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Far God Deportation Programme Approved

The Federation has agreed to the expulsion of all adherents of the Order of the Far God to the Alliance.

President Zachary Hudson issued a statement alongside the government decision:

“Any ideology that worships the Thargoids is destructive and treasonous, especially now we are at war with that species. I believe that rather than waste taxpayers’ money keeping these deluded individuals incarcerated, the Federation is better off without them.”

“This morning I accepted Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal. All former citizens known to have pledged themselves to this toxic religion will be transported beyond our borders and into the care of the Alliance.”

Security services have prioritised the True Chapters cultists currently imprisoned in the Popontia system, labelling them as high-risk compared to orthodox Far God followers. They will be escorted to Alliance space aboard the Dedicant, having agreed to provide full access to the megaship’s databanks and the Order’s sacred texts for Federal assessment. The Dedicant will then collect cultists held in other Federal penal facilities, ferrying them to Allied systems.

Political correspondent Sofia Trevino wrote an opinion piece for The Federal Times:

“Could there be an ulterior motive to this unexpected decision by the President? Perhaps Hudson is mindful of his legacy, with his term of office approaching its end. By tempering his ‘strong man’ reputation with a degree of leniency, he can better portray himself as a firm but fair leader in the Federation’s history books.”

Alliance Offers Amnesty for Far God Cultists

The Alliance Assembly has submitted an appeal for clemency to Federal Congress for followers of the Order of the Far God.

The Thargoid-worshipping faith was outlawed by the Federation in October 3308, after a failed initiative in the Popontia system to outfit a megaship named the Dedicant. Every member of the ‘True Chapters’ sect on board was arrested and stripped of citizenship, with FIA agents rounding up known collaborators in subsequent days. This was in accordance with the Federal constitution which forbids supporting enemies of the state, which the Thargoids are legally classified as.

As part of the request, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon stated:

“The Alliance upholds the principles of religious tolerance, and our systems are free to develop their own laws regarding faith. This means we have always welcomed the Order of the Far God, regardless of its controversial nature. While many disagree with the Order’s message, their members are typically pacifists who have never sought to inflict harm on others.”

“Therefore, we propose that the Federation deports all Far God worshippers to Alliance space rather than imprison them. This could be quickly negotiated as a limited extension of existing extradition treaties.”

“As a security measure, adherents of the True Chapters and other Far God sects would be routinely checked for evidence of illegal activity. But they would otherwise be free to settle on Allied worlds and establish new communities.”

Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

“In the midst of the Thargoid war, some will view this offer as bordering on traitorous. But Mahon is grasping a high-profile opportunity to distinguish the libertarian Alliance from an increasingly authoritarian Federation. If this gesture helps convince independent systems to seek Allied membership, the political gain could far outweigh the potential risk.”

Nemesis Failsafe: Fact or Fiction?

Azimuth Biotech has rejected Seo Jin-ae’s unverified claim that Salvation survived by relocating his mind using advanced Guardian technology.

CEO Torben Rademaker issued this statement:

“I can officially confirm that Azimuth Biotech has no knowledge of any project related to a ‘Nemesis Failsafe’. Frankly, suggesting that anyone could transmit their living mind across space stretches her credibility past breaking point.”

“Seo Jin-ae’s absurd outbursts have justified our fears that she suffers from paranoid delusions, and has falsified data to support her personal vendetta. And she now seems to have an exalted position among the Far God cultists. Only those deranged unfortunates would take her flights of fantasy seriously.”

An article in the scientific journal The Empirical addressed the concepts featured in Seo Jin-ae’s statement:

“The field of exoneurology, whereby the human mind is isolated from the neuronal network and transferred to an artificial host, is mostly comprised of failed experiments. Only the Utopia commune has ever claimed significant success. Their Sim-Archive allegedly duplicates an individual’s memory engrams and uploads them to a sophisticated digital emulation program. But independent reviews of this technology have been prevented by the reclusive nature of Utopian society.”

Seo Jin-ae: ‘I Believe Salvation Survived’

Aegis has published a personal statement from Seo Jin-ae, who claims to have evidence that Salvation planned to escape death in the HIP 22460 system.

