Galnet archive

Freelance Report: Dr Arcanonn Supporting Meta-Alloy Drive

Verity Gavroche, official correspondent for the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, has spoken to Dr Arcanonn about the meta-alloy drive from the Pioneer's Cooperative:

"On the 24th of March, the Pioneer's Cooperative – an organisation of which the Canonn is a proud member – placed an open order for meta-alloys to be delivered to Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system. The goal is to gather enough of the material to produce ship modules that are resistant to the Unknown Artefacts' self-repair mechanism, thus preventing system degradation in ships transporting UAs."

"Obviously, our considerable interest in the UAs means that the possibility of transporting them without incurring ship damage is extremely exciting. In addition to the financial incentives on offer, I'm certain that being able to freely transport UAs will be a crucial part of future scientific research. So please bring your meta-alloys to Obsidian Orbital today!"

Commander Lord Zoltan

Galactic News: Canonn Campaign Comes to an End

The campaign from the Canonn Interstellar Research Group to establish a new research outpost in the Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-43 system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering palladium to Thompson Dock, prompting a spokesperson for the Canonn to release a brief statement:

"We are immensely grateful to those who supported this campaign. With more Unknown Artefacts being discovered every day, it is more important than ever that we have access to a dedicated research outpost. Hopefully, the new station will become one of the galaxy's foremost centres for UA research."

17 Mar 3302

Freelance Report: More Palladium for Dr Arcanonn

A spokesperson for the Canonn Interstellar Research Group has issued a plea for a final push in the campaign to establish a research outpost at Thompson Dock:

"The response from the community has been incredible, but we need more palladium!"

"I know you're tired, but this project is too important for us to give up. I've been living on a particularly strong blend of Varatian coffee, and I understand the local suppliers have made it freely available to all miners. It's great stuff if you don't mind a few heart palpitations."

"We really want to hit the next milestone so we can get a commodities market at the station. If we can do that, Dr Arcanonn will be able to do what he does best."

"So please come and mine for the Canonn between now and Thursday afternoon. The rewards are huge, and the camaraderie among the miners is fantastic."

Commander Lord Zoltan

Galactic News: Breakthrough in the Fight against Technological Plague

When Professor Ishmael Palin and his team disappeared en route to Maia b1ba, research into meta-alloys was brought to a near standstill, with only the Canonn Interstellar Research Group continuing to investigate the mysterious material. But recent reports indicate that research has continued in Professor Palin's absence under the helm of Lea Tantaga, a molecular chemist based at Obsidian Orbital.

"We've known for a while that the ongoing technical issues are the result of molecular interference from the Unknown Artefacts," said Tantaga. "What we now know is that meta-alloys can be used to neutralise this interference. In their raw form, the meta-alloys aren't all that effective. And the process of using them to create materials that can counter the artefacts' dangerous self-repair mechanism hasn't yet been perfected. But we're definitely on the right path."

In response to this development, authorities at starports affected by the technological plague have opened their markets to the sale of meta-alloys, no doubt hoping to receive further quantities of the much-needed material and return their outposts to normality. But the harvesting of meta-alloys continues to prove controversial, with some opining that the so-called 'barnacles' from which the materials are derived – and which are destroyed in the harvesting process – should be protected.

15 Mar 3302

Freelance Report: Canonn Scientist Observes Firefly Fandango

Verity Gavroche, official correspondent for the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, has spoken to Dr Arcanonn about an exciting new discovery:

"Over the weekend I was contacted by a Commander Engalo, who told me he'd observed an interaction between the Unknown Artefacts and the barnacle 'flowers' – the source of the meta-alloys."

"Both the barnacles and the artefacts have features we've nicknamed 'fireflies' – bright specks of light that appear to move of their own volition. Engalo has observed that if you place an artefact near a barnacle, their respective fireflies start flying around together. This continues until the UA is removed."

"I can't thank Commander Engalo enough for bringing this to my attention. With the new lab the community is helping us build, we'll soon be able to observe this behaviour under controlled conditions."

Commander Lord Zoltan

Community Goal: Canonn Launches Outpost Campaign

The Canonn Interstellar Research Group has launched a campaign to construct a state-of-the-art research outpost in the Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-43 system to support its ongoing research into the Unknown Artefacts. As part of this initiative, the organisation has placed an open order for palladium, promising to generously reward pilots who deliver the necessary materials to Thompson Dock in the Varati system.

A spokesperson for the Canonn released a statement to the media:

"Given the failure of Professor Palin's recent attempt to establish a research outpost in the Maia system, I am aware that certain sections of the galactic community may receive our request with scepticism. But the fact is that the study of the Unknown Artefacts is still of great importance, and it is essential that a dedicated research outpost be established, far from the civilian population, where they can be safely investigated."

The campaign begins on the 10th of March 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Freelance Report: Canonn Scientist Requests Meta-Alloys

Professor D Luffy, head of research at Bond Hub in the Varati system, has released a statement about the station's need for meta-alloys:

"My researchers are ready to receive as many meta-alloys as the community can deliver. We're certain we can repeat the success of the Obsidian Orbital engineers and reverse the malfunctions plaguing so many stations in the bubble."

"My colleagues and I understand the concerns about harvesting meta-alloys from the barnacles, but this plague is affecting millions of people and it seems the meta-alloys have been given to us specifically as a cure."

"We do not condone the destruction of barnacle sites, and we are prepared for the possibility that something bad could happen as a result of using the meta-alloys in this way, but we must balance the need for caution against the needs of humanity. So, please, bring your meta-alloys to us and let us do the rest."

Commander Lord Zoltan

Freelance Report: Dr Arcanonn Responds to Plea for Meta-Alloys

Responding to the suggestion that more meta-alloys be shipped to stations experiencing technical issues, Dr Arcanonn of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group has issued a statement:

"Many teams from the Canonn Interstellar Research Group have already started collecting meta-alloys. Some have been doing so for many days. But one thing bothers me. The community painstakingly collected and shipped thousands of tonnes of meta-alloys to Obsidian Orbital for Professor Palin. Where did they go? Surely the engineering teams at Obsidian Orbital didn't use them all up?"

"I want to urge personnel at Obsidian Orbital to help us by releasing their remaining stock of meta-alloys to the commodities market. Once the existing supply runs out, we will return to the barnacle sites to collect more."

"Since one of the affected stations is in my home system, I'm as eager as everyone else to deal with these malfunctions. It seems we have the means to fix the problems, so let's do it."

Commander Lord Zoltan