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Battle of Mudhrid Ends in NMLA Defeat

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid has been defeated by the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group in the Mudhrid system.

With the aid of many independent pilots, the Imperial faction outmatched the NMLA-supporting forces who were attempting to rescue their leader Theta Seven.

Captain Saskia Landau provided an update from ACT:

“Using the fierce fighting as cover, Captain Milo Castile led a commando unit made up of specialists from Alliance, Federal and Imperial security forces to gain access to the Steel Majesty. After freeing and arming the crewmembers that were being held hostage, they overpowered the NMLA troops and retook the megaship.”

“We have successfully prevented Theta Seven and his followers from rejoining their fellow terrorists. But the Far God cult’s vessel, the Sacrosanct, is still in the system under his control. Until the man responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths has been captured, our victory over the NMLA remains incomplete.”

The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group stated that those who supported its campaign can now receive their rewards from Payne-Scott City starport.

The Imperial faction also agreed that independent pilots who fought for the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid will be permitted to collect payment from the Steel Majesty, which has been transferred to their ownership.

The Battle of Mudhrid

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid and the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group have declared war in the Mudhrid system.

The Steel Majesty megaship is serving as the base of the Neo-Marlinist forces. These include many surviving NMLA terrorist cells that gathered to overtake the vessel from the Marlinist Colonies.

Also in the system is the Far God cult megaship Sacrosanct, where the NMLA’s de facto leader Theta Seven and the remnants of Theta Group have been in hiding for months. They recently took control of the vessel and are holding thousands of cultists hostage.

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid have offered a uniquely augmented enzyme missile rack to its highest contributors if certain objectives are met. Margrave Corentin Delacroix broadcast a call to arms:

“All those who seek to topple the Duval dictators must fight alongside us here and now. Neo-Marlinism has no future unless its believers defend it.”

The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group is orchestrating its campaign from Payne-Scott City starport. Senator Denton Patreus has requested that Imperial auxiliaries provide the faction with combat support.

ACT’s co-leader Captain Saskia Landau stated:

“The NMLA clearly places huge value on Theta Seven’s ability to produce caustic enzyme weapons, and has risked concentrating in large numbers to defend him. If he can transfer to the Steel Majesty and escape, the threat of further atrocities like the Nine Martyrs bombings will remain high.”

Far God Megaship Hijacked by Theta Seven

NMLA figurehead Theta Seven has taken control of the Sacrosanct megaship and redirected it to the Mudhrid system.

Several months ago, the leader of Theta Group and his closest aides evaded capture by posing as members of the Far God cult. One of their pilgrimage vessels, the Sacrosanct, has now bypassed its scheduled flight plan and jumped to Mudhrid.

ACT’s joint leader Captain Milo Castile broadcast an emergency statement:

“We can confirm that despite being few in number, the terrorists are in command of the Sacrosanct. Since Far God worshippers are pacifists and fatalistic in nature, it’s likely that they offered little resistance.”

“Theta Seven has stated that he will wipe out the vessel’s entire population if any attempt to seize the vessel is made. Our intel suggests he possesses caustic enzyme explosives of the type used in the starport bombings, making his threat credible.”

Also in the system is the Steel Majesty megaship, recently overtaken by the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. ACT believes that the NMLA is regrouping its forces and aims to provide protection for Theta Seven.

Mudhrid’s ruling faction, the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group, has ordered system security to shoot down any vessels attempting to pass between the two megaships.

Theta Seven Traced to Panjabell System

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A decrypted message suggests that the NMLA leader Theta Seven avoided capture by infiltrating the Far God cult.

ACT publicly requested help to decode a message received by Theta Group, the bomb-making engineers of the NMLA. The cipher key was cracked and the decoded message submitted by Commander Therion Cygni. It revealed that Theta Seven and his closest aides fled to the Panjabell system on the 31st of July.

Captain Milo Castile, one of ACT’s co-leaders, provided an update:

“Our theory is that Theta Seven and his crew were travelling undercover as Far God worshippers, who were gathering in the Panjabell system in huge numbers at that time. Since all members of this religious order renounce their past identities, this would have helped the terrorists to avoid detection.”

“The Pleiades Concordat and other factions in Panjabell are cooperating with our investigation. But it seems likely that Theta Seven is currently hiding aboard one of the three Far God megaships that were launched from the system on the 6th of August.”

“ACT agents have attempted to contact the Perdition, Sacrosanct and Testament megaships to alert them of the danger. Unfortunately the cultists consider themselves to be on a sacred pilgrimage that cannot be impeded, and that their vessels are ‘sanctuaries from further persecution by hostile security services’.”