“First of all, yes, Caleb Wycherley died when the Thargoids attacked the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460. But, I believe, only physically. He was developing technology to automatically relocate his mind, an emergency protocol he named the Nemesis Failsafe.”

“I know how implausible that sounds, but the files I recovered from an Azimuth Biotech archive prove his intentions. For several years, Salvation ran a private project to reverse-engineer a Guardian artefact which could store consciousness. The design showed neural interactions as digital impulses, and made reference to exactly retaining his identity and memories.”

“Salvation had already extended his life to over 250 years, and was obsessed with staying alive until he could wipe out the Thargoids. I’m convinced that he has survived in some bodiless form, and that Azimuth has known all along.”

Aden Tanner, who works for Aegis as an independent specialist, also released a statement:

“I’ll admit that the designs Seo found seem authentic and incredibly advanced. But the files contained no concrete proof that the Nemesis Failsafe was constructed, or if it could actually work. I’m more concerned that she was being hunted by unknown parties, who would likely have succeeded if not for the Far God cult’s intervention. Perhaps it needs to be restated that actively seeking to hinder Aegis, or its valued personnel, is a crime against all three superpowers.”

In related news, the Testament megaship that rescued Seo Jin-ae from unidentified attackers has now left the Luyten’s Star system, following a week of clemency offered by Federal authorities. A spokesperson for President Hudson reiterated that the Order of the Far God remains illegal in the Federation.

Far God Cultists Rescue Seo Jin-ae

Seo Jin-ae has arrived safely in the Luyten’s Star system, aboard an Order of the Far God megaship.

A message was transmitted by the First Apostle of the True Chapters, a proactive sect of the pacifistic religion, from aboard the Testament:

“The one known to non-believers as Subject D-2 or Seo Jin-ae is sacred to us as the Preceptor – the first human to interpret the will of the Far God. We know her to be a holy emissary, on a personal pilgrimage that exposed her to great danger. I was able to convince my brethren to locate the Preceptor and offer her safe harbour from the heretics.”

“I beseeched the Preceptor to help us hear the Far God’s divine thoughts as she does, but she informed me that the time was not yet right. She requested a reunion with her friends, who also seek ways to commune with Its heralds. While this insistence on collaborating with the unworthy is curious, we have faith that the Far God guides her path. One day the Preceptor will prepare us for the extinction of all life. It is our honour to serve her.”

Professor Alba Tesreau gave a statement to the media:

“I am very grateful to the First Apostle for her help. The Testament’s timely intervention routed several unidentified hostile ships that were hunting Seo Jin-ae. Once she has completed a medical assessment, we hope to learn more about her recent findings.”

Congressman Tom Gillespie has instructed Aegis not to make formal contact with Far God cultists, whose faith is outlawed in the Federation as well as the Empire. A week’s clemency has been issued in recognition of Seo’s safe return, but the Testament’s presence deep in Federal territory is likely to irritate President Hudson.

A Retrospective of 3308 (Part Three)

The concluding article in a series by historian Sima Kalhana, providing an overview of last year’s key events.

“The aftermath of the Battle of HIP 22460 was an unsettling time. With Salvation dead, Azimuth Biotech fell under new management and struggled to maintain prominence. The Empire withdrew from further collaborations with the other superpowers. And despite widespread fears of Thargoid reprisals, a xeno-peace movement sought diplomacy with the aliens to prevent further conflict.”

“September brought further mysteries with sightings of eight swirling anomalies in deep space, detectable by ship scanners within a certain range. Initially assumed to be stellar phenomena, these rogue signal sources were later discovered to be travelling faster than light.”

“Professor Alba Tesreau continued to call for Aegis to be reinstated, and held a symposium in October to outline her plans. This was gatecrashed by a woman named Seo Jin-ae, formerly Subject D-2 in Azimuth’s notorious Project Seraph experiments. Her neural link to a Thargoid vessel provided a degree of insight into the aliens’ behaviour. With Tesreau’s help, she later claimed the rogue signal sources were of Thargoid origin, summoned in response to events in HIP 22460.”

“The Far God cult was overjoyed by the Thargoids’ recent victory, but its radical True Chapters sect was accused of sharing classified media from HIP 22460 which included the ‘Thargoid roar’. The Federation outlawed the religion, forcing the True Chapters megaships to flee.”

