroying or damaging the Thargoid vessels.

Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute and an authority on xeno biology, commented on the news:

“If the Thargoids believe they have some claim to the Pleiades, then what we’re seeing could be territorialism. But it’s equally possible that they see humanity as an enemy, irrespective of where they encounter us. At this stage it’s hard to draw any definite conclusions.”

Community Goal: Second Aegis Initiative

Last week, Aegis started developing weapons and technologies to address the rising Thargoid threat. While some were dismayed to see Aegis shift to a military focus, the general consensus was that the move was necessary.

Following news that Aegis is to embark on a second development initiative, Aegis' military liaison Admiral Aden Tanner released the following statement:

"The Thargoids represent a very real threat, and their hostility demands that we take appropriate action. As with our previous initiative, our intention is to collaborate with some of the galaxy's foremost engineers to develop efficient anti-Thargoid technologies."

In support of this aim, Aegis's corporate partners Wolf 397 Independents have pledged to reward pilots who deliver tantalum, Thargoid Cyclops tissue samples and CMM Composites to Chelbin Service Station in the Wolf 397 system.

The campaign begins on the 28th of September and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.