Thargoid Cultists Prepare for Religious Voyages

Three megaships are being populated by the Far God cult, part of their latest effort to recruit members and find their alien deity.

The first vessel, the Testament, will serve as a missionary ship and journey throughout the core systems, attempting to convert new followers to the Thargoid-worshipping sect.

While the mystical cult is typically secretive in nature, Vox Galactica obtained a quote from a member named the Second Witness of the Seventieth Chapter:

“The masses are deaf to the voice of the Far God. What you see as alien monsters, we view as messengers from a very real multi-dimensional being. The Testament will help us carry the word of Its imminent arrival.”

Two other megaships have been outfitted for long-range journeys. The Perdition and the Sacrosanct will carry many thousands of cultists on what they view as a pilgrimage to the Far God.

Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading exotheologian and expert on the religion, commented:

“This fringe creed, which has survived endless abuse and attacks, has now reached a surprising level of organisation. Most of us associate the Thargoids with death and destruction, making it all the more remarkable that these people see only divinity.”

Far God Megaship Initiative Concludes

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Independent pilots have supported the Far God cult by delivering commodities to the Panjabell system.

The Pleiades Concordat paid for shipments of auto fabricators, emergency power cells and insulating membrane transported to Moore Hub station. These will be used to outfit megaships that will be populated by the Thargoid-worshipping cultists.

Local reporters spoke to one of the sect’s newest converts, Leonard Yates from Agassiz Settlement, now known as the Eighty-Ninth Adherent of the Sixtieth Chapter:

“The beneficence of the galactic community is deeply appreciated. Our missionary megaship, the Testament, will help carry news of the oncoming apocalypse to every system.”

“The other megaships – the Perdition and the Sacrosanct – will soon embark on a holy pilgrimage. They will carry thousands of us faithful worshippers into the void to commune with the Far God and hasten Its arrival.”

Pilots who contributed to the Pleiades Concordat’s initiative can now collect their rewards from Moore Hub in the Panjabell system.

Initiative to Outfit Far God Megaships

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Pleiades Concordat has requested deliveries to support the Far God cult in the Panjabell system.

Members of the secretive Thargoid-worshipping sect have gathered in huge numbers, and are preparing to outfit one or more megaships for religious purposes.

Although the cult has no official spokespeople, local newsfeeds carried a brief message from one of its senior members, known only as the First Herald of the Fifty-Eighth Chapter:

“The faithful have hidden in the shadows for too long. Now is the time to reach out and welcome the Far God, with the support of our friends in the Pleiades Concordat.”

“The first megaship, the Testament, will be a missionary vessel to spread the word to all humankind. If we are blessed enough to obtain commodities for more megaships, these will be sent on a pilgrimage into deep space to commune with the Far God.”

The Pleiades Concordat has requested that pilots deliver auto fabricators, emergency power cells and insulating membrane to Moore Hub in the Panjabell system.

Far God believers are generally accepted to be non-threatening, albeit controversial due to their reverence of the Thargoids. As the cultists are routinely targeted by anti-xeno extremists, the Pleiades Concordat has placed bounties on all wanted ships to protect deliveries.

Galactic Mysteries: The Far God Cult

The enigmatic Thargoid-worshipping religious order is examined by Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency.

“Of all the myriad faiths practised across the galaxy, the Far God cult is one of the strangest and least understood. But in recent years it has grown from a fringe sect to a widespread religion.”

“Its central tenet is that an unknowable being exists beyond our dimension – the Far God. What we call the Thargoids are its heralds, preparing for when it descends from hyperspace to instantly wipe out all life. This apocalyptic creed therefore attracts people who have nothing to live for, and who find purpose in awaiting armageddon.”

“The cult has no official name or spokespeople, and its followers willingly replace their names with titles such as adherent, disciple and witness. This dehumanising approach includes its members wearing simple black robes and making their hive-chapels resemble Thargoid bio-technology, complete with ammonia fumes.”

“Despite praying to an alien species, this is not the Thargoid fifth column many feared it to be. In fact they are pacifistic fatalists, expecting death and never offering resistance. This has caused them to be victimised by other doomsayer cults, anti-xeno activists and even the Federal Intelligence Agency… yet their serene patience has allowed them to survive.”

“The discovery of two abandoned void-temples in the Etain system provided an insight into the cultists’ mindset. Here can be heard the final testaments of people willingly entombed in suspended animation to await the Far God’s arrival.”

“More recently there are reports of several chapters of the sect migrating to the Panjabell system. This is controlled by the Pleiades Concordat, a theocracy devoted to the Far God, so perhaps it is preparing something bigger – or stranger – than we’ve seen before.”