Galnet archive

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

An attempt to assassinate Princess Aisling Duval has been prevented by the Imperial Internal Security Service. The attempt occurred in the Zhao system during a fundraising event. The IISS is analysing the explosives used in the attempt to determine their origin.

Meanwhile, former rear admiral Riri McAllister has been shot. She is currently undergoing medical treatment. The incident took place at the Alliance Chamber of Justice on Turner’s World in the Alioth system. McAllister was on trial for organising acts of terrorism as Nexus, founder of the League of Reparation.

The Federal Intelligence Agency has launched an investigation into the Far God cult. Several members of the sect have been arrested. An FIA agent said that the purpose of the investigation was to confirm that the sect was not in contact with Thargoid forces, or being influenced by them.

In other news, Aranbarahun Purple Creative, an independent organisation based in the Aranbarahun system, has announced plans to build a massive cargo ship to transport goods out of the booming system. In support of this goal, the organisation has placed an open order for various commodities, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Barnes Terminal in the Aranbarahun system.

Celebrated author Olav Redcourt has cancelled the promotional tour for his latest novel. In a statement, the author said he was abandoning the historical-romance genre in favour of a new science-fiction saga. The author’s agent responded by underscoring that science-fiction is a niche genre with a tiny audience.

Finally, the Alliance has announced that its appeal for mined resources has reached a successful conclusion, having received an overwhelming response from the galactic community. Huge quantities of raw material were delivered to California Gateway over the past week, which will be used to construct an Ocellus starport in the MEL 22 Sector GM-V C2-8 system.

And those are the main stories this week.

Riri McAllister Shot

Former rear admiral Riri McAllister has been shot. She is currently undergoing medical treatment.

The incident took place at the Alliance Chamber of Justice on Turner’s World in the Alioth system. McAllister was on trial for organising acts of terrorism as Nexus, founder of the League of Reparation.

Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt, who was delivering prosecuting evidence at the trial, briefed the media:

“Shortly after McAllister took the stand she was struck by a single shot from the visitors’ gallery. She is now in intensive care and awaiting transport to an advanced medical facility. Assuming she recovers, the trial will continue at a later date.”

“The shooter has been identified as Polly Cartesius, daughter of Nestor Cartesius, an Imperial senator murdered by the League of Reparation. She used a concealed laser firearm specially designed to avoid security scans. She did not resist arrest, and it is clear that this was an act of revenge for her father’s death. As she is an Imperial citizen, we have extradited her to the care of the IISS.”

Polly Cartesius was last seen in public two weeks ago during her father’s ceremonial funeral, which saw his body entombed in the Hall of Martyrs beneath the Imperial Palace. It is thought that she travelled to Alliance space using false identification.

Captain Niamh Seutonia has taken Ms Cartesius into custody and returned with her to Capitol, where she will stand trial for attempted murder.

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

The League of Reparation has been dismantled, according to the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the organisation. The announcement followed a successful operation to remove League forces from two systems – one in Federal and one in Imperial space. Riri McAllister, the League’s central coordinator, has been charged with multiple terrorism-related crimes.

The Church of Eternal Void, a fringe group that venerates the Guardians, has been declared illegal in every system where it operates. Cardinal Hieronymous and other senior members of the Church have been arrested for inciting acts of violence against the so-called ‘Far God’ sect, which worships the Thargoids.

Meanwhile, members of the Rochester family have come under attack following the engagement of Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester to Princess Aisling Duval. Jordan Rochester’s niece Kali Rochester was the victim of a physical assault, while her father Jupiter Rochester, a Core Dynamics executive, has come under fire from both shareholders and management.

In other news, the classic children’s show Andromedaries, about spacefaring camel-like lifeforms, is being remade for modern audiences. The production company behind the reboot has promised a “dark, blood-soaked journey of psychological discovery”, prompting dismay from the creator and writer of the original programme, Vienna Langhorne.

Finally, the Alliance has announced plans to build a new Ocellus starport to further bridge the gap between the core systems and the Alliance’s outposts in the California Nebula. The organisation overseeing the initiative has placed an open order for mined resources to be used in the construction.

And those are the main stories this week.

League of Reparation Eliminated

The League of Reparation has been dismantled, according to the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the organisation.

Captain Niamh Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service made this statement:

“Following the decryption of the League’s comms network, we have now arrested or eliminated every member of the organisation. The galactic community provided significant support by destroying the League’s strongholds in Federal and Imperial space. Thanks to their efforts, the League of Reparation has been defeated.”

Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt spoke to the media about Riri McAllister, now known to be Nexus, the League’s central coordinator:

“McAllister voluntarily revealed a surprising amount of information during questioning. It seems the League began building its forces a few years ago, recruiting misguided obsessives and mercenaries. They targeted INRA descendants to whom they could gain easy access, murdering dozens of innocent people.”