“By November, it was confirmed that all eight rogue signal sources were approaching the core systems. Congressman Dalton Chase arranged for the xeno-peace movement to outfit the Kingfisher megaship, which was sent to meet and communicate with one of the so-called ‘stargoids’. It was swiftly destroyed, establishing a grim prelude for the bloodshed to follow.”

“Taranis, the first of the anomalies, arrived in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 on 29th November, manifesting as a colossal gas cloud. This Maelstrom immediately unleashed vast numbers of Thargoid vessels into neighbouring systems, ferociously attacking all orbital and planet-based habitats.”

“The remaining seven Maelstroms arrived during December, empowering the Thargoids to invade and conquer systems. Superpower militaries, anti-xeno squadrons and independent pilots rushed to their defence, but were clearly unprepared for an onslaught of such magnitude.”

“By the end of 3308, Thargoid forces were raging across the core systems, causing millions of casualties and displacing millions more from their homes. The cataclysmic events of the past year have cast a chilling shadow over the future, with only one certainty: that 3309 will be dominated by the Second Thargoid War.”

The Call for Unity

Newsfeeds across the core systems have reflected the increasing public demand for full-scale military cooperation against the Thargoids.

Federal Free Press: “Removing the Far God cult from Federal space was a way of distracting the people from President Hudson’s failures. The real threat remains the Thargoids themselves, and there is little chance of withstanding them without Allied and Imperial aid.”

Citizens' Chronicle: “With the greatest respect to Her Majesty, the Empire cannot pretend that it played no part in the disaster at HIP 22460. Surely we are strong enough to shoulder some of the burden in defeating this common enemy?”

Old Worlds Gazette: “After the Aegis symposium, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran supported reinstating the tri-superpower agency, claiming: ‘The scale of the conflict deserves a stronger response than our pact with Sirius Corporation can provide.’”

The Marlin Standard: “The proximity of the Thargoids to our democratic republic has always been a major concern. Parliament has agreed that any collaborative anti-xeno initiative would be of great interest.”

Sol Today: “We all know that you can’t trust the Imps or the Alliars. But at least they’re not vicious genocidal monstrosities. And as General Falkenrath famously said: ‘The enemy of my enemy is my disposable infantry.’”

The Sovereign: “The xeno-peace movement, as espoused by our very own Heimar Borichev, is laudable. But many independent systems are demanding a less diplomatic strategy.”

Vox Galactica: “The demands for a solution to the Thargoids are becoming more strident. According to unofficial reports, some low-level civil and military leaders have begun talking across the political divides, despite the lack of direction from their superiors. There is clearly a growing appetite for solidarity, whether through Aegis or some other means.”

Materials Required for Xeno-Peace Convoy

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Federal Governor Dalton Chase requests deliveries to the Andavandul system to establish a xeno-peace envoy vessel.

The initiative spearheaded by Chase, a member of the Liberal Party who is currently campaigning for a congressional seat, intends to provide a megaship for use in Thargoid Advocacy Project operations. He announced:

“The Federation’s leaders are sworn to protect its people, yet our aggressive interactions with the Thargoids have placed entire systems in great danger. Order of the Far God cultists shouldn’t be the image we conjure when suggesting non-military options. It’s time to prove that we possess the capacity for peaceful relations with other species.”

“The convoy established on behalf of the Thargoid Advocacy Project is a non-partisan diplomatic mission representing humanity’s call for a ceasefire. Its purpose is to find ways to communicate with the Thargoids and make peaceful overtures. Imagine it: diplomatic channels between different races. Peace in our time! Lend us your support to lay this foundation for a more harmonious future.”

Other notable figures in the xeno-peace movement have endorsed Governor Chase’s congressional campaign. Leading ICE-caster Joy Senne has referred to him as ‘our ambassador of hope’. Heimar Borichev revealed that Chase intends to lobby Shadow President Winters to incorporate Thargoid diplomacy into Liberal Party policies.

Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar has agreed to host the pro-peace megaship initiative, and will organise payment for shipments of computer components, semiconductors and titanium to Blenkinsop Hub in the Andavandul system. To protect deliveries, Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar will also reimburse combat vouchers for all wanted ships.