“After Commander Jameson’s ship was discovered, the League started targeting high-profile individuals and leaving the 'For Jameson' message. This was designed to generate exposure and spread terror to families with an INRA connection.”

“McAllister has confessed to being the original architect of the League. As for her motivation, she insists she is a direct descendant of Commander John Jameson, and that her duty was to avenge his death.”

“In fact, McAllister is registered as an orphan of unknown lineage, meaning that we cannot verify her claim. Our suspicion is that this is a long-held delusion or a product of a psychological disorder.”

Alliance Interpol later confirmed that McAllister had been charged with multiple terrorism-related crimes. Her trial will be held shortly.

League of Reparation Hunt Concludes

The tri-power taskforce whose goal is to eradicate the League of Reparation has announced a successful conclusion to its recent campaign. Scores of pilots supported the taskforce by eliminating League terrorists in the Zibal and Ienpalang systems.

As the campaign drew to a close, Captain Niamh Seutonia had this to say:

“The League of Reparation put up a good fight, just what we’ve come to expect from these fanatics, but we prevailed in the end. With the aid of the galactic community, we have now taken a bold step in eradicating this terrorist organisation once and for all.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative in the Zibal system can now collect their rewards from Hire Port. Pilots who contributed to the initiative in the Ienpalang system can now collect their rewards from Brundage City.

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol has announced that Admiral George Varma, who was arrested last week on suspicion of working with terrorist organisation the League of Reparation, was in fact framed by Rear Admiral Riri McAllister. It is now believed that McAllister is Nexus, the League’s central coordinator.

Following this development, information decrypted by a tri-superpower taskforce has revealed the location of League strongholds in two systems – one in Imperial and one in Federal space. A two-pronged operation to destroy these enclaves is now underway.

Princess Aisling Duval has discussed her forthcoming marriage in an interview with Solomon Helios. The princess insisted that any negativity surrounding the wedding was based on prejudice and fear, saying, “Shouldn’t we all be free to love whomever we wish?”

Meanwhile, there has been a spate of violence against the Thargoid-worshipping Far God cult, resulting in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. The Far God cultists have offered no resistance to the aggression. Local security forces have been slow to respond to the incidents, and few arrests have been made.

In other news, a thermonuclear weapon, launched over a thousand years ago during Earth’s Third World War, has been discovered. The intercontinental ballistic missile was found beneath the Pacific Ocean, during construction of new undersea habitation off the coast of California. The missile’s uranium core has been disarmed and the risk to local populations nullified.

Finally, a spokesperson for the Cobra Wing has announced that its campaign to build a research outpost in the Ebor system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Morris Enterprise and eliminating agitators in Ebor, thereby ensuring the safety of traders.

And those are the main stories this week.

Hunt the League of Reparation

A tri-superpower taskforce has launched a campaign to track down and eliminate members of terrorist group, the League of Reparation.

Captain Niamh Seutonia of the IISS, who is a prominent member of the taskforce, made this announcement:

“With the arrest of Riri McAllister, otherwise known as Nexus, we now hold the main coordinator of the League of Reparation in custody. Furthermore, decrypted information has revealed the location of League strongholds in two separate systems, one in Imperial and one in Federal space.”

“We are determined to eliminate these terrorists before they can wreak any more havoc, but fully expect tough resistance. Therefore we ask the galactic community to provide support in wiping out these dangerous extremists.”

The operation in Zibal will be coordinated by Zibal Power Co. Likewise, military action in Ienpalang will be supported by Ienpalang Corporation.

The campaign begins on the 19th of July 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Identity of Nexus Confirmed

Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol has broken her silence regarding the League of Reparation.

At a special press conference, she made this announcement:

“Prior to her death at the hands of the League of Reparation, I worked closely with my predecessor Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride. She revealed how Fleet Admiral Buchanan’s assassination could only have been arranged by a senior figure within the Alliance Defence Force. She was patiently amassing evidence pertaining to this – a task that I inherited when she died.”

“Information decrypted from the League’s comms network has confirmed Kilbride’s suspicions. I can also confirm that the arrest of Admiral George Varma was due to false leads – misdirection on the part of Varma’s protégé within the Alliance Defence Force, Rear Admiral Riri McAllister.”

“Rear Admiral McAllister is Nexus, the League’s central coordinator. She has now been arrested and formally charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism. We have released Admiral Varma with our apologies.”

“The decrypted data has also revealed the location of two major League enclaves. The taskforce is organising an operation to eradicate these groups, which we hope will be supported by the galactic community.”

Council Member Jed Trager was also present at the conference, and remarked:

“We all owe a debt of gratitude to Inspector Klatt and the late Chief Inspector Kilbride. Thanks to their dedication, Nexus has at last been unmasked. Hopefully this marks the end of the League’s reign of terror